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El-Kamfer 05-11-2005 05:47 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

you are very welcome.

what bad critics?

some said that they felt that the vocal effect at the beginning sucked a**, and that the vocal in
general sucked, and it shoud be recorded all over again,
and the vocals didn`t fit the clean guitar.
and also, that the bass and drums are boring to listen to, that it wasn`t
more "experimental", and that it wasn`t tight...
i like critics as much as the next guy, but when people
just give destructive critics and just slaughter stuff
you`ve worked alot with, you get kinda cranky.

IntelDoc 05-11-2005 06:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Oh ya, he has a HUGE "Mayer" influence. Sad sometimes as he has some talent. JUst needs to develope his own sound some more.

- Doc

Sharritan 05-11-2005 07:00 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Sharritan (Scott)

Personally, I wouldn't even pay attention or converse with either Bubba or Doc. Neither one of them will provide you with an ounce of good insight. Bubba still reliving his days as drum major and the only time I get anything worthwhile from Doc is if you call him at 2 in the morning. I'll send ya his number.

There is a guy on the board named STREETS that provide excellent input. Hunt him down!!

Just messing with ya (Be sure to read Doc's follow up to this ). Good to see you posting stuff up. Did you ever do anything more with the tune we talked about?

Thanks for the message. As far as the tune you heard, it is still in the works. I am really just trying to put together 5 or so songs for an EP to release. No big hurry though. Trying to focus more on other's music instead of mine. I tend to mix mine to death. I can usually find a nice stopping point with other people's music but am constantly changing my own. Oh well...... I will post more soon.

doylemusic 05-11-2005 08:11 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Tighten up with your Wnblows skillz... I just downloaded the file and it worked...

Mr. Smart..... I will call you in a bit to make sure you are good.. :-)

- Doc

don't know what to tell you Nice Guy, it didn't work last night. SOunds good. The drums do sound pretty darned good. Cymbals aren't there yet, the verb will help add som air there. Kick sounds good, I still can't get that one right. Did you use the SM7 on the vox?

IntelDoc 05-11-2005 08:31 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ya man, nothing has EQ at all. I mean , not one single eq on the session at all. Those are all raw sounds minus the L2 for some volume. The reverb will be added more later, as well as eq for cymbals.

The vocals believe it or not are the APEX 435 into the 1272 - 1176 combo and then Pro Tools. Sounded good I thought for that mic.

- Doc

doylemusic 05-11-2005 09:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
435 huh, that's kinda impressive. I had heard not so goud things about it's vocal abilities. Guess you found the right voice.

IntelDoc 05-11-2005 09:30 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
The APEX 435 is the TLM-103 clone. Not bad either. Remember I did a test of those against 2 U87's and the guy liked the 435's better. They were definitely brighter than the U87. They are hit or miss for vocals. Louder singers are not good on them, but they are worth having as a go to mic for stuff. I use them all the time on acoustic guitars.

- Doc

bigbubbaj 05-11-2005 10:30 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

The APEX 435 is the TLM-103 clone. Not bad either. Remember I did a test of those against 2 U87's and the guy liked the 435's better. They were definitely brighter than the U87. They are hit or miss for vocals. Louder singers are not good on them, but they are worth having as a go to mic for stuff. I use them all the time on acoustic guitars.

- Doc

Where did you hear that about the TLM-103 clone? I had a vocalist in one day laying some traks and he brought his own TLM-103, and we both agreed that had absolutely no similarities whatsoever!

Will you do an A/B test for us with an acoustic guitar tonight or something?

Hmmm indeed.

IntelDoc 05-11-2005 11:35 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Not sure where I read that but I remember it mainly when I bought it. Who knows if it was true or not, but all I know is that I read it somewhere.

As for the similarities.... tone wise, no way.... The Nuemann can handle stuff better. Though the APEX 435 is a good mic for the money. All I know is that we liked it better than the pair of U87's that we A/B'd it against at anohter studio.

I will try to find that article on the mic.

- Doc

superpenguin79 05-11-2005 12:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Doc, you take Place down already? It seems that I am unable to DL that one for some reason. Comes up Page can't be displayed.

btw.. I will try to get a new one up either today or tommorow depending on when I can get some time here. I think recording wise that this one might be my best yet as far as quality. *shrugs*

Have a good day guys! peace


bigbubbaj 05-11-2005 12:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That what I meant...there were NO similarities...you saying you can hear them?

IntelDoc 05-11-2005 01:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I think what was being made was that they were originally designed to be cheap clone of the 103's. I do hear some similarities. The 435's are definitely brighter though. Sensitivity is higher on the TLM-103. They both are very clear.

