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Wango 12-26-2009 04:18 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Roy Howell (Post 1511557)
Hey guys... I thought you might find this interesting.


Thanks for listening... .. -Roy

Roy, these sound fantastic!
Very impressive and the Discovery Channel frikkin rawks!

How long did it take for all of them?
You say Spring and Summer - we talkin like 4-6 months?

Buzz Moschetti 12-27-2009 01:01 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Roy Howell (Post 1511557)
Hey guys... I thought you might find this interesting.

Thanks for listening... .. -Roy

I'm back! Only took, what, 3 years to log back in? Inexcusable....

Roy: Great to see you're still such a positive contributor here. I like the short themes.

Buzz Moschetti 12-27-2009 01:12 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Raggi (Post 1381258)
Hi all. Here are the latest recording and it is of my band; Escapetor.
Would like some coments.....

Heavy and thick -- but good production. I can hear distinct instruments and accents, and it's tight.

Your Last Prayer is my favorite.

What can you tell us about the setup? For example, do you double-track guitars or run them through a 100ms delay?

Buzz Moschetti 12-27-2009 01:30 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by PaneTrez (Post 1395297)
Here's the first song I've ever done in Pro Tools: http://myspace.com/dlishmusic

The song is in the spirit of popular music these days. Let me know what you think :rolleyes:

Lots of texture in here. At first I thought "OK, more Gym Music" but it's not the same 12 notes over and over again. The three separate vocal themes, each with EQ and FX to keep them distinct, don't turn to mush.

Pretty d*** good for a first shot in ProTools!

TROT 12-27-2009 06:14 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

My new CD is out. Go to www.tommyrott.com
for a free download. You can sample all the songs too.

Your feedback would be appreciated.


Roy Howell 12-27-2009 08:03 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Wango (Post 1520678)
Roy, these sound fantastic!
Very impressive and the Discovery Channel frikkin rawks!

How long did it take for all of them?
You say Spring and Summer - we talkin like 4-6 months?

Thanks, Wango (and Buzz)....... the first 5 were given to me as a group, and they took me probably 6 weeks or so, but I was working on other stuff too. Then they sent me the other 4 and I had about a month before deadline on them, so I averaged about one a week, I guess. Those last 4 just won 2 Promax Awards for 2009 (they're international advertising awards).....so yeehah on that.

Thanks you guys..........I'm hearing some great stuff here.


joerusi 01-04-2010 11:38 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Recorded and mixed with Digi 003 & PT8.

Spyda KB 01-07-2010 12:55 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Here is a track I produced that has been voted in the top spot of the Hot n Fresh list for Reggae Vibes in the Netherlands....it has also been in the top 5 of the popular Bill Rickett's Record Pool urban charts in the tri-State area for over a month.

The track name is Just Like a Man by Dakeye: http://www.reggae-vibes.com/jamtop20/hotfresh15-01.php (click the first song in the player on the right hand side to listen)


- KB

Squid Vicious 01-08-2010 01:03 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is a cover which a friend and I recorded using Pro Tools 8.
The drums were done with an MPC 500


ram130 01-12-2010 11:13 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hmm I recorded some Jamaican music and dub poetry but that was on a mac with pro tools 7.4 ..I doubt Jamaican music would be accepted here... here the link Listen to Where will be tomorrow & Who Will Be The Champion ...quality of myspace sucks..

Stixxs 01-14-2010 08:00 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ram130 (Post 1531917)
Hmm I recorded some Jamaican music and dub poetry but that was on a mac with pro tools 7.4 ..I doubt Jamaican music would be accepted here... here the link Listen to Where will be tomorrow & Who Will Be The Champion ...quality of myspace sucks..

Like it ... great vocals on "Where will be.." ;)

Did you master it?...

HDK_Ent 01-22-2010 01:37 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Heres a new track i did, first one with the new rig. mixed and "mastered" by me, any inputs or tips would be greatly appreciated.


songs called days begun.

Stixxs 01-23-2010 07:30 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by lowlights (Post 1512893)

Here's one - my friend Chris Brunelli's song WICHITA; recorded in my basement studio/"TV Room" in Salt Lake City. No education except RECORDING magazine; but don't blame them!

Recorded on Digi003 with Pro Tools LE 8. Mostly AKG C3000 mics through the Digi pres. A Rode NT4 over the drum kit, with an AKG C3000 out about 6-7 feet for a "room" mic.

Using the PT native EQ and compressor plug-ins, plus the Massey EQ plug-in and the L2007 Limiter on the master fader - just for a db boost for the final mix.

