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editor 03-06-2004 06:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great stuff from badperson and editor as well (I may start covering Wishing Well at some of my acoustic shows if you don't mind, eman).

Looking forward to hearing more music on here.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


No problem, cover "Wishing Well" if you like. That was one of those songs that just flowed out of me, ...to tell the truth, I take no credit for anything I write... Somehow the universe just runs them through me. I think all songs are out there, hanging out in the "tone river" waiting to be discovered. If people ask me how or where I got the idea for a song I honestly don't know, its all a big blank when i am writing. I just started recording ever time I play and they started jumping out, ...if I manage to stay outta' the way. "Wishing well" was done with every instrument in one take and I wrote the words as I sang them. It sorta' had a non perfect thing going on, that worked, even though the urge was to do some retakes and edits, I left it alone. Its the story of my life up until the day I was 28, written between 2:30 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. on my 28th birthday. I write a song on every birthday I manage to make.


I need to catch up on a lot of listening in this thread .....and Rob, I worked mastering on your tune "Wedding" a bit, then I shot an email to Inteldoc, to see how he was doing on it; and he said he was doing a remix, as It was close, but not quite ready for full mastering. I had that song stuck in my head for several days (which is a good thing because I usually forget em' as fast as they get loaded in), as I spent several hours trying to get it perfectly under control. It all sounds great, although, The crunch guitar was running all over that great chorus and your vox got outta phase somehow... all these gremlins come out in mastering and make a tune sound small. No worries, its gonna' get there and its a good tune, keep up the good work.

Regards to all


Partial list of album credits/editor.
Songs Instrumentals...
Video Boy at work....
some music I did with PT....
Songs with vocals...

editor 03-06-2004 09:56 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sorry for all the URL's, my server only allows 10/25 meg websites, that cannot be linked or reference each other.



editor 03-07-2004 01:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I listened to your stuff, I gotta' say you have a great voice man. I dig the jazzy feel in your tunes. I would also like to hear you sing some stuff with a kinda alt. rock feeling. Although, I would keep the stripped down feeling, as it works very well for you, intentional or not. I think you're as good as Sting, except when you change registers you are actually more smooth in your vocal note transitions, I am truly impressed.

I'll get back with more of you later, as there is a lot of good stuff here, its late & crash out time now



Paul Curtiz 03-07-2004 02:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Gravel, I like "overboard" A LOT ! ...and therefore I want to offer some constructive criticism ( so please take this for what it is) :

- the drums seem to drift here and there. Time for some "grid mode" editing ...might sound daunting, but you can fix this. Or is it the bass vs the drums ? Tighten it up.
- I hear too much room on the drums. Maybe loose some ambiance, and compress them a tad more.
- I would make the guitars sound a bit dryer. Too much 'verb & fx ?
- the overall sound lacks a bit of focus (vague enough for you ? ). It's a bit muddy at times. I would add a bit of mid to the guitars, or play with the stereo image (panning)a bit more.
- I was expecting something exciting to happen around 2'09", I don't know...a guitar riff playing the melody with some delay, a big mute, a syncopated bvox/bass/drums thingy...at the very least bring up those bvoxes !
I pulled out the old 63 Jaguar and tried this (quick-n-dirty) : http://twanglab.netstudio.be/audio/OverboardRiff.mp3
So what I mean is not a real solo, but something to keep stuff happening...
- Lead vocal should be a bit louder. Your wife has a VERY cool voice, so don't you guys be shy, push that fader up !

I think I hear EXACTLY where you're heading to...and I like it ('been listening to a lot of new wave, Sir Gravel, mmm ? Raise your hands veeeerrry slowly and drop those Siouxie/Altered images/Prentenders cd's... ). But I think you should make it snappier, and the track would instantly be even more effective. In short pop songs like these, EVERYTHING should be in its place for a reason, or chucked out.
There's something really cool happening on this track, so don't stop there !