As for the link, I think that my provider is giving me some issues right now. New provider and I am working out the bugs.

It is at PLACE 2

or at least it was...

- Doc

doylemusic 05-11-2005 01:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yeah, I'd like to hear some A/B tests Doc if you get a chance. I need to get two cheap condesors to use here and there as needed and I've heard they sound good on guitars. I'm debating on getting those or a pair of pencils (oktava if I can find the real thing). Thanks

IntelDoc 05-11-2005 01:33 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Honestly I recommend the 012's and the 435's as they can be used for a lot of stuff, and worth having. You can find them probably for under 300 for a pair of 435's and the 012's. Maybe 400, but that is about it. Well worth it.

- Doc

bigbubbaj 05-11-2005 02:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I have a pair of each...(435 on elec and acoustic gtr, hihat) (012 - acous gtr, drum OH)

They are both go-to mics and amazing for the price.

The 435 was actually used for the vocal on "Riptide" albeit not a great performance. I also used them on Overheads that day, on his drum kit. RipTide - (high school aged band)

superpenguin79 05-11-2005 03:10 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doc, I think I got the download ok. I feel your pain about new host providers. I am actually going through the same deal at the moment as my other provider was not reliable and I am transfering everything over to a new platform with a new company. it has been hell on ice so to speak, but will be very nice once all the bugs are worked out. Goodluck on your transfer there also!

Wicked-Mama 05-11-2005 08:16 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Bump, as I'd like to have a little feedback on these 3 extracts from my site : www.i-snor.com

The site is only in french for the moment, but is very simple to handle... All you have to do is click on the little dog icon on the top of the landscape, and choose your song...

- "Ovale" is a very complicate mix, all done in Pro Tools LE with nice gear attached and a lot of patience. Wait for the big drums ! I used an AGK C-414, a pair of Schoeps cmc6/mk4, TLAudio preamps, a Kurzweil K2500 RS, a Kurzweil KSP8 for most of the FX (reverbs !) and a Digi-002R. The plugs that were used are mostly from URS, PSP and Devine Machine.

- "Peur du Noir" means "afraid of the dark", it's mostly a re-creation of a childish fear. The mix is simpler but the ambiance is quite harsh, you'll hear. Needless to say, my neighbours moved one month after this one...

- "Superstar" is a more classical thing, made in fact as a song for a movie. Vocal, guitar, bass and drums. I do everything except the basses.

Peace. Yann

Roy Howell 05-11-2005 11:16 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


It is at PLACE 2

- Doc


Nice job on this so far...guitars and vox sound really good. I do miss the bass, and drums sound a little too up front, but I know it's early in your mix. Well recorded as usual, and I'll be listening as you go...The link to the teenage band won't work...Let me know if you put it back up.

By the way, have you heard the new Jack Johnson cd?('Between Dreams', I think)... Superb mixing of acoustic guitar and vocals with a few other instruments, usually just bass and drums. Great songs and vocals too. I highly recommend it.


Roy Howell 05-11-2005 11:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi. This is an elegy I wrote for one of my students who tragically and incomprehensibly took her own life.
It's here: http://www.mp3unsigned.com/showmp3.a...=14534&aid=841
and here the song at the top here: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/th...odingmusic.htm

Hi Jon...how've you been?

Very nice aura throughout this song...I like the unique arrangement, in that your vocal comes in so late, but works (though the delay is a little thick...just slightly less slapback vol, in my opinion). Guitar is soulfully played. Nice job overall, and I enjoyed listening.


Roy Howell 05-11-2005 11:56 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Jack Rabbit,
Sorry to just now be replying...busy, busy.....Nice job recording Rebecca Perkins...sounds like a promising writer and I'm glad you're helping her out. Looking for some more of your stuff too. Again, I enjoyed playing on 'crown and anchor'...great song.


Roy Howell 05-12-2005 12:24 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

I Know

Good song, and well recorded...really like the guitar sound on it. What was the guit setup?
Good job...


Roy Howell 05-12-2005 12:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Ok fellas....here are a couple tunes I just finished up for a local band. They jut wanted to get a quick demo together, so we didn't spend a ton if time (9 hrs tracking plus mix/master). I think it turned out pretty good for my first "rock" mix. I think the cymbals get a little loud, but all in all not bad. Let me know what you think.


Eye For An Eye

Nice job on this project, especially for a 'quick demo' in just 9 hrs. I hear what you're saying about the cyms, but good job overall.


JonM 05-12-2005 06:25 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi Jon...how've you been?

Very nice aura throughout this song...I like the unique arrangement, in that your vocal comes in so late, but works (though the delay is a little thick...just slightly less slapback vol, in my opinion). Guitar is soulfully played. Nice job overall, and I enjoyed listening.


