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Roy Howell 03-08-2005 10:52 AM

Re: New mix updated.

Roy what did you listen to the mix on?

The reason i am asking is because everything seemed to be ok... but the other night i was at a friend's house listening to the mix on his Event PS6 and it sounded horrible! Sounded like the speakers were breaking up because of the low end in the mix.
I'm thinking it was his PS6 but now i am not sure?


I imported the 2 mixes into a PT sesh, and A/B'ed em side by side. I listened on a pair of JBL speakers(average to good stereo speakers), and the overall mix sounds good. I don't know about your friend's exact playback setup(is there any added EQ he's using?), but your mix is far from sounding 'horrible'.
I'm about to get some Genelec 1030s(or equivalent), so that may make me more picky...
How did it sound on the other 3 setups you mentioned?


DR.Loop 03-08-2005 12:36 PM

Re: New mix updated.
Roy... Everything sounded pretty decent on the speakers i tried. I am starting think maybe there is something wrong with my friends speakers(no added eq). I was surprised by how they sounded i guess. He had about 3" of water down where he records a couple months ago and some light construction is going on also at this moment. I wonder if something happen during that time.

Have you ever tested Bluesky monitors?

BlueSky 2.1(would like to go 5.1 someday)or pick up LA 610 or Vintech73 preamp.
I'm at a crossroad on which to get first.
Any input on which you way you might go first?
Monitors or preamp.

WestPhillySoulzition 03-08-2005 01:12 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey here is the intro to my record... right before my studio got jacked. It is called commencement. Live upright bass, horn, guitar keys.
check it out...

WestPhillySoulzition 03-08-2005 01:13 PM

Re: It\'s been a long time...
Hey here is the intro to my record... right before my studio got jacked. It is called commencement. Live upright bass, horn, guitar keys.
check it out...

Roy Howell 03-08-2005 10:06 PM

Re: New mix updated.

Have you ever tested Bluesky monitors?

BlueSky 2.1(would like to go 5.1 someday)or pick up LA 610 or Vintech73 preamp.
I'm at a crossroad on which to get first.
Any input on which you way you might go first?
Monitors or preamp.

I haven't had a chance to hear the bluesky monitors, but I hear they're nice. On monitors vs. preamp.....hmmm...tough call. Both can make a big difference to your mixes. (I know I'm no help... ).

I'm about to do a major upgrade myself, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go with Genelecs(1030's). I'm getting advice from some friends on this. Aussie169(Mark) and I went over some of the things I need recently and came up with this list just for starters.



Roy Howell 03-08-2005 10:56 PM

Re: It\'s been a long time...

Hey here is the intro to my record... right before my studio got jacked. It is called commencement. Live upright bass, horn, guitar keys.
check it out...

WestPhillySoulzition.....very laid back and interesting...really nice job.


WestPhillySoulzition 03-09-2005 07:41 AM

Re: It\'s been a long time...
thnks Roy,
That was my intro to my record , but the whole body of work was jacked from my studio. It is probably sitting under someones bed collecting dust. So much for earning what you got.

WestPhillySoulzition 03-10-2005 07:37 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Roy Howell 03-10-2005 03:16 PM

Re: It\'s been a long time...

thnks Roy,
That was my intro to my record , but the whole body of work was jacked from my studio. It is probably sitting under someones bed collecting dust. So much for earning what you got.

Man, I sure hate to hear that...I have a dj friend here who just had his van stolen with 30k of equipment in it...no trace of the van, and no insurance on the equipment.....I really feel for you and hope that good things come back to you twofold.


malfunction 03-11-2005 05:29 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey Jamlaw, parasite sounds great! Well done...what mic/pre amp did you use on the bass? Did you make the drum samples yourself?

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