![]() |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks man, that means alot. This song is a piece in a big puzzle, so-to-speak. It's part of a handful of songs that I have been writing to eventually rerecord for my cd.
It's so funny you should mention Genesis, sometimes I'll hear that stuff and think, man, that was so ahead of it's time. Who knows, maybe someday people will be saying the same about our stuff... Thanks, I'll be listening for more material from you... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Finally I got a friend to host the song : Emotional Have a listen and give me feedback please! It's a song from Madrugada's first album (Industrial Silence) which I recorded acoustic myself as a birthday present for my girlfriend . It's the first time I get something than I think sounds decent, so I submit it! Willing to hearing your feedback! Cheers. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is cool. I've never heard of this band but based on your rendition I'd like to check them out. I like the big verb and the vocals.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm not sure how this little piece came about...I must be missing the ocean.
Song of a Mermaid I will catch up on listening very soon... -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Mr Mudslide does Mood Music! Very cool Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
like always, very nice piece. i really think you should try to get in touch with some movie people, because i am totally feeling Song of a Mermaid as being part of a soundtrack. really, a very nice, reflective piece. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Mark... And thanks Ev, I really appreciate it... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'll post the next when I'm done, but don't hold your breath. I have a song, but I can't make it come together at the moment. Very frustrating. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Check this out. Clik w/ right button and Save As...
link |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, I was searching for vsts for a project I am working on and found ambience reverb here:
http://www.smartelectronix.com/%7Ebram/ ....I couldn't find it the other day, guess I didn't look hard enough. Hope you like it as much as I do. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey BP, cool track.
two comments. The riff guitar is a bit strong. And the drums seem to lag behind the beat a bit. Makes it difficult to really settle into the track. They really need to be ahead of the beat if anything in this kind of track. Can you nudge all the drums forward a bit? |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks very much...can't wait to check it out... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey, I haven't done any listeing in a long time. Also, I have this annoying problem, when I click on link, it downloads, but music match won't load it. So I'm doing the right-click thing. Anyone know how to fix that?
Anyway, "coming home" is great sounding. Great playing and sound as always, roy. the drums sound great too. They're programmed, no? They sound very natural. Also a great bass sound. Would love to hear how you guys did it. Great work. "Deception" is cool also. Great guitar sounds, singing, and the song is great too. Nice work, good luck with it. What kind of gear are you using? You get a very rich sound. "emotional" is a cool song, great performance, recording and production. "flapper baby" is cool also. The vocal chain sounds like it must be pretty good. actually, the whole thing sounds pretty top notch. "mermaid" has very soothing changes and sound, nice work, roy. The quality just goes up here all the time. My latest is sounding like oatmeal on subsequent listenings and unworthy of this latest batch. I'll put up a new mix soon. Again, fantastic work all. bp |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
'Emotional' is a good song.....nice chord changes, and soulfully sung. -Roy |
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here is an original track mixed with an Old school Brandy Vocal...tell me what you think.
http://f1.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/[email protected] |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I put up a new mix, I'll play around with nudging the drums next weekend and let you know how it goes. bp |
new drums, new technique
So we got a new drumset in the studio. We also decided to try a new approach (for us)...get it to sound good going in. So here's the results so far. We've really been trying to get it the way we want it to sound going in, so that way there is minimal stuff going on during mixing, mainly just pushing the faders up and panning.