Words and music by Chris Brunelli
Vocals by Chris Brunelli
Guitar and 12-string guitar by Chris Brunelli
Drums by Steve Lyman
Bass and mandolin by Ken Sager

Link not working...can you post again?

Stixxs 01-23-2010 07:39 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by spaids (Post 1506757)
This is a site for sharing guitar tones done through plug-ins. I have a couple samples of what Amplitube 2 sounds like in Protools LE.


spaids, nice work there...Amplitube 2 on gtr's., how were the other instruments tracked, if you don't mind? -thx

Shawn32 01-23-2010 02:25 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
I've been lurking on here since I got my setup a couple weeks ago. :-)
the first three songs are what I've been fooling around with so far just getting used to the software. The other songs are from when I had room mates and one of them had a PT and the DIGI 002 (Think thats what it was :p)

001tony 01-23-2010 04:32 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Forgot about this one, overly compressed due to response to loudness war!


rlcowastudio 01-28-2010 01:08 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Long time listener, first time caller... Well okay I have posted here before. So I throw my hat into the "this is what I got" ring.


The Lady DaDa instrumental track is the most recent one. The other tracks are older. Everyone who has heard "Lady DaDa" thinks it is something straight out of a CSI adventure scene. I have never watched CSI. If you know how to get me placed in that show, please let me know. Ha ha. Right, as if. DaDa was created entirely with the PT8 factory plugins and two strat tracks using SansAmp.

http://www.soundclick.com/thedraw has more of my recordings there.

Comments are solicited.

I am very excited to see Roy Howell back here after his long absense! He is very talented. Summertime Girls cranks! I have had it on my shuffle list for years.

Blessings, Rawb in Virginia Beach, VA

ankely 01-30-2010 03:48 PM

ScrewMaker Remix of Sol Skugga's "Share Tonight"
Check it here:

ScrewMaker Remix of Sol Skugga's "Share Tonight"

This mix was done in Pro Tools 8.

Sol provided Drums, Bass, and Vocal Stems.

Used some of the original drum tracks layered with the new drum tracks during the choruses.

Used the original synth bass layered with a new bass from Xpand. They played tag throughout the song.

Added an arp using Motu's MX4, a super gnarly synth !!!

Drums programmed using Structure with a bunch of old AKAI sample libraries, a couple of loops chopped up on individual tracks, along with the proverbial 808 Kik 'O' Doom and some Crashes from my Secret Stash of Gnarly Samples.

Guitars were mostly tracked thru MainStage using various Logic amp sims and Waves GTR Solo.

Used a hotrodded Strat thru a Boss pedalboard with goodies such as Dunlop DimeBag modified wah (thanks Geno Lenardo from Filter !!!), Boss Turbo Overdrive, Distortion, Comp, EQ, Flanger, Phaser, Chorus, Tuners, and a Dunlop Volume Pedal.

And of course the E-Bow !!!

Mostly used Digi EQ and DDL, TL Space, BombFactory LA-2a, Fairchild, and JoeMeek EQ and Comp, T-Racks EQ, Maxim, and Nomad Factory Analog Trackbox for the mix.

More Sol Skugga, including more ScrewMaker contributions here:

Sol Skugga at MySpace

Sol Skugga at ReverbNation

Rock On, Rock Free.

Ludia 01-31-2010 07:55 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey all,

After fooling around for over year and still learning a lot I made a cover of Buckshot LeFonque - Another Day. I just love the song and let my gf sing it in. Hense this is purely a hobby of ours. Now I've been working on this for days and days and heard it soooo many times now that I'm not quite sure it travels well, if you know what I mean.:o Of course I've been comparing it against the original but it ain't the same of course and listened on different audio systems.

I'd appreciate any comments and/or suggestions to make it better.
I created this on M-Powered with the use of 36 tracks most of them with VI's from EWQL CCC and a few with Xpand!


Regards, Luc ;)

Dr Fred 01-31-2010 08:34 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Album #1 all done on PT LE 6.4 (Mac G4) in my garage. http://www.myspace.com/pitsband
Currently recording album #2 on same system.

rossi68 02-01-2010 05:53 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

I have been fiddeling with pro-tools a few years now. Three years exactly.
Love this program, but of course have too little time to spend using it.
Anyway, thought I should upload a few "songs" from time to time.
The to first ones are only a couple of themes that I improvise over.
I play drums, bass, guitar and keyboard myself on this. They were actually made in pure enthusiasm over the new snare I bought before christmas. Both took about 1,5 hour from making to bouncing. My main focus is drum sound (and I really suck on guitar).
Comments most welcome.
My rig:
003 factory
Sony dmx r100
some nice mics, some not so nice etc



camawe 02-04-2010 11:31 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi there musiclovers!

