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IntelDoc 07-12-2004 08:47 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Much better levels. Going to listen tonight when I get home though too... Not as crazy loud though! Sounds smoother on the ears....

Maybe the cat will survive too....

- Doc

skyking 07-12-2004 02:58 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
sorry to anyone that tried to listen to the song i posted ....my freebeee website aint makin it happen so disregard....thanks chas

sventvkg 07-12-2004 05:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Finally got to listen some here at work. Sounds great! Very fun vibe going on with the tunes and the guitars sound great. Very full! can you tell us how you tracked them? vocals too!

Good job man. Very interesting sounds.. cannot quite pinpoint the sound... that is a good thing!

- Doc

thanks man..I keep asking everyone who/what I sound like and no one can really pinpoint so yea, it's a good thing...Anyway as far as tracking I actually tracked all the guitars through my PODxt direct. Next album, i'm going to be using primarily Mic'd amps and some POD for filler at most but overall I think the PODxt tracks came out OK. The entire album was tracked through either my or my drummers Digi001 system or my MBox. All drums and bass were done on a 001 through a Mackie board using it's Pre's. All vocals were done on my Mbox using it's Pre's. The Mic for all acoustic guitars and vocals was my trusty Rode NT1000. Great mic for the price I think. I used a lot of Waves plugs as well as Bombfactory. Also, I picked up the fXpansion VST-RTAS converter and used verious cool VST Plugs like the Liquid bundle, vxenego stuff, grm tools etc etc...It was all in the box which had to do for this one. I know i was limited by converters, Good pre's and some cool outboard stuff...In the next year I want a Neve 1073, looking at Benchmark converters, maybe a Fatso, 1176, distressor or something else to warm up the tracks a bit. Plus I want to get a 002. Anyway, thanks for listening and if anyone else has any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Peace.

SSRJazz 07-13-2004 02:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Didn't want to squash it to death and over-compress it in mastering so i used moderation.

Listening to the streaming version of your album right now and I must say that I dig what you did here . Good songs, good performances, good mixes, just good stuff in general. (Is that our very own Mr. Roy on Troubadour?)


....It's way overcompressed and has been squashed to death.

We've been having a discussion on nikki-k's forums about a song a fellow duc member posted over there asking for advice on. It's hard to say without looking at your mixes but it sounds like you used the L2 on the mastering phase and pushed it way too hard. Very easy to do that if your overall mix is already pretty loud to begin with.

I REALLY like the stuff on this album....lots of beautiful backing vox and harmonies....good melodies.... just ...that overcompression is killing me.

*tosses his $0.02 in da bucket* =)

scottedog 07-13-2004 05:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Try cutting some frequencies in the guitars that are clashing with the vocals, carving eq holes as it were. Also compress the vocal, not sure what you have for compression but just start with a preset & play with it. Maybe 3 or 4:1 & bring the threshold down til you can hear it working then you can bring the level up a bit.

Cat ok now?

bigbubbaj 07-13-2004 07:45 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cat recovers quickly.

I remixed it last night, and am going to play with it again soon.

The the new one on my site might sound a little better...

Let Me Down

Depends on which one you downloaded though, this one I posted last night about 10pm MST.

Thanks for the tips!

sventvkg 07-13-2004 08:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Didn't want to squash it to death and over-compress it in mastering so i used moderation.

Listening to the streaming version of your album right now and I must say that I dig what you did here . Good songs, good performances, good mixes, just good stuff in general. (Is that our very own Mr. Roy on Troubadour?)


....It's way overcompressed and has been squashed to death.

We've been having a discussion on nikki-k's forums about a song a fellow duc member posted over there asking for advice on. It's hard to say without looking at your mixes but it sounds like you used the L2 on the mastering phase and pushed it way too hard. Very easy to do that if your overall mix is already pretty loud to begin with.

I REALLY like the stuff on this album....lots of beautiful backing vox and harmonies....good melodies.... just ...that overcompression is killing me.

*tosses his $0.02 in da bucket* =)

I can't see how it's overcompressed if I barely put any compression on in the Mastering process..I used very light 1.5-1 ration at some points and just the L1 for limiting..That's it...All the other dynamics control was done in the mix itself on the tracks and works to control peaks etc....To my ears it's not overcompressed but it's really a Tomato Tomahhto thing I guess....Thanks for listening though..Been a crazy week here but I plan on a huge listening session and commenting after the weekend...Take it light!

Chris Cavell 07-13-2004 09:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I really dig the performances and the mixes. I can hear where Jeff is coming from though...but I don't think it sounds like an L2 overly squashed...instead it sounds to me like an L1 just barely over squashed just a dB or two. (The L1 has a tendency to, dare I say it, make things a bit, as so many have said before, sound a bit "digital". The L2 imo, with the introduction of an extremely transparent ARC, makes all the difference in the world here.)

Overall though, I think it sounds great...the comment on the L1 is just a bit of nit-pickyness preference on my part. The volume in my opinion works well for this style and the overall sound of the recording. I do think I hear just a tad bit of pumping going on with the acoustic on "Listen".

I wish you the best,

IntelDoc 07-13-2004 09:58 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
So the band Hookstar that I have been working with decided to come back in tonight and retrack the vocals. This time I think that they turned out a lot better. She still has that growl, but I did not need to apply Autitune to the track this time around. Probably still can in sections, but she wants it to be a little more raw. After talking to my pal Mr. Cavell, he gave me a lot of good EQ and Compression talks tonight that really helped the levels. Actually compressed them some
Anyways, always learning new tricks and I think that this really helped out the song.

Tracked with the RODE NTK through BLUE KIWI cables into the Vintech 1272.
Plugins on VOX are REQ4, then LA-2A. The other compressors are RComp (love it) and then Trueverb, slight 2 tap delay and the outboard Lexicon PCM-90 for some created room verb.

Put it through Linear MB Eq, and Compressor then into the L2. (-4.0 and .2)

I like it a lot better than the first mix a few pages back.


Thanks for listening,

- Doc

IntelDoc 07-13-2004 09:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Speaking of Cavell... Chris tell me what ya think.. Your compression talk really helped....

- Doc

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