http://www.omnitonestudios.com/newsa...astygroove.mp3 This was the first thing we did with when we got the new drum kit. We already know the tempo isn't steady, and some stuff is out of tune. We weren't using a click track for this, just wanted to see how it recorded. Also, on all of these tracks, my studio partner is playing all the parts, he's a guitarist who taught himself to play drums, so we know the drum technique isn't perfect. Lastly, the mixing on this track consists entirely of pushing the faders up and panning (we used compression going in on the bass) http://www.omnitonestudios.com/newsa...llowgroove.mp3 *Warning: this file is pretty large* This was one that was recorded a day or two ago, after playing around with different drum heads/muffling/tuning/miking. Again, essentially unmixed, except for panning and levels, and yes, we know the drums are way out of balance with the guitars. Same disclaimer about the drum technique. http://www.omnitonestudios.com/newsa...odaysample.mp3 We were listening to lots of recordings that we liked. We picked one and tried to see if we could match the quality. We picked the song "Today" by the Smashing Pumpkins, and recorded the opening. There is a little more mixing on this one, mainly some eq and compression on the kick and snare drum mics, and we corrected some phase and delay issues, in addition to the levels and panning. Also, I put a compressor and eq on the master fader to get the levels up...no this isn't going to a mastering house...(btw, if I am violating copyright stuff by posting that last one, somebody please let me know, and I'll take it down asap). I don't have the specifics on the instruments in front of me, but here's a basic run down: Tama Starclassic Performer Set Yamaha Oak Snare Zildjian Cymbals and high hat PRS McCarty Guitar Fender Telecaster (custom job w/ Fender Lace pickups) Mesa-Boogie Single Rectifier Rect-o-Verb Combo BlueBeard Pedal Feedback is welcome. If people are interested, I'll post more details about how things were miked. -Chris |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
well Madrugada is from Norway. I just know their first album for now : Industrial Silence. I know they have two more now. Their singer is excellent, and their music very... very rock... puts you in some cool atmosphere... Listen to "strange color blue" if you can... Quote:
Thanks I did my best. As for the recording and production : I'm pretty happy with the sound, personaly, all the more since the song is recorded with the MBox, no preamp, a 200Euro condenser mike, and a 80Euro guitar ... (and my voice). So effort has been put in editting though (of course). Quote:
'Soulfully sung' : thanks, it is my couple's current song, so to speak ... and it was for her birthday as I said... Thanks guys. Could you please give me some details, like do you hear it's home made? do the guitars sound good (to you)?... does it sound good on your monitor/stereo (I have no monitors)? any advice? I'm eager to hear more of any suggestions guys! Thanx. Cedric (Wonderfall). PS : I have problems downloading these days, so I can't really give my opinion for other songs, sorry... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for taking the time to listen, BP.
As far as your stuff goes, your voice reminds me of a certain 80s pop vocalist, can't quite put my finger on it. I agree with Aussie169's response, you might want to nudge the groove, so I second that H.O. Keep us updated on your material.... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thanks badperson..
drums are off my roland xp-60. i take the time to put each drum on a diferent midi track, then kick it to an audio track, then i can really tweak every drum, since they are all separate. bass was a fender jazz through my POD PRO (for guitar, NOT bass!) i just added a faint rythm with guitar, then kicked it over to roy he polished it off!! thanks for words on flapper baby as well, i used a rode ntk through a dbx pro vocal.. tim |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I can't get your new mix...is it still up? Let me know... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Howdy, ya’ll! (Yeah, I know, I’ve lived in Texas WAY too long.) Been away for a while. Busy trying to do something with my tiny little music career. Making the transition from schlocky entertainer to groundbreaking recording artist ain’t easy. Especially when you have to keep entertaining to finance the art. Go figure. Anyway, I finished my album project a couple of weeks ago and I thought I’d throw it up here for you all to slam on. While I’m here, I’m catching up on some listening…
Guit4brains – First of all, great smeggin’ handle! And your track really sounds great, very crisp and large. I did listen a little for vocal phrasing issues on the 2nd verse and I didn’t hear any problems, it all flowed quite well. And I really like some of the…what do you call ‘em… ”proggy” sounds. (Big Yes fan, here.) Yeah, all those guys were ahead of their time. Just wondering how long it’s gonna take for the music world to catch up. wonderfall – Nice tune. Great voice. I always enjoy a nice, rich baritone. Hey, you know, I heard INXS is a looking for a new singer who can sing like Michael Hutchens. I’d try out but I’m a tenor. Dust off those leather pants, dude! bp – Hey, I only got 41 seconds of your tune which I was kinda starting to dig. But I agree with Aussie’s comment about the draggy drums and the guitar volume. That’s all I have time for now. Here’s the link to my album cuts >> tonyreymusic.com/secret_page...ssshhh . Songs are listed in album order. Thanks for the listen! |
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I'm just starting out with mixing and mastering songs, and am definitely interested in hearing any comments and recommendations on these 3 instrumental songs I recorded using Mbox (along with Reason 2.5 and Waves NPP plug-ins). THe acoustic guitar is real; all other instruments are from Reason.
http://www.johnlindeman.com/song1.mp3 http://www.johnlindeman.com/song2.mp3 http://www.johnlindeman.com/song3.mp3 (or check out my new web page http://www.johnlindeman.com) thanks! John |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Only you will know how much to nudge it.
