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Jack Rabbit 02-22-2006 11:42 AM

Re: Sweet Indeed

What I wouldnt give to have the energy of a 15 year old hardcore drummer. Sweet sounds.

This is my first posting of my music. Feedback is appreciated.




Props to anyone who can tell me the name of the piece i sampled in the chorus. Everyone knows this song but no one i know knows the name.

Also, on my website www.dblfstudios.com is a link to my radio theater project, the Adventures of Randy Tarwater. I would be most appreciative for feedback on it as well. However, it is 6 15 minute long mp3's so I will not post it here.



I like Waiting, but my downstairs neighbors don't like the bass. Too bad. As for Jim Morrison meets The Knuckle Song...don't know what to say. A melancholy rendering of that annoying little number is probably long overdue.

Roy Howell 02-22-2006 12:38 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...

WOW Roy! What a mix. I love the separation. The mix is so clean!! This is what I am striving for. Can you give us some details on the tracks and what you used etc…

Thanks, John....it was mastered using a UAD Multiband mastering Compressor by JT Treeby at JT Studios here in Memphis.

As far as my initial mix, here’s what’s in it…

Drums- programmed the drums in ReDrum/PT midi using my own best samples...

Bass-$200 Ibanez with low E tuned to a D through a tweaked Amplitube setting I named 'Wicked', because it is...hehe

Clean solo guitar stuff- Strat through GuitRig/tweaked clean setting with some verb and delay. My strat is my favorite clean sound guitar in most cases.

Hard guit solo- My custom guitar through GuitRig/tweaked overdrive setting.

String sounds(2), Sampletank II and Samplecell patches converted for use in Reason. I had also created a low cellos section for this which was cool by itself but cluttered up the overall mix, so it was out of there.

High choir, violin plucks-STII

Organs(2)- one is a Norman Cook organ with some slight delay, the other is a Korg percussive organ run slightly through a Screamer in Reason to give it an overdriven leslie sound. These 2 organs play off each other.

12 string- Samplecell patch converted for use in Reason.

Mandolin stuff- real mandolin samples I recorded a few years ago, with which I create custom 'stuff' to import into other sessions like 'Gypsy'. These can be very effective.

gypsy heart

I'll be listening to the new songs here hopefully tonight...thanks for the comments.


IntelDoc 02-22-2006 01:41 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Have been working with a younger band. Good ideas, bad planning, but trying to work through it. Here is a mix without vocals. Still trying to tailor those some. Not sure what to do on that one. This has some intonation issues, but mainly the way that they play SUPER LIGHT strings and their bends. Told them, but they liked it. I am happy with the sounds. Kinda tough to work with and I had to go and tweek some of the slower bass parts and replay it. NEVER CHANGE STRINGS THE DAY OF RECORDING!!!!!

Setup was this: GRID MODE AND CLICK DEFINITELY! Made it easy to loop parts, and cut to all hell later.

Kick - D6 - X73i - Apogee
Subkick - Yamaha Subkick - 1272 - Apogee
Snare Top - SM57 - X73i - Apogee - NEW PORK LITE SNARE TOO! MONEY!
Snare Bottom - SM57 - 1272 - Apogee
hat - Oktava 012 - Trident S20 - DIGI
Ride -Oktava 012 - Trident S20 - DIGI
Overhead Ride - APEX 435 - API - Distressor - Apogee (new way)
Overhead Hat - APEX 435 - API - Distressor - Apogee
Tom 1 - 421 - API - Apogee
Floor - 421 - API - Apogee

GUITARS - Fender Prosonic head and Boogie Single Rec - blended
Bogner Cab with a 421 and SM57 taped together on the lower speaker.
57 - X73i - Apogee
421 - 1272 - Apogee

Bass - Hamer - 1272 - 1176 - Apogee

Vocals will show up eventually. I had fun cutting this. I added the ambient key in the beginning and the end. Also added the power chord part in the beginning (GRID MODE RULES!) and the first chop cut is gone now, but not in this mix. added some to the 4:20 cut to make it extend a full measure instead of the initial 4 times. Really dig it minus a few things here and there. Oh well, what can ya do but press on..


Oh ya,
Ran this mix back out to the API and shot it through the MIX BUSS. Really like what it does forthe overall punch.



theoneandonlyone 02-22-2006 06:50 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Hey Doc, I like this feel "Body Bags". I feel some emotion there. If you don't mind I would like to write vocal melody line and send it to you? I wrote a vocal melody to one of Roy Howell's pieces called Moonbean Seduction. Maybe he would share it with you.

Its just for the creativeness of it all.


davec 02-22-2006 08:45 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
This is fantastic stuff... good job and good tune nice ending.

IntelDoc 02-22-2006 09:08 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
If you want to write a melody send it... Once you hear the initial vocal take you may change your mind... haha! I was able to talk him into retaking the vocals and trying to at least push it and make the key. He agreed so that is a start. Just holding back, and honestly it is out of his range. He tries, but needs to figure it out. Going to try again this weekend and see what we get, otherwise I am done. Aotutine would not fix it either.

Body Bags - Vox - ROUGH!

Vocals - RODE NTK - 1272 - Apogee

Email a link to the ideas and I will check it out.

The ambient stuff at the beginning I did. Actually played the guitar power chords and added 8 measures to build it some. Think it flowed better somewhat. Then I added the key part and used Atmosphere for that. The feedback at the end blended nice with the keys I think.

Thank, I just hope the vocals can get better. VERY RAW here.

I shot this mix back out and through the X73i's to warm it up some. Really liked it and left a lot of dynamics instead of the typical BRICK wave form.



davec 02-22-2006 09:36 PM

Re: Doc

I put a little remaster together. Once you'll have the vocals I'll give it a try. Hope you're not offended.

Body Bags

IntelDoc 02-22-2006 10:48 PM

Re: Doc
No offense taken, just curious really. Re-mastering a 320kps MP3? Seems like a waste of time, but have fun. I put a new much tamer mix up that has vocals (if you call it that) above. He is going to retrack the vocals this weekend and belt out some stuff.

Anyways, no worries man, have fun. Know this that I already ran the stuff through. This new mix goes out to the X73i's from the stereo 48/24 bounce, back into the Apogee. That also had a Lin Mb on it, rolled off 50 through the 73i's. yada yada

From the 48/24 session I bounced that to 44/24. Then added the L2 and the PowR and turned the Dither off on the L2 and used the PowR to dither.

No if I can get a good vocal take this may be a decent song...


davec 02-23-2006 12:03 AM

Re: Doc
No I know man not the greatest start-out quality to begin with. Just having fun wasting my time

madcow 02-23-2006 09:39 AM

A little heavier side of things....
We finally have a full line up and needed a couple songs for pimpin' on myspace.
Not really happy with the drums but for a couple days recording everything it will work.


One of these songs didnt have vocals way back when and you wanted to hear some vocs. Im sure it's not your thing but here ya go :-)

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