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Voideco 02-27-2005 01:53 PM

Re: Latest stuff
[quoteIt wasn't a synth :grin: I took the las hit of the song and recorded it with lots of reverb and delays(with lots of resonance) then reversed it and sticked it on the intro.
I'm glad it reminded you of Bjork, I've always liked her.

Well it sounded like a synth to me for sure. You twisted the original sound completely.
Btw before I start making more (embarrassing) mistakes, the rest of the song is nothing like Bjork of course, that was only about that weird intro sound.

Bigpit 02-27-2005 11:21 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Thanks voideco =)

Good work IntelDoc

IntelDoc 02-28-2005 07:10 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Cool vibe in your tune man. Going to have to get it on the system at home and hear it in the room. Sounds great though so far... good guitars like Roy said. I just picked up a 1985 JCM800 50 watt and love it! Amazing sound. Got a KEELEY compressor too, and that thing is SICK!!!!

Anyways, sounds great and I will listen at home later.
- Doc

macr0w 02-28-2005 10:50 AM

Re: Latest stuff


How do you post a song if you don't have a website to host it?

Hi macr0w,
There are various ways to post songs. Some people have set up their own ftp servers for posting their songs. If that's not an option for you, you might check out SoundClick, a site specifically for this. If it's just one song you'de like posted for a while, email it to me and I'll be glad to post it for you.


Well Thank you very much Mr. Howell I may do that soon. You know I just had a big plate of Corky's ribs and bbq for lunch.

Roy Howell 02-28-2005 11:01 AM

Re: Latest stuff

....You know I just had a big plate of Corky's ribs and bbq for lunch.

Ahh, Corky's is awesome BBQ...

Morass 02-28-2005 07:53 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Wow Inteldoc!

That country stuff was amazing!
I am amazed at the clarity.
You are really good at what you do.
This is the best music I have heard on this site to date.
The crispness of the drums....The transparency of the fiddle....
The other instruments are......Perfectly mixed.
The singer is a little out of tune and rough, but with a little work, she'll get better.



bigbubbaj 02-28-2005 09:38 PM

Re: Latest stuff

Wow Inteldoc!

That country stuff was amazing!
I am amazed at the clarity.
You are really good at what you do.
This is the best music I have heard on this site to date.
The crispness of the drums....The transparency of the fiddle....
The other instruments are......Perfectly mixed.
The singer is a little out of tune and rough, but with a little work, she'll get better.



Its bog!

Doc who do you piss off over there?

IntelDoc 03-01-2005 06:38 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Not really what to make of it. The posters without contacts in their signature always kill me. Especially ones who have 3 posts and have been around since Sept. 2004. No worries...

Cannot be Bog... he was too idiotic...

No worries man.... possible troll, other posts are interesting enough and I remember them?

See other ref. posts and you will see what I mean...



- Doc

Gene Backlin 03-01-2005 08:21 AM

Re: DOC\'s Gone Country
Hey Doc,

Sounds good, and she sounds like she enjoyed the session.

Hope all is well with you and yours !

Take Care,

I've got Vivaldi's Gloria, with brass quintet, cello and organ along with the choir tonight, so I'm pumped !

IntelDoc 03-01-2005 09:33 AM

Re: DOC\'s Gone Country
It was fun, even for a country session. Not sure what Morass was going for on that post, serious or not, we had fun. It was honestly the easiest session I had ever done. She could sing, and that TLM-103 worked rather nice with her voice. I tried the X73i on her, but it was too harsh. The 1272 worked better and was pretty easy to dial in. The URS Neve EQ plug added some flavor too.

She really did have a great time, and for her first time recording I think she did a great job.

Cannot wait to hear the classical stuff Gene.

- Doc

DR.Loop 03-01-2005 12:10 PM

Re: New Song all.
It is called Eye believe . It's kind of my first time singing...so be gentle.lol
Also this the first recording with my new VOX Valvletronic amp. One of the best amps i ever had.

I was thinking of putting it on the DUC radio but not sure if it is radio worthy.

Thanks for listening and your input.


Roy Howell 03-01-2005 05:25 PM

Re: New Song all.
Sounds great...I love the core of it...the bass, low guit(7-string?) drive thing...also the wild 'solo' fills...very cool sound there. And for someone who says he's not a singer, you also did a good job on the vox. Good job, sir.


Roy Howell 03-01-2005 08:30 PM

Latest Stuff...
Finne...and whoever else,

If you get a chance, listen to this...great song. It's from a team of artists and engineers who got together as a team (on the Marsh/Cape II project) to create one song. I thought you might like to hear it (Finne) because the mix engineer/guitarist is from Finland. He goes by 'Skwaidu' on the Marsh and is an awesome talent I plan to work with soon...great engineer, great guitarist. There is another superb guitarist on the song, Trazan, who is from Norway. I really respect each of these guys' work...great job by each artist who contributed to the song.


