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macr0w 10-09-2005 09:38 PM

Ok guys, I just put a new batch of tunes on myspace
Feedback please.

superpenguin79 10-10-2005 10:34 AM

Joel: Nice rendition of Kashmir man! you guys program the drums again? or are these live? can't hardly tell anymore... sound programmed if I had to guess though eh? good work!

MacrOw: Nice on the new tunes man! I dig Blue Something on there how it has the bass sort of slapping out at you a bit in the mix. good work also!

millicent frndly 10-10-2005 12:55 PM

I haven't posted on this board in a while but I'm so excited because one of our songs was just played on KDGE The Edge here in Dallas that I had to post. The song is called Panic Attack and it was recorded on my trusty little Digi001 (actually our entire album was recorded on the 001 w/ the exception of drums... we had to go into the studio to take those... needed more than 8 inputs).

I do have to say that I didn't mix it however... a really good friend and incredible mixing engineer handled it for us. Our album comes out Oct 22nd... and now we've had our first taste of radio. Things are looking up and I'm all giddy.

If you want to hear the song go to http://www.myspace.com/millicentfriendly and check out the Track called Panic Attack.

Thanks... sorry to bother everyone... I just got excited

superpenguin79 10-10-2005 03:41 PM

hey man, congrats on the radio play and cool tunes! I added you guys to my myspace with a request on there.

btw.. if you get outboard pre-amps you can record up to 16 I/O's with your 001 if you like. I was just going to let ya know so you guys could save $$ next record there. The drums on the tunes you have though sound great! goodluck with your tunes. peace

toddamo 10-11-2005 12:17 PM

Hello People!
Hey everybody...

I haven't been around here in a while.

Glad to see everybody's being so productive and creative.

Let's listen to some of the tracks on this page and then
I'll share one of my new tracks with you...

Charlie Naebeck:

Sunrise Unplugged: One time I was staying on a beach in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. In the early
moring the hotel would play ambient music out to the beach. It was real nice. This track isn't
an ambient track persay, but I hear it playing at 9am on beach somewhere beautiful. Nice work.

Drifiting: This is an oddball track...and I mean that in the most complimentary of ways. :-)
Oddball arrangements, vocals, etc. That's what we need more of in this world. Less cookie
cutter and more originality. I really like the shuffling drums. I like the sound of them a lot.
Too many BIG BIG drum sounds in this world. :-)

Complete: More oddball stuff in a different direction. You're a diverse cat. Love it.
Odd mix too. I'm sure lots of cats might recommend that you make this sound more 'professional'
in terms of the mix. I like the quirkiness of it. Keep it. Cool stuff.

Let's see what else is here...

Joz...Nice recordings here. The first tune is too straigt ahead RAWK for me. But that's
just my bias. Nice recording. The 2nd tune pops out for me. The keyboard parts make
it nice and distinct. Tight productions/performances. 3rd tune...acoustic...nice work here.
Nice vocal sounds. Ah...dig the odd drum patterns. I don't know if this is your band or not
but I feel like the 2nd two tunes show much more depth and vitality. This is good stuff.

OK....on to PowerJoe and Kashmir 2005...

This is a cool interpretation. I think it could be de-constructed even further.
It would be nice for the vocalist to make it his own some more...but of course
maybe that's not what you were going for. Some good players (Drummer!) in here.
Instrumental break is really nice. Yea yea...the end polyrhythmic part is my favorite.
Very nice.


Oh yea...back to oddball world. Wonderful World...That is bent. Love it.
Tapeworm boogie. Cool instrumental. Dig the catchy bass riff. Guitar solo stuff.
I'm just not a big guitar fan. That's my bias again. I'd like to hear a lounge-y
sax play during that break. Fun tune! Blech Napkins...Here comes the rock guitar again. :-)
Nice tone. Nice playing. Blue Something. oooh...very cool. Real nice bass and a live sound.
Good work! The Wonderful World blows me away!

Millicent...Panic Attack (and we all now how fun those can be!)
I dig this rhythm. I can be so inarticulate. What kind of beat is that?
Nice guitar arrangements. Vocal harmonies too. Nice. Kind of like Jellyfish.
Are they an influence? (Duh...yes I see you have them listed.) Cool stuff.
Power Pop rocks!