Chris Cavell 03-07-2004 10:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello to all. It's been quite some time since I've posted any of my work (BTW Roy, that album with the tune you liked so much, "Out of Here", should be out soon, hopefully anyway, the rest of my payment for the projuect is contingent on them actually selling some of the albums!). It's just been one of those stretches where it's seems like work that actually inspires me and reminds me why I love this job is never gonna come my way again. And then, like every time before, the phone rings and I wind up with a gig that sends me to new heights emotionally. That call came Friday around 12:30. The artist was in the middle of rehearsal with a full symphony orchestra. I'd done a few projects for the conductor (a hell of a jazz bassist, some of you have probably heard some of his stuff that I've posted before) and I think that's why the call came my way when the artist's manager decided to see if there was any way the show could be recorded. I agreed right away, even though the facility could only send $200 my way, headed straight out to the dress rehearsal without any of my gear, came to the rescue of a faltering sound system during the rehearsal (the poor employees there and the gear they've got to make do with, thank God i'm not them!), then ran off to fetch all my mics and almost the entire contents of my studio. I finally got everything set up and working about half an hour before curtain, no chance to even set levels, but pulled off a flawless recording of a completely sold out show! I'm mixing it right now, but jeez it's tough, just about every other song sends me straight into tears (well, that should give you some sense of how bad things have been lately). Okay, suspicious yet, this artist doesn't only have grammys, he's even got an academy award and is featured as the subject of running sketches on Mad TV and from time to time on SNL (i think). I don't think I'd be too far off if I made the claim that there probably isn't a soul in the US that hasn't heard at least one of his tunes before. Anyone figure out who I'm talking about yet? Well, obviously I can't exactly post it without risk of getting my tail seriously sued, but I would like some feedback from some of the colleagues whose ears I've come to trust: Roy, Kev, Chris/Doc, etc... If you guys could drop me an e-mail or something so I could send you a tune or two to critique I would be very appreciative. You fellas seem to recognize and respect the craft that is music (not just art, not just science, but definitely a full-marriage of the two) as I do, and I think you'll appreciate this guys music as much as I do if for nothing more than a recognition of another's mastery of that craft. Thanks all.

[email protected]

da BaSsTaRd! 03-07-2004 05:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
ok, here's another one. just finished up. the last couple of songs i posted were remixes. this one is all original. i recorded the vox on friday for this girl i helped out a little bit with her r&b song. she gave me the vox in return to use how i like...

My Unconditional Luver

(try to ignore the autotune artifacts )

Roy Howell 03-08-2004 09:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy, that album with the tune you liked so much, "Out of Here", should be out soon....-Chris

That's great... that's some of the best recorded (and played) jazz I've ever heard. Bottom line is that I really enjoy listening to it. I came away very impressed with your engineering abilities. Let me know if and when it's out.
I just emailed you on the new stuff...

neonpool 03-08-2004 09:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just listened to wishing well: seriously cool. Those lyrics are fly-written?
Amazing. I like your voice.
What did you use to do the drums?

Roy Howell 03-08-2004 12:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very interesting song...all the things going on are cool...that cym thing is great...drums sound really good.
Is this the same singer as from the 'Kinky Reggae' stuff?

da BaSsTaRd! 03-08-2004 01:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Is this the same singer as from the 'Kinky Reggae' stuff?

new girl. the voice isn't much, but the body makes up for that!

Roy Howell 03-08-2004 02:48 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Is this the same singer as from the 'Kinky Reggae' stuff?

new girl. the voice isn't much, but the body makes up for that!

Uh oh... ...I tell you what, Spring has hit Memphis. I was out shopping the other day, and sheeeesh...

Roy Howell 03-08-2004 10:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Ok, I guess it's my turn. I wanted to wait until I had a couple of songs before I posted. My band is going to have a 45 minute interview on the radio tomorrow, so I guess it's fitting that you guys here it too.

Xeet Street Band

Bloody Nose
For Trouble
On Board and Up To Speed


Man, I almost missed your post. I just got a chance to listen to some of it... 'Bloody Nose' is a great piece.
Excellent playing, arrangement, everything...very nice. I'm still listening to the rest.
How many players in the band, etc.? Great stuff, IMO.

editor 03-09-2004 01:47 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

e.man, I just listened to wishing well: seriously cool. Those lyrics are fly-written?
Amazing. I like your voice. What did you use to do the drums?

Ya' that was some lucky shooting, another gift from the great spirit. I tracked the bass first, with an HR16 drum machine (brushes on a snare, in swing mode, which sound way good for what they are) and knew the feel I wanted and the rest just happened.