Please feel free to visit and comment my stuff at:


Make music not war! :-)

ondruspat 02-04-2010 10:06 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's a cathartic little ditty

Initial Response at http://www.myspace.com/iammoralchaos

Eleven and Elastic Audio!!! LOL!!!:D:eek::D

HDK_Ent 02-06-2010 02:23 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
AKG C 414 and an MBOX 2 Mini


Songs called Broken Records.

I think most you will appreciate the lyrics, so here they are.

She said she had enough,
She couldn’t take it anymore,
Tired of waitin n waitin for me to return,
Only for her to get burned,

She grabbed my record cases,
With tears in her eyes,
She broke it all I watched my life fall,
By her side,

She huddled against the couch,
Missing his touch, missing his warmth,
It’d been 5 months, 4 calls, and 3 letters,
It wasn’t enough for her, she wanted more,
More than just pen ink and cell phone frequencies,
She wanted to hold and be held,
By no one else, other than he,
But he was off fighting a war,
Of lyrical battles, and vocal philosophies,
She knew his job but hated it so,
It must of all been a lie,
To have and to hold, but only for a singular moment,
In time, that permitted the two to be together as one,
Bringing tears to her eyes that burned of acid and sweat,
Reminiscing, alone of all of dere time, well spent,
She closed her eyes hoping it was all a dream,
Blotting her face against the sheets,
Crying her tears of sorrow and pain,
With no other way of letting it go,
Then to cry out her soul,
She tilted her head back, feeling her tears rush by,
She screamed at the top of her lungs,
Until her voice cracked and da feelin of her pain subside,


She said she had enough,
She couldn’t take it anymore,
Tired of waitin n waitin for me to return,
Only for her to get burned,

She grabbed my record cases,
With tears in her eyes,
She broke it all I watched my life fall,
By her side,

She dialed his number, only to hear it off,
She finally had enough, throwin her blanket off,
She stormed to the room,
Opened up her computer,
Zero messages inside of her inbox,
[bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep] it, she had enough,
She sprinted across of the hall,
Going straight for his sanctuary,
Kicked open the lock,
Located his box, of racks and other effects,
Lifted it above her head, smashing his record controller,
She grabbed his interface,
Smashin it through the booth window,
Kicked his computer in, and used a pencil to stab his speakers,
She couldn’t cause enough damage, she hadda destroy his tweeters,
N after she finished she went to the kitchen, poured herself a glass of wine,
Feeling a bit relaxed, she still hadn’t finished her job,
She grabbed the bottle and downed her glass,
Went to the room, and let out a laugh,

She walked amidst the trash,
Chucklin words of hate,
She held the bottle,
Then poured its contents out,
The equipment sparked,
Then it died out,
Her heart cried,
She wanted him back tonight,
She wanted him more now, den before da fight,

She said she had enough,
She couldn’t take it anymore,
Tired of waitin n waitin for me to return,
Only for her to get burned,

She grabbed my record cases,
With tears in her eyes,
She broke it all I watched my life fall,
By her side,

I snuck through da back, turnin my cell phone off,
Came to surprise my baby, it’s been a couple of months,
Since we last talked, I opened the gate,
Then creaked open the door,
I knew dat she wasn’t ready for what I had in store,
I saw our blanket layin on top of da floor,
Saw dat dere was a glass of wine sitting on top of da counter,
I heard her sounds of pouts comin from down the hall,
I went to go rush to her side, and much to my surprise,
Dere she was, sitting amidst my equipment,
I collapsed by her side, lookin at her face, she started to cry,
Telling me how sorry, she was, I put my hand to her lips,
N told her to shut up, I brought her up for a kiss,
Kissed my wife, n told her dat everything was finna be allright,

RettRobinson 02-12-2010 12:26 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
This is the latest session i did. The artist goes by Deuce Mayne, mixed in pro tools le 8 with 003 rack, a couple of out board peaces, and shs audio s7 mic.