Killing Fields of Gray

(lyrics by Sean Pearson)

DR.Loop 03-01-2005 10:04 PM

Re: New Song all.
Thanks for the listen Roy.Glad you like it. The guitar i used was my Les paul. That Vox amp and gibson go well together. So well that i went out the next day and bought a brand new 2003 USA Strat with the noiseless pickups in it.LOL Makes sense! Thanks for the kind words on my singing. My supportive girlfriend said it made her head hurt. She aways messing with me in a good way. I have to admit it was fun to do. I looking forward to trying something else. Now i got to get everybody out of the house again.


Finne 03-02-2005 05:42 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Roy, You are absolutely right, very good mix and very talented playing. I wish you good cooperation.


There is one new Rotten song Todellisuus (reality)

Now I am surprised by how difference people see this world.

All comments are welcome. (Tell me how I can improve my mixes.)

edwardo 03-03-2005 02:00 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Two short pieces with four horns (alto, tenor, bari, soprano) and rythm section, PT6.4, 002r, 933mhz G4, Neumann U87. Would love to have some feedback, unfortunately I don't know how to get them up on the net, but I can mail them to you.


DR.Loop 03-03-2005 08:45 AM

Re: New mix updated.
Hello everybody...

What i did was worked with the vocal structure a little bit. I felt some of the vocals were repeating to much. I think i have now. Eye Believe mix can be heard at the site below.


Voideco 03-03-2005 10:17 AM

Re: New mix updated.

Killing fields of grey. Not much I can say. Awesome production. Very talented singing as well as guitarplaying. All fits well. I remember your earlier productions sounded very midi, now they sound just as good as any professional record, also the ones you produce alone. This one's definitely a killer tune to me.

Dr. Loop.

Huge guitarsound. This song makes sense to the genre I think. Not all that bad, the singing. You surely get away with this LOL. All thoroughly worked out. My 2 cts., not my genre but very well done.

Looking for more tunes from people, will be back later. Cheers all,



Voideco 03-03-2005 10:30 AM

Re: New mix updated.
Working on new song currently, 'In the Silence'. Off to Spain 'till 13 march whereafter I'll try to finish the song. Hippysound. Stay tuned,



Gene Backlin 03-03-2005 10:11 PM

Re: DOC\'s Gone Country

Cannot wait to hear the classical stuff Gene.

Hey Doc,

These kids did a great job ! They performed the entire Gloria by Vivaldi.

Hey Chris, if you get a chance, please give a listen, I would appreciate your comments also.

Take Care,

Sharritan 03-04-2005 07:14 AM

Here ya go
I am taking the plundge and putting a song out here.
Too Tired To Sleep

Be gentle......

DR.Loop 03-04-2005 08:29 AM

Re: Here ya go
Hey Sharritan,

Good stuff! I like it alot. For me maybe the drums could use a little tweak. Good vocals and guitar. Looking foward to hearing some more.

Nice job.


toddamo 03-04-2005 12:21 PM

Re: This weekend
Hey all you beautiful people,

Here's what's going to happen this weekend...

You are going to go into your studio and have
the most inspired weekend EVER. This is the one!

Ok...here's something I did last weekend:


A Poppy, Spacey, Funky Song with a Stevie Wonder Quote.

Hope you like it and I hope you all leap over yourselves
this weekend...


Roy Howell 03-04-2005 01:14 PM

Re: This weekend

Ok...here's something I did last weekend:



I love it...your best yet, IMO...I will also post 'Lovers' with your great vox later.
Great job on this one....


jamlaw 03-04-2005 04:50 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone, I haven't posted here for quite a while! But I just finished our new album entirely on my Digi 001 (mixed back through a Mackie 32x8, and mastered with a Finalizer and Waves L2 plugin!

A song called "PARASITE" can be heard at Apocalypse Records

Intro is acoustic guitar through the Voce Spin then a second acoustic comes in using some wierd Waves plug in that makes it sound like Woo woo woo. There are also some backwards drums in there.

I used Soundreplacer to add a sample Kick and Snare, Realverb is the reverb. Some GRM tools delay on the vocals right before the chorus.

I love the bass tone - just miced no EQ and a Fairchild plugin comp on it (that plugin RULES for bass)

Any way check it if you want - still using Digi 001 and a G4 single processor 533mhz and making [bleep] ROCK!



Roy Howell 03-05-2005 10:01 AM

Latest Stuff...
A recent article on our friend and fellow DUCer Robb Graves' band, 8mm Overdose...based in Hawaii. Glad to see they're doing well.