I like ("Rocket Ship") myself http://members.dslextreme.com/users/zap/Rocket%20Ship.mp3" I consider it to be one of the best songs I have written... and "Thank You" is probably the most alt. pop worthy song I have written, http://members.dslextreme.com/users/zap/Thank%20You.mp3

but I am glad other people pointed out that "Wishing Well" was something they liked and encouraged me to make CD's of. It got placed in a few B movies, because of other peoples efforts.

Give this one a listen ("The Same"), would you say single or album cut? I am letting a young band cover it ...and I think its strong, but I wonder if it would make a good single... who can say with this stuff... http://members.dslextreme.com/users/zap/The%20Same.mp3



flautista 03-09-2004 01:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Some Jazz to enjoy www.geocities.com/barondeltango

editor 03-09-2004 01:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Ok, I guess it's my turn. I wanted to wait until I had a couple of songs before I posted. My band is going to have a 45 minute interview on the radio tomorrow, so I guess it's fitting that you guys here it too.

Xeet Street Band

Bloody Nose
For Trouble
On Board and Up To Speed



I like "For Trouble" the best, although, they are all well done, Bloody Nose is very cool. Good recording quality good players. I think your stuff is ready for radio, smooth jazz or the wave style stations. Good work.



Keith Owens 03-09-2004 08:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, I just wanted to comment on your music. I think you are a superb musician. Something going on always inside your head and it seems like you are doing a great job of letting it out. I like Mudcat Blues alot. Thanks for the good music and the inspiration.

Brad Ferguson 03-09-2004 10:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
well, here's my turn.

make sure to grab the Neoprene tracks.. i didnt do anything else on there
the first record ive recorded.
digi001, yamaha01v all the way.

nightshadecrisis 03-09-2004 10:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Roy, I just wanted to comment on your music. I think you are a superb musician. Something going on always inside your head and it seems like you are doing a great job of letting it out. I like Mudcat Blues alot. Thanks for the good music and the inspiration.

I totally second that. Roy Howell, you're the man.


Aussie169 03-10-2004 04:36 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Firstly, great job. Good playing, good recording.

A couple of points (note this is just my taste)
Overall both tracks sound very mid heavy. The distorted rhythm guitars dominate way too much for my taste. To the stage where the solo in "Alone At The Wheel" I found almost inaudible. The vocal I feel is also too far back in the mix and is very thin sounding. Lacks "balls".
The other thing I find about a top/mid heavy mix, is that when it is slammed through a limiter (as these obviously are), you get a brittle type of sound. Admittedly the mp3 conversion doesn't help.
But again, this is just my taste. I really enjoyed the tracks.
Thanks for posting.

editor 03-10-2004 06:32 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

The 2nd mix of Deep in Scarlett is perfect, you couldn't do better. I really enjoy the Mudcat Blues, you are very well versed in amazing guitar tones, ala, Fripp and Eno. I didn't know so many of us wrote music with no vox. Seems like a source music company should be formed by the thread members.

As far as the tune where the guys wife sang the vox (sorry I am 3 pgs. past you, don't remember your name)..., I like the tune and energy, its sorta' B 52's meets guitars, not synths. My thoughts on that song are, vox a bit more up in the mix (get my vote also); and drums a tad more compressed to bring out the rawness of them. Its close to a radio mix, just one careful remix and you have a real winner.

The tune, Weekend Warrior,

Good effort, as far as drums, the HR16 and HR16B are just fine in the Pro Arena, used very carefully. I would go the midi route if I was to change the drum voices. Good Rave-ish beat tune. With some inventive stuff going on.



spkguitar 03-10-2004 08:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Brad - Those are great tunes, but I have to agree with Mark on the mix. The vocals are lost back there and the rhythm guitars could sit better in the mix; they're just WAY too in your face. I really like the tunes though.

Roy - Mudcat Blues... Man, great work!

KroNEe 03-10-2004 11:00 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok Im back with another song for you guys to check out.

Fade Away

I have a remix of the first song I posted but my ISP will only let me have 10 mb of free space so not enough space for that now

Does anyone know of a good free place to upload and link to our site?

Hope you like the song.

Roy Howell 03-10-2004 12:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Keith, Ev, Shawn, editor...
Thanks so much for the good comments and artistic support. I really respect you guys' opinions, and you're an inspiration to me.
thanks, Roy

Brad Ferguson 03-10-2004 01:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the comments, guys!