Hope everyone enjoys.

bonzerboy 02-20-2010 11:05 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

This is my first album , I stared with The m Box and P tools 6, A casio keyboard and alesis DM Pro elctronic drums then I got the Rolands and up graded to the digi 003 and bought lots of Ik multimedia stuff. I am still a novice but here is 11 songs I have completed and I am working on new ones now. My Main Instrument is drums but got tired of the band hassle thing and that is what got me going pro tools route, NUFF of my jabbering I hope you guys like my stuff

bonzerboy 02-20-2010 11:19 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
I have added the korg r3 after i started. the tunes I did with the casio are Happy Death March and Midnight dreams. That got the ball rolling for me

basslik 02-27-2010 07:16 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone, heres a band I recorded three weeks ago, pretty much just live with a few overdubs, Las Vegas has a gruvvveeee feel to it. If you all can be so kind as to leave a comment on the recordings on my link, and theirs would be cool too, thank you all for all the help to get me to this point in my recording endeavor.
Abandoned Theory on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

CompC 03-03-2010 11:38 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

some mixes i have done, tryin to get more into it with each one, the top is the most recent mix, tips are appreciated

drummermike58 03-03-2010 03:13 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is the myspace to my band. I did the tracking in house through my Q6600 PC 002 console and a mix of the following gear.

Presonus Eureka on vox with shure ksm32

A mix of direct line outs from the amps and close/distant miking combinations with Mxl 990's and shure SM57's for guitars

Bass is through the eureka

cheap MXL 991 overhead mics, and an MXL 990 on the beater side of the kick. Toms all have a CAD drum mic prepack (honestly can't recall the name of the whole set) routed through an old 12ch behringher mixing board for pre eqing the audio :D

These were then mixed by Scott Ensign of Obscura Sound. He mixed in light drum samples under the live kick and snare for consistancy, but it is mostly my live gretsch renown maple kick and Orange county snare... Im the drummer for the band and still developing my mixing techniques so we outsourced for these songs. Hope you like them...


basslik 03-07-2010 12:10 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by CompC (Post 1565336)

some mixes i have done, tryin to get more into it with each one, the top is the most recent mix, tips are appreciated

Digged the tracks CompC, hey the first tune/ what's the kick?, it sounds so familiar, sounds a little to boxy for that tune?, but I love them all.;)

euphoria89 03-12-2010 04:28 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Ye good ol' british drinking song!


Cajon Box - SM58 in rear soundhole
Bass - Blend of DI and Fender Bassman (SE 2200A)
Guitars - C414's
Vocals - Rode NT1 (doesnt quite look the same at the start)

Drums and bass tracked together, as are all the guitars. Vocals done separately.


CompC 03-13-2010 06:15 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
"entertainer" i think thats the one you're reffering to, well i bought the beat off of soundclick, but i mainly just use the mp3 file and just add the vocals, so other than that I have no idea...lol but thanks for listening to them

basslik 03-13-2010 10:53 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by CompC (Post 1571457)
"entertainer" i think thats the one you're reffering to, well i bought the beat off of soundclick, but i mainly just use the mp3 file and just add the vocals, so other than that I have no idea...lol but thanks for listening to them

Great stuff, so do my daughters, when teenagers like it, it's a good thing.:D

Ormond 03-15-2010 01:35 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Guitar and Pedal Steel done through a Dr. Z RX/ES and Royer'd into a Digi002.
Yamaha Motif XS6 for all other tracks.


basslik 03-19-2010 08:51 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Ormond (Post 1572821)
Guitar and Pedal Steel done through a Dr. Z RX/ES and Royer'd into a Digi002.
Yamaha Motif XS6 for all other tracks.


oRMOND!!!!!!, Man that is great stuff, Steve Morse would be proud BRATHA:D

glencom55 03-20-2010 04:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thought it sounded great!

necjamc 03-20-2010 05:43 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by euphoria89 (Post 1571147)
Ye good ol' british drinking song!


Cajon Box - SM58 in rear soundhole
Bass - Blend of DI and Fender Bassman (SE 2200A)
Guitars - C414's
Vocals - Rode NT1 (doesnt quite look the same at the start)

Drums and bass tracked together, as are all the guitars. Vocals done separately.


Excellent!!! I enjoyed this song.:-)

Ormond 03-20-2010 05:52 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Thanks baslik - I checked out your Project on Myspace - you have some great guitar work and tone happening there. Very good PTools engineering too.

TOM@METRO 03-20-2010 10:15 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by euphoria89 (Post 1571147)
Ye good ol' british drinking song!


Cajon Box - SM58 in rear soundhole
Bass - Blend of DI and Fender Bassman (SE 2200A)
Guitars - C414's
Vocals - Rode NT1 (doesnt quite look the same at the start)

Drums and bass tracked together, as are all the guitars. Vocals done separately.



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