BIG D 03-06-2005 08:26 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Hi All,

If anyone is interested in POP ROCK from downunder. This is a band signed to my label which I Produced and Engineered. Just finished the album in January. Hope you like it.


I love the whole album but tracks 15 & 13 are favs.

Best regards

Big D

Roy Howell 03-06-2005 06:47 PM

Re: New mix updated.
I had to A/B mixes 1 and 2 to hear what you had changed...good call on dropping the vox where you did...works better now. It's sounding good.


Roy Howell 03-06-2005 06:58 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

All the instruments sound really good on 'Todellisuus'...nice recording job and mix...what are you running the vocals through?


Roy Howell 03-06-2005 08:55 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Hi All,

If anyone is interested in POP ROCK from downunder. This is a band signed to my label which I Produced and Engineered. Just finished the album in January. Hope you like it.


I love the whole album but tracks 15 & 13 are favs.

Best regards

Big D

Big D,
Very impressive, in every way. I listened to 15 & 13 as you suggested('In My Head' and 'Turn to You')...Excellent mixes, acoustic guitar sounds are very nice(I especially like the simple acoustic part in TurnToYou when verse two(I think)) becomes full...excellent guitar sound there).
Very good job overall, IMO.


Micah777 03-07-2005 12:18 AM

It\'s been a long time...
Hey everyone,

I haven't been on the DUC in quite some time. Damn that internet poker... At least I made a grand while wasting my life away. Although it probably only works out to a couple bucks an hour as much as I played.

It's good to be back and listening to a lot of good stuff. Keep up the good work. Well, I've been working with a band for the past month and have one of their songs done and I'd like to post it. It's their most "radio friendly" song and has a cool groove to it. Thanks for listening...

No Goodbye


Finne 03-07-2005 02:18 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...

All the instruments sound really good on 'Todellisuus'...nice recording job and mix...what are you running the vocals through?


Thanx Roy. I use Baby Blue Bottle and Presonus MP20 (Jensen transformers). And some plugs of course.

BIG D 03-07-2005 03:37 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Thanks Roy,

I appreciate you taking the time. I have also just finished my wife's album which is more AAA or adult contemporary. I'll upload it soon and post the link.

Talk soon,

Big D

Roy Howell 03-07-2005 10:01 AM

Re: It\'s been a long time...

Hey everyone.............
Well, I've been working with a band for the past month and have one of their songs done and I'd like to post it. It's their most "radio friendly" song and has a cool groove to it. Thanks for listening...

No Goodbye


Hi Micah,
Always glad to hear your latest work...always well done...very cool song, and you did a great job on the mix. What kind of guitar is it at the beginning? ...1/2 sized acoustic, maybe? (sounds great).

thanks, Roy

Roy Howell 03-07-2005 01:41 PM

Re: DOC\'s Gone Country
Nice job, Gene...sounds great...


Roy Howell 03-07-2005 05:00 PM

Re: Here ya go

I am taking the plundge and putting a song out here.
Too Tired To Sleep

Be gentle......

Hi Sharritan,
Good job on the song...vocals and the guitar sound really good. The only thing I notice(and I hope you don't mind me suggesting), is that the bass seems almost absent in the mix. Sounds more like a frequency thing than volume. Other than that, nice job overall. Thanks for the listen...


Gene Backlin 03-07-2005 06:55 PM

Re: DOC\'s Gone Country

Nice job, Gene...sounds great..

Thanks Roy, I am really enjoying these kids. Here is the final movement, with organ, cello, brass quintet along with the choir.


Thanks again for listening !

Take Care,

Micah777 03-07-2005 08:37 PM

Re: It\'s been a long time...
Thanks for listening Roy,

the guitar playing the riff is a Fender strat 50th anniversary edition playing through a mesa boogie amp. The acoustic is a Martin OOO series not sure the exact model.

happy-shlappy 03-07-2005 09:32 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Nice mixes on that Katie girl! Did she do the vocal overdubs or use a harmonizer. Always helps to have a good performance-the first ingredient that should go into a record! Nice job.


DR.Loop 03-08-2005 08:41 AM

Re: New mix updated.
Thanks Roy,

I thought it sounded more balanced.

Roy what did you listen to the mix on?

The reason i am asking is because everything seemed to be ok... but the other night i was at a friend's house listening to the mix on his Event PS6 and it sounded horrible! Sounded like the speakers were breaking up because of the low end in the mix.
I'm thinking it was his PS6 but now i am not sure?

I have check it on three sets monitors/speakers.
They are as listed...

Mix on Alesis M1 Active MK2 (updating to Blue Sky 2.1).
Check the mix on EPI 100,M-audio DX4,laptop speakers and very cheap headphones(koss).


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