The album was one heck of a learning curve, and if I had a Delorean and a flux capacitor, I'd probably do a lot of things differently.

We started last february, and we finished in august. It was then when we decided to record one song live off the floor. And from what I had learned over the course, I was able to pump a better sound live off the floor than I could multitracked. We all wanted to re-record the entire thing, but decided not to.

My next session is in the summer, and I'll be sure to post it

KroNEe 03-10-2004 04:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey man I like that alot. The guitars are kinda loud and little more bass couldnt hurt, but Im a bass player so I always say that. Are you in the band or just record them?
The vocals are realy good, kinda Incubus sounding but that is a good thing because he is a amazing singer!


Thanks for the comments, guys!

The album was one heck of a learning curve, and if I had a Delorean and a flux capacitor, I'd probably do a lot of things differently.

We started last february, and we finished in august. It was then when we decided to record one song live off the floor. And from what I had learned over the course, I was able to pump a better sound live off the floor than I could multitracked. We all wanted to re-record the entire thing, but decided not to.

My next session is in the summer, and I'll be sure to post it

KroNEe 03-10-2004 04:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Man I just stumbled on your site and found your stash of songs preaty cool stuff just getting started but moonbeam is very cool!-

Brad Ferguson 03-10-2004 04:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm not in the band; they're really good friends of mine. I bought my digi001 just in time to record them. Nick (the singer) is a really great singer. He came in #2 for "western idol" .. he attends western university, and they had a mock american idol competition.. funny stuff.


Hey man I like that alot. The guitars are kinda loud and little more bass couldnt hurt, but Im a bass player so I always say that. Are you in the band or just record them?
The vocals are realy good, kinda Incubus sounding but that is a good thing because he is a amazing singer!

Aussie169 03-10-2004 05:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
What mics, preamps etc did you use for the recording? And what was the process?

And what is your monitoring system? This could be the reason for the thin sounding mix if your monitoring system is bass heavy.

nightshadecrisis 03-10-2004 05:21 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I totally dug Fade Away!!! Sounds like Pearl Jam, and in a VERY good way! I'd love to hear more! sounds great!


Roy Howell 03-10-2004 10:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just heard 'Alone at the Wheel'...good stuff, man...I agree with Mark(Aussie) on the key points he made, but I think you did a really good job overall. Still listening to the next one too. Post more when you can...

Brad Ferguson 03-11-2004 12:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

For mics, I was limited. I have the studio projects C1, which I used on vocals, and on violins, and clean guitars. On distorted guitars, I used an Audix D4. I just liked how it handled an absolutely cranked 4x12 in my bedroom closet. (The bedroom closet also doubled as the vocal booth.)

On drums: We had my buddy's CAD mic pack. I think the model numbers were 412s?, but they sounded decent. On overheads (and acoustics, although there are no acoustics in either of these songs), we used shure sm94s. The big issue with the drums, was the room. We did it in a live venue which had a lot of weird reflections going on. I only used it because at the time, I didn't have my yamaha 01v, and I needed the preamps. I did live sound there at the time, so I got the place for free.

For monitoring, I have Tannoy Active Reveals.

I, however, did not master this material. A friend of mine did it, using his avalon 747, (or is it his 737? .. not the pre, but the compressor... ) along with some waves renassance(i can't spell either.) eqs. Anyways, his monitors (cant remember what they were).. were a little bass heavy. It did sound a lot heavier on the bottom end at his place. I think what happened was, he filtered out a lot of sub-harmonic stuff which took a lot of meat out of the bottom end. I probably should have done that in the mixing process. Consider myself learned.

Unfortunately we hit a brick wall with the deadline, and the guys were happy; I thought it lacked a little in the bottom, but my hands were tied.

whoo. that was a lot of venting there.. It's the first chance I ever got to vent about all of that

But I digress. It ain't bad for a 20 year old (well, i was 19 when it all started)

KroNEe 03-11-2004 09:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks man,
I am trying to find some where to upload more stuff my ISP only allows 10 MB so I am not looking to pay $20 a mounth for more space until the band starts to support its self.



I totally dug Fade Away!!! Sounds like Pearl Jam, and in a VERY good way! I'd love to hear more! sounds great!