Hi Roy, things OK here. I kind of lurk here mostly until something confounds me on a mix and I come looking for help. Stil, it's good to think about how far I've come since Chris IntelDoc worked his magic on my pitiful mix of Counting the Beats

Thanks for the listen and the pointers. Strange how you get an idea for a track and you think 'that's cool', or 'that's beautiful' and you excitedly work on the song and yet what you end up with is somehow disappointing. That was the case here again, though it was good to do. Guess that's why I haven't gone double-platinum yet

Gotta keep trying...

Sharritan 05-12-2005 06:47 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle


I Know

Good song, and well recorded...really like the guitar sound on it. What was the guit setup?
Good job...


Thanks Roy,
For the guitar tracks I used 2 different PRS custom 22s. One through my Mesa Triple Rec and then a Marshall 2X12 and another through my Marshall 3203 through a 4X12. I used 2 different Mics on each track and panned for thickness. I used a 57 and a MXL2001. Not that great of a mic but it did the trick on this. There is an acoustic track throughout as well using my Taylor 420. There is also a track of nothing but feedback ringing out through the whole song too. I think it adds a little fullness.

Anyway, thanks for the listen.

doylemusic 05-12-2005 08:03 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

I hand't listened to this until now. Man it really sounds good. Well mixed, everything is nicely placed. I like the vocal treatment. I thinkg the kick and snare sound fits the mix well. The only thing that sticks out to me is the toms. They are pretty widely panned, I think it might work if you just brought them down a tad, they seem to stick out a bit for me. It's like the mix sounds really good to me until he hits a tom. My two cents. Good work man!

doylemusic 05-12-2005 08:09 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

I just wanted to say that I know I don't participate on this thread a bunch, I kinda pop in and out, but I truly appreciate this thread. Even though there is an occasional flame war, there is such a wealth of information and good feedback. I am thankful for anyone who takes the time to listen to a tune or two and offer "their opinion". It's so nice to be part of a group that I can go to and bounce a mix off of and get good healthy feedback. A second, third and fourth set of ears really helps to shape my projects. I can honestly say that my mixes have grown because of you guys.

Roy, thanks for keeping this going. Thanks to all of those who help as time allows.

Sharritan 05-12-2005 08:48 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle


I hand't listened to this until now. Man it really sounds good. Well mixed, everything is nicely placed. I like the vocal treatment. I thinkg the kick and snare sound fits the mix well. The only thing that sticks out to me is the toms. They are pretty widely panned, I think it might work if you just brought them down a tad, they seem to stick out a bit for me. It's like the mix sounds really good to me until he hits a tom. My two cents. Good work man!

Good call on the Toms. They do make your head snap to the side a bit. I will go in and adjust. I have them panned 100% now so I will make it around 75% and see.

badperson 05-12-2005 08:49 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

I just wanted to say that I know I don't participate on this thread a bunch,

definitely. This thread is my main connection to the duc. Lots of different genres, skill levels, tastes, opinions, etc, I've learned a ton on this thread.

p.s., doyle, did you ever post that big band project you and Chris Cavell were discussing a few months back?

IntelDoc 05-12-2005 09:39 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle
Sharitan, (scott)
I moved the mastered file for you for I KNOW.

Can be found here.


Sorry all, moving files and stuff. Studio site is down until I get that figured out. Gotta get the new site up here one day too.


- Doc

Sharritan 05-12-2005 09:54 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle
Cool, thanks Chris.

doylemusic 05-12-2005 10:05 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

p.s., doyle, did you ever post that big band project you and Chris Cavell were discussing a few months back?

I never did, I got into a bind on prep timing for the gig and such so I didn't really follow his advice. I ended up going at it my own way. Turned out ok, client was happy, but I know I could have done a better job. I may post one of the tunes if you promise not to beat me up to much

If your email is posted, I'll shoot you part of the discussion we had offline about it. I meant to do that cause you were interested.

Third Eye Studios 05-12-2005 10:07 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle
Hey Scott,

How's it going? "I Know" sounds great. The vocals are sitting great they are really blending well. The guitars are thick and awesome (PRS rules!!!). I hadn't seen the song it until now. The toms, as mentioned are just a little wide IMO. The song sounds awesome.

Good mastering job too Doc!!

IntelDoc 05-12-2005 10:49 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle
Thanks! Guess I did not hear the toms... may have been mix overload for the week...

Cool tune though.

