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basslik 06-09-2022 05:03 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by K Roche (Post 2635503)
I don't remember if this thread is supposed to be originals or just anything we are working on? So this is my music video cover arrangement of the Shawn Mullins song "Calliforina" ,,, done slide show style .....
BTW it is in 4k if your system will stream it ..

Used to have a 70's El Camino. Wish I still had that truck, a workhorse.

Love the air in the song. NICE.

K Roche 06-10-2022 06:36 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by basslik (Post 2639146)
Used to have a 70's El Camino. Wish I still had that truck, a workhorse.

Love the air in the song. NICE.

Thanks for listen and reply

SoundDirk 06-10-2022 04:26 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
My part for a song contest. If you like it, please vote for it: https://hofa-contest.com/song/10242/
Or give feedback here.
Thank you!

Gesendet von meinem M2102J20SG mit Tapatalk

knowtice 10-27-2022 10:23 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Thought I would share my project. This I recorded somewhere around 12 years ago in my 1 bedroom apartment with my Digi002R based system. I worked at Sweetwater so I had access to a lot of great equipment, I believe I recorded these guitars in mid-side configuration with an R121 and a Cactus. More than my rent. Anyway please like and subscribe. Thank you for listening!


take77 10-28-2022 12:10 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by knowtice (Post 2651814)
Thought I would share my project. This I recorded somewhere around 12 years ago in my 1 bedroom apartment with my Digi002R based system. I worked at Sweetwater so I had access to a lot of great equipment, I believe I recorded these guitars in mid-side configuration with an R121 and a Cactus. More than my rent. Anyway please like and subscribe. Thank you for listening!


I dug the track.
Like the vibe and dynamics; especially when the vocals come in strong and at the right time.
I wish I could express myself like that vocally.

Maybe fade it from the 4min mark out to 4:10.
The extra part at the end is cool but I felt fulfilled as a listener at the 4min mark (the song provided a really good high-point & release by that point) and the following 10 seconds lends itself perfectly to a fade out.

The intro is fine (and there are no rules) but the current duration might be better in a full length album context. As a single, maybe amend the length of the intro a bit.
You know people and their attention span on the internet these days.
I like the vibe when the vocals come in and suggest you bring that in sooner.
But nothing wrong with laying the full scope of ideas down. Makes for a nice & complete production reference.

As far as the recording, I know it's a bedroom demo. Nevertheless, the song came across and I felt it~

Thank you for sharing keep up the expressive writing!

PH68 12-04-2022 04:47 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's my bands new album... The S.O.J. / Binary
It was made completely at home.

Listen on all the usual streaming services...



TOM@METRO 12-04-2022 04:13 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Well done. Congrats.

Voideco 12-23-2022 04:44 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's my latest piece, Altered E - Go!

Drums recorded in my 2nd sleeping room, guitars and bass recorder in my 1st and biggest sleeping room, sleeping in my living room. I did bass & guitars, someone else did the drums for me. Hope you enjoy it ;)

Voideco 03-10-2023 09:15 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Nobody commenting on my song? Am I so boring or did I insult somebody? Got no replies to my song Emotional Rollercoaster either.

What's wrong?

ja_allen 04-04-2023 09:47 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

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