Heya...people makin' lots of good music out there. Thanks for sharing!


Press here for Free Music and Free Love!

toddamo 10-11-2005 12:23 PM

Re: Hello People!
Ok...Since I've been so darned opinionated about your music,
it's only fair that I share something of mine.

Here's a real new tune.

The song's called 'When we walked on water'.

It's kind of an epic little movie. Turn it up. Close your eyes. Fire one up, maybe. ;-)

Tools I used: FruityLoops, Roland XP-30 keyboard, Rhode NTK mic, Lexicon MPX-100 reverb,
Squire Jazz Bass, Joy, Sadness.

It lives here. Thanks for checkin' it!


-todd amodeo

superpenguin79 10-11-2005 07:21 PM

Re: Hello People!

Charlie Naebeck:

Sunrise Unplugged: One time I was staying on a beach in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. In the early
moring the hotel would play ambient music out to the beach. It was real nice. This track isn't
an ambient track persay, but I hear it playing at 9am on beach somewhere beautiful. Nice work.

Drifiting: This is an oddball track...and I mean that in the most complimentary of ways. :-)
Oddball arrangements, vocals, etc. That's what we need more of in this world. Less cookie
cutter and more originality. I really like the shuffling drums. I like the sound of them a lot.
Too many BIG BIG drum sounds in this world. :-)

Complete: More oddball stuff in a different direction. You're a diverse cat. Love it.
Odd mix too. I'm sure lots of cats might recommend that you make this sound more 'professional'
in terms of the mix. I like the quirkiness of it. Keep it. Cool stuff.

Thanks for the listen Todd! yes, I like to keep folks guessing about what I'll do next.. for drums surprisingly to most folks I used 4 mics going into a 4 channel mixer, into 2 channels on PT.. For Complete, this one was a rough demo that a band of mine did before we disbanded at a studio. never got polished up quite, but it is good for what it is. hehe


Ok...Since I've been so darned opinionated about your music,
it's only fair that I share something of mine.

Here's a real new tune.

The song's called 'When we walked on water'.

-todd amodeo

nice tune man, this one makes me want to kick back with a cold one on a beach kinda! lol The vox mesh very well with the vibe of the track too which is great! keep up the good work man! peace

macr0w 10-11-2005 08:30 PM

Re: Hello People!


Oh yea...back to oddball world. Wonderful World...That is bent. Love it.
Tapeworm boogie. Cool instrumental. Dig the catchy bass riff. Guitar solo stuff.
I'm just not a big guitar fan. That's my bias again. I'd like to hear a lounge-y
sax play during that break. Fun tune! Blech Napkins...Here comes the rock guitar again. :-)
Nice tone. Nice playing. Blue Something. oooh...very cool. Real nice bass and a live sound.
Good work! The Wonderful World blows me away!

Thanks for the kind words. You know, that's what I get for hanging around to many guitar players. Shake a tree. All of those tunes were songs lost on my harddrives that I pulled out and said "Oh yeah, I forgot about these". They were all done 2 or 3 years ago.

jstunner 10-12-2005 08:11 AM


Here's a version of Zep's "Kashmir" that I did with my friend Jacques Soubra and our band: Jacker.


We kicked around about 6 versions of the song, and thought this one was interesting..


~ J

This is one of the best covers of a Zeplin tune I've heard in a long time! There is a lot of neat stuff going on in this. Upon first impresion, I thought it was kind of "artsy fartsy", but after listening to it a few times all the subtle things pop out. The rythmic wah guitar part during the "quiet" section is brilliant. The vocal performance on this is outstanding, in fact I like the vocal performance on this better than the orginal!!! I really like what's going on with the kick drum part too. Sonicaly it is very clean cut. Since I like the vocals so much I would have prefered to have them a bit louder in the mix, but then again the orginal has them kind of low too.

Anyway, just an outstanding job. Zeplin should be proud!

powerjoe 10-12-2005 09:13 AM


...Ah, thank you so much for your kind remarks about the Zep cover. (blushes)
I appreciate it very much!

I am posting a couple of new mixes for Drums of War, and Kashmir. Kashmir features a drum solo.....

Please, your commments are always welcome!

Drums of War


~ J

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