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Finne 01-26-2006 06:11 AM

Re: TBR Stuff

Here is the song with Bass added.

Hello Doc. Did you edit hi-hat? Or it is only the bass? Hi-hat swims significant better at mix now! (And it was not bad in the first mix.)

IntelDoc 01-26-2006 10:41 AM

Re: TBR Stuff
thanks for the comments first off. I added the bass, and went in and lowered the reveb sends overall across the board. That seemed to really tame it. I also added a 1 band eq and filtered everything out above 15 k on the lexicon verb. That took alot of the harshness out of the mix too. I do believe that I lowered the hat just a notch like 1db or so. It really gel'd better after the bass was added and some tweeks. The verb was too washy so lowering it made it feel better and smoother I think.

We are looking at Gene to add some violin for us, but not sure yet.

Thanks again.


davec 01-28-2006 09:35 PM

Latest Stuff

Here's the latest project I'm working on. That's Toupey Luft on vocals and 6 string. Yours truly in support. Her site is here: Toupey Luft

Here's the remix:


I promise this one isn't heavy ...

Adagio_in_Nomine 01-29-2006 12:37 PM

Re: Latest Stuff
Hello everybody!
Im working on a project that´ll be complete in a few moths. But until then, here´s a little riff I recorded with my new 7stringed badboy for those of you who are interessted in slow heavy music.

By the way, dont mind the solo, its a little rough its just a test so Im not gonna rerecord it, maybe later. This riff will NOT be on the record so if you like it, do whatever you want with it... enjoy!

Give me some feedback on the production, its not the best song in the world but what do you think of the mastering and so on?

Its the song "7string thingie" check out the other ones too if you want, they all are on:

All the happiness to you!

davec 01-30-2006 12:07 AM

Re: Latest Stuff

Hello everybody!
Im working on a project that´ll be complete in a few moths. But until then, here´s a little riff I recorded with my new 7stringed badboy for those of you who are interessted in slow heavy music.

By the way, dont mind the solo, its a little rough its just a test so Im not gonna rerecord it, maybe later. This riff will NOT be on the record so if you like it, do whatever you want with it... enjoy!

Give me some feedback on the production, its not the best song in the world but what do you think of the mastering and so on?

Its the song "7string thingie" check out the other ones too if you want, they all are on:

All the happiness to you!

Your own Way is pretty good. Very Metallica'ish if that's what you were shooting for. Rather than explain, here's what I would have done with the song.. (with Harmonizer)

Your Own Way

I would lower the bass and raise the bass drum. Also I would have created a pan layout for the drums instead of centering everything.

Here's the original:

Your Own Way - Original

filosofem 01-30-2006 12:34 AM

Re: Latest Stuff


Here's the latest project I'm working on. Here's the remix: Lilacs

Hey Dave nice mix, good song, laid back, atmospheric, you could really feel yourself sinking in to the synth arrangement. I have a question thou, with one of the guitar tracks, is it deliberate or some sort of time signature, it seemed a little out?


davec 01-30-2006 01:17 AM

Re: Latest Stuff



Here's the latest project I'm working on. Here's the remix: Lilacs

Hey Dave nice mix, good song, laid back, atmospheric, you could really feel yourself sinking in to the synth arrangement. I have a question thou, with one of the guitar tracks, is it deliberate or some sort of time signature, it seemed a little out?


Yeah, I'm using her song off her CD and the delay effect on her voice is unfortuntely on the guitar as well. I'm trying to negociate on a project with her in which we'll re-cut the song. Thanks for the positive feedback filo.

Wheeltard 01-30-2006 08:41 PM

First track on my Pro Tools rig...
It's a rough mix, but feedback definitely welcome.

davec 01-31-2006 07:20 AM

Re: First track on my Pro Tools rig...

It's a rough mix, but feedback definitely welcome.

The song has good potential with a little work. For a rough mix it's not bad. Still very demo though. Cool song...

Wheeltard 01-31-2006 09:33 AM

Re: First track on my Pro Tools rig...
Thanks Dave. Agreed on all fronts. I got more than a few vocal punch-ins and some serious mixing choices to make for drums and the stereo field (as if I know what I'm even talking about on that one:D). I'll share my second pass, hopefully this weekend.
Thanks again,

P.S. -- Dave, if you have any specific recs (frequency suggestions, FX, editing, etc.), please share 'em. Your stuff is always pro and on the money.

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