Roy Howell 03-11-2004 11:06 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just listened to 'Fade Away'...very good song, cool chords, and overall arrangement. I really like the singer's voice (you?)

groovilator 03-12-2004 12:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
XeetStreet, yo! Dig the urbo-jazz vibe on these. Just curious: what's the makeup of your band? and who recorded these, was this a studio or home project? Looking forward to future posts. Oh, and where are you based?


stut5 03-12-2004 02:57 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Tony Rey Really good stuff.I listened Stir It UP and Outside.You have an excellent voice and played all of your parts great.I really liked your bass playing.

freakuincy 03-12-2004 08:21 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
well i'm way late in this game it would appear but what tha hay!

electro dance music - 001, PT, Virus, Triton, Reason


KroNEe 03-12-2004 10:13 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanx for the comments, I play bass and do all the recording and wright alot of the music/arangments. This is definatly one of our flagship songs. Thanks again.


I just listened to 'Fade Away'...very good song, cool chords, and overall arrangement. I really like the singer's voice (you?)

graveleye 03-12-2004 01:26 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

How dare you become critical of my immacualte living room mix!!!! lol

juuuust kiddin

All of you guys critiques are well taken, and vastly appreciated. I dont knwo about the rest of you, but asides from the college radio and some my cd collection, I dont really have a lot to go on for reference (and half the time even the "pro" mixes leave a lot to be desired). Since I dont have any close engineer pals around, its hard to even get a frame of reference sometimes when you are all along, so I appreciate it a lot.

I really REALLY think that one of my biggest problems is fairly obvious. My best mic right now is an Octava mk319 (ok ok ok!!) stop laughing. I just ordered a Rode NTK last night, and the adat card for my octopre (still havent recorded through it yet). I think that will improve things a little, but not as much as actually getting myself into some better rooms.
Right now I am recording in a living room, and my desk is in the same room as the instruments. The drums are in a corner next to a large stone fireplace and I have NO soundproofing anywhere. I can literally hear my living room in all my mixes and there isnt a lot I can do about it without major renovation - all of which I am saving for the new house.

I should have recorded the guitars in dry and used amplitube, but I just didnt think about it..sigh.
We literally recorded this live, then went back in and did overdubs over the basic tracks. I am not a huge fan of editing when I can help it, but I probably need to jsut put myu nose to the grindstone and be more diligent about tempos and tightness - but for right now its the best i can give.

About the new-wave thing I graduated high school in 1984, so that should tell you something. i was a child of the 80s, so missing persons, the police, and all those bands are still in my brain. Shannon wrote this song right out of her head and I let her take the production reigns and I still think she did an awesome job for her first time out!! I am very very proud of my bride and she will probably wind up a better engineer than I will ever be because she has more patience!

Paul, I cant wait to get home and try out your guitar lick. I am really sorry it has taken so long to respond, but I am on internet ban at work, and just didnt even see it.
Thanks for your honest assessment!!! You guys are still like the musical family I never had and I appreciate it more than words can say!

Roy Howell 03-12-2004 10:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's a new one...

Like a Vampire

fhqwhgads 03-13-2004 01:36 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey everyone, newbie here. New not just to this board, not just to PT, but to recording in general. This is a pretty rough mix, and the first one I've ever attempted, so there's probably a lot of work yet to be done. Ordinarily I'd be hesitant to put it out there, but you folks seem like nice people.

As for the song itself...the drums and one of the three guitar parts (the one panned hard left) were done in a studio. I don't have the equipment or the right space to do drums at home. The other two guitar parts, bass, and all vocals were done at home into my 001 - the guitars through a Vox Tonelab, and the bass through a Peavey T-Max head used as a pre. As far as vocals go, I have rather cruddy equipment - an AKG C3000B mic and an Aphex 107 mic pre, and I didn't set up an isolation booth or anything, just recorded them in my finished basement.

I should also mention that I haven't quite gotten the hang of volume automation and whatnot yet, which explains, among other things, the abrupt beginning and end of the song.

Ok, enough exposition, here's the song (and yes, that's the actual title):

Worst Song Ever

Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated - only way to learn, right? And sorry for the lengthy post. Thanks!

Edited to add: I forgot to mention that there's normally a lead guitar part that plays a little riff before each verse, and a solo after the second chorus, but the guitarist hasn't gotten a chance to record those tracks yet.

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