Just set your nudge value to 10ms, select all your drum tracks, hits, regions... whatever they are. Then hit the - (minus) key once and play the track to see what happened. If it needs more, select and nudge again. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
very good stuff. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Instrumental Song
Heres a very rough mix of a tune im working on with my group. Its a latin R&B mix with a funky twist. The guitar clips on a part. They were done at my guitarists home studio and he flubbed and mixed the tracks too high when he bounced in nuendo. Its kind of a Nuendo Protools mix session. I over compressed it a bit but you can get the idea (T-racks compresses alot even with it turned down). Its all real drums. I did all the editing in LE by hand. Took me two days. heh. Wish we had beat detective! The organ is a vst wrapped B4 plugin from Native instruments. Didnt know that plug was that awesome! My keyboard player actually did all the rotator adjustments live while we printed the midi to audio. He can play a real one so he knew how to operate the sliders and stuff. Pretty cool when i heard a plugin sound almost real. Bass was done in protools with and ampeg svt 4 pro with a music man stingray 5. Drums were recorded thru a Presonus digimax lt. Anyways check it and tell me how bad the mix is. HA! I mixed it in headphones so there are a few issues and my ears are burnt from recording keys.
http://www.angelfire.com/music6/stanonbass/Snooze.mp3 |
Re: Instrumental Song
By the way i just listened to it thru my speakers and the cymbols are compressed to much. So ignore them. LOL!
Re: Instrumental Song
It has a good clear sound through my computer speakers. The drums are IMO a tad hot. I would actually try to lower them about 2 to 2.5db and let them sit back in the mix a bit more. The toms sound good, but the cymbals are too loud in the mix. Set them all back a notch and I think that your guitars and others sections will come out a lot more. It sounds like the drums are in front of everything right now. A little bright too, but sometimes that is good. add a notch of highs in the guitar too and I think that it will jump out a bit more too... Keys are good, just think that the drums need to be sent o the back a bit. Cool jam... Very live feel to it! - Doc |
Re: Instrumental Song
Sounds cool IMHO. I know you wrote that it was a "rough mix" but personally I like the raw aspect of the track. I didn't think the drums were too loud but then again I am at work listening on consumer cans.
I would try and EQ the guitar a little bit but maybe if you determine that the drums are in fact too loud bringing them down will make more room for it. Nice guitar licks and all the performances are t-i-g-h-t. |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Wow, you definately remind me of Jeff. Great voice.
As I was listening I felt the vocals and guitars could use a bigger verb, I don't know, kind of like "american dreaming" by dead can dance. That's more creative input, though. I'll leave the more useful production critiques to the experts. |
Re: Instrumental Song
I was just saying that the drums (cymbals really) seemed to be sitting too far up at you. they sound like they are in front of everthing else. That was why I think that they should be set back in the mix and it will in turn bring the guitar and other sections out!
Try it and see what happens. It sounds great though really! Just a bit too in your face for the overall sound! Try th Guitar EQ too! It will brighten up the part a lot and make it come forward in the mix - Doc |
Re: Instrumental Song
You totally right. Drums are way loud. There punchy now so im happy with that. I will bring the whole mix of the down. Im gonna bring the kick down slightly as well and work on the overheads. The tones are good though. I need to brighten the guitar too. Im wanting to recut the guitars. My guitarist recorded them too hot. And he used this outboard compressor and it really squashed them. But if i must keep the guitars i will brighten them. Hopefully he will give me a mix without the clip. I hope thats not permanant. Jeesh. Thanks for listening guys and giving advice. Im new to the forums by about a month or so. This is my first time posting. Its nice to get outside ears.
Thanks guys Stan |
Re: Instrumental Song
Email me please, got something for ya to hear... - Doc |
Re: Instrumental Song
Despite the initial mix flaws you guys have mentioned, I love 'Snooze'...I really enjoyed it...nice piece, and everything is definitely played very well. If you remix, please be sure and post it again. -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
By the way, I may be baritone in the morning. But I can't sing that during the day!...(I'm more of a tenor too...) ooops I gave my secret... Do you think INXS would like to play their concert in the morning from now on? innovative... Well I finally got to listen to some tunes here : Song of a Mermaid : I like it. Great atmosphere. I'm usually not fond of synthesized sound, but you made it alive Roy! For some reason it reminds me of Song to the Siren by Mortal Coil (original Tim Buckley) from Lost Highway's soundtrack. Probably because of the idea of space it gives (and the title?). Definitely good for a soundtrack! Into You : very nice tune. Good voice. When you push your voice, it's definitely close to Jeff's! The music too... Congrats. Snooze : very well played! I specially like the drum's (HH and cymbals on quiet parts). I would just turn up the guitar volume, but well I'm a guitarist... Very good! Res : nice soft jazz piece. It has this welcome silky touch. very nice. Deception : sounds very well produced to me. Good job! Maybe just a tad too cold sounding to me, if I may. But that's probably the style of the song that wants it. There's also a tune with slide guitar which I remember I liked pretty well, but can't find it again... Cheers. |
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