_ Doc

Sharritan 05-12-2005 10:59 AM

Re: Third, Doc, and Doyle

Hey Scott,

How's it going? "I Know" sounds great. The vocals are sitting great they are really blending well. The guitars are thick and awesome (PRS rules!!!). I hadn't seen the song it until now. The toms, as mentioned are just a little wide IMO. The song sounds awesome.

Good mastering job too Doc!!

Cool. Thanks for the feedback. I think Doc did a great job on the mastering too. Really thick and punchy. I have a little jazz session scheduled for the begining of June so that should be fun. Different for me though. I will post once it gets going. I will probably need a little help with that one. They want to do a basically live session. It's a keyboardist, Sax, Upright bass and drums.

Roy Howell 05-12-2005 11:15 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
gibson sg-


Hey guys, if you could please listen to my raygay song and give me your thoughts on it I'd really appreciate it. Its the first song I've ever mixed and recorded entirely myself. (The only thing the band told me was they want their cymbals bright and low in the mix.) Theres alot of noise maker type instruments in it so maybe you guys can tell me what fits and what doesnt, tonal balance, levels, compression, or anything I might need to work on.


gibson sg-

I agree with BigbubbaJ's post here...

"Sounds good. nice tune. good arrangement. Really like your drums (engineering - great imaging.)

Could be fine tuned and "polished" a bit more in spots but I think you did a good job. Some autotune in spots, and there a few timing issues here and there with the drummer, but not showstoppers." -BigbubbaJ

Good song and energy...nice job overall. Post more when you can... -Roy

Teolin 05-13-2005 09:56 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Stunning. The vocals seem like appendages rather than the core of the song. The guitar sound (performance) was hypnotic. Do more. Really enjoyed it.

mykhal c 05-14-2005 01:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey roy and all. still workin' on the website but have this backgrd track that i've been workin' on for the site. still tweakin' but willingly to let it outta the box for a test run! it's all bass except for the obvious drum and dj scratches. probably gonna add one more bass track, a bottom end groove and might redo the fretless. haven't decided yet. drum trk is a sample, scratches from reason 3.0, and live basses into the 002 with a couple of plugins. i'm also posting the sample track i sent you with the female vox. again, feedback welcome but be gentle!! peace...mykhal



Wicked-Mama 05-14-2005 06:42 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
?? Bump ??

I'd like to have a little feedback on these 3 extracts from my site : -i snor's music

The site is only in french for the moment, but is very simple to handle... All you have to do is click on the little dog icon on the top of the landscape, and choose your song...

- "Ovale" is a very complicate mix, all done in Pro Tools LE with nice gear attached and a lot of patience. Wait for the big drums ! I used an AGK C-414, a pair of Schoeps cmc6/mk4, TLAudio preamps, a Kurzweil K2500 RS, a Kurzweil KSP8 for most of the FX (reverbs !) and a Digi-002R. The plugs that were used are mostly from URS, PSP and Devine Machine.

- "Peur du Noir" means "afraid of the dark", it's mostly a re-creation of a childish fear. The mix is simpler but the ambiance is quite harsh, you'll hear. Needless to say, my neighbours moved one month after this one...

- "Superstar" is a more classical thing, made in fact as a song for a movie. Vocal, guitar, bass and drums. I do everything except the basses.

Peace. Yann

bigbubbaj 05-14-2005 08:35 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

?? Bump ??

I'd like to have a little feedback on these 3 extracts from my site : -i snor's music

The site is only in french for the moment, but is very simple to handle... All you have to do is click on the little dog icon on the top of the landscape, and choose your song...

- "Ovale" is a very complicate mix, all done in Pro Tools LE with nice gear attached and a lot of patience. Wait for the big drums ! I used an AGK C-414, a pair of Schoeps cmc6/mk4, TLAudio preamps, a Kurzweil K2500 RS, a Kurzweil KSP8 for most of the FX (reverbs !) and a Digi-002R. The plugs that were used are mostly from URS, PSP and Devine Machine.

- "Peur du Noir" means "afraid of the dark", it's mostly a re-creation of a childish fear. The mix is simpler but the ambiance is quite harsh, you'll hear. Needless to say, my neighbours moved one month after this one...

- "Superstar" is a more classical thing, made in fact as a song for a movie. Vocal, guitar, bass and drums. I do everything except the basses.

Peace. Yann

Sounds good. Mix on Ovale is superb. Great drums. Wish I spoke French!!

I have to say your website is very artistic, but very difficult to use...and I do web programming for a living!

Wicked-Mama 05-14-2005 10:19 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks a lot ! Ovale means "the form of an egg", and it speaks about someone who tries to hurt his mother, and in the same time refrains himself to do so.

Well, about my website, I guess I'll have to make things easier... It's still a first version, and can surely get much improved. Again, thanks.


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