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Steevp 12-13-2004 03:34 PM

Re: heres one

Heres one of our latest


Hi Joz,

Just playing catchup here, great song, excellently recorded, nice work sir.


Swaphappy 12-13-2004 06:09 PM

Re: Xmas Tunes
Well what I would like to get him is the $300 robot kit from
Radio Shack but we may have to go with the lump of coal
since my wife lost her job a while back and we kind of got caught in a bind.
(this post is in response to Roy's question in case anyone wonders)
Jonathan has been doing really good at public school after being at the aspie school
for six months. We are sure glad to have him back.
It wouldn't be Christmas without him. Well it's my wife's birthday today
so I better go give myself to her before she calls me sorry again.
I want to stay on her good side. Of course the other side is good too.. once she flips over.
Well, I read your post about being a Christian and that is great. I'm a saved sinner myself.
Being saved doesn't mean I won't mess up it just means I won't catch hell for it...
after death I mean. My wife will make me pay while I'm alive but after death I'm good to
to heaven.
What were you thinking?
Funny thing happened. The other night we were having dinner and the subject of death came up.
You know, how it does when your all about to eat some dead meat. Ay way, my wife's uncle
asked me if my father had died quickly or slowly. I thought but was without words then the words
came out... Well Bill... I think he died slowly because it took 81 years!
Everybody cracked up and I couldn't believe I said it.
I'm just not right.

Aoede 12-13-2004 06:34 PM

Re: heres one
Joz, Little lives....I like it a lot. Great mix.

So answer my question Joz....is Overnight Lows going to be releasing a CD soon??


Tracy Lowery 12-13-2004 08:38 PM

Let me know what you think!!!
Hey Guys, Local songwriter demo,please comment on the production and mix.

Thanks Tracy

web page

Aoede 12-13-2004 09:46 PM

Re: Let me know what you think!!!
I like it, cool tune. The production is good, I would maybe just turn up the geetars a little in the mix, especially the electric but, I'm a metal head anyway so, it's probably ok I also like the backing vox but, bring'em up in the mix just a little.

Joz 12-13-2004 11:43 PM

Re: heres one

So answer my question Joz....is Overnight Lows going to be releasing a CD soon??


We're just gonna see what happens this busy month. And we'll decide in Jan. if we release it ourselves or push it to the record labels. Either way there'll be a CD. We are also in the final stages of writing a couple new songs, to havea full CD.
Thanks for the interest.


yOkO 12-14-2004 07:08 AM

Re: Let me know what you think!!!
hey tracy, so you finaly could, love to see women work arround,
couldn't hear the very begining of the song, nice song,
thought the clean guits and backing voices could be a little bit more on the face .

Guit4Brains 12-14-2004 07:51 AM

Re: Finally posting some tunes
cool...if you don't mind me asking, what team are you on for the cape 2 thing?

Luis Miguel 12-14-2004 08:40 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Shoot your guns on this one!
Perhaps not your style but, try to evaluate independently from that.


Roy Howell 12-14-2004 10:59 AM

Re: Finally posting some tunes
I'm on Team Intuition as 'MudCat'. I heard Charles Dye's final mix last night...now it goes to Brad Blackwood to be mastered.

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