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superpenguin79 03-03-2008 06:11 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Wow, I've forgotten there was a chromatic auto tune in the verses, it was even tuning notes out of tune. I took the auto tune out and finalized the 2 mixes.


Joz, went to download the new tracks you posted and looks like your site is down man. can't even get to overnightlows.com for some reason. let me know when the site is live again, would definately dig hearing the latest tunes you guys have worked on man. Thanks

superpenguin79 03-03-2008 06:23 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

I feel a little sheepish going next.

Anyway here it is

I'd really like some feedback on this one. This is a track I just did for my new solo project. It's about 90% done... I need to fix the vocals a bit and add some harmonies. Production wise is there anything that jumps out at you that doesn't sound so good?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!


Koe, nice work on this one, I like the diversity mixing it up with the goth/techno and slowing down, speeding up kinda thing for this. Honestly for constructive criticism, I'd have to say the intro is a bit long man. I'm not going to say go mainstream and cut it to fit pop radio or anything caus you are doing what you're doing and thats awesome, but most listeners get bored and will change to something else after the first 30 seconds of a song, so maybe I would have done it 30 second intro, 2 bar into the sped up techno instrumental part, then do like a reverse vocoder type effect into the first verse and it would be cool. Other than that though, the instrumentation is really cool and I dig the goth vox. The screaming part at about the 3:38 mark is really cool to bring it home dramatically as well and the matrix type fade out at the end is very cool too. nice work over all.

superpenguin79 03-03-2008 06:37 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

This is a guitar and mandolin instrumental piece. Thanks for listening.
desperation beauty

Roy, long time no chat man. Great composition and instrumental piece. I'd have to say my favorite part of the track was that little bit right in the first 20 seconds where you did the strum that had some form of fade effect on it man, just seemed to paint the whole soundscape right there. hope all is cool. peace

superpenguin79 03-03-2008 06:50 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Couple new ones on my page below. THe First one was finished up yesterday. 1 more to go and the record is finally done. Diggin it. Pretty straight forward Rock.



Doc/Chris, man your mixing skillz have got mad skillz dude! I am not digging the vibe of the PolyJane just caus I honestly don't like her voice man (think she's singing too high for her range and style), but the mix is awesome and the Annex stuff you did is great man! Tommy sounds like he's heading in a very Dave Matthews direction on the one track man as well, but I dig it. Keep up the great work and great to see you are up and running with the new studio man. peace

IntelDoc 03-04-2008 03:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
'-) She is a good gal, and the next record will be better. They tracked elsewhere and I just mixed it. It really turned out better than I thought and they let me have a little creative backing on the mix side. That was fun. Drums were totally fixed and vocals tweeked. Mastered by Bob Olhsson which was awesome! Highly recommend it.

Tommy's song is an old one that was written about my bad divorce. GREAT TUNE! Mixing some new stuff by him now that is really RAW.

The ANNEX stuff is cool. Those guys are really a great bunch of dudes.

Thanks for listening. Sorry you did not care for the vocals.

superpenguin79 03-05-2008 04:54 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doc, no worries man, I am on a trek to hear more Annex now though. lol seriously dig that form of energy in the tunes. heheh so are you skiing a lot out there in your spare time now?

IntelDoc 03-05-2008 06:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Doc, no worries man, I am on a trek to hear more Annex now though. lol seriously dig that form of energy in the tunes. heheh so are you skiing a lot out there in your spare time now?

Every weekend..... 25 some odd days in this season already. Spring skiing is almost here.

superpenguin79 03-06-2008 06:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
cool, just waiting for spring in general over here. I hear we're getting 6-12 in. of snow by the weekend yet... have fun man.

toddboxer 03-19-2008 12:32 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

The downside on the re-mix is the mastering plugin. Why Ozone give a light version with absolutely no customization is beyond me. Still I am very happy with it. I still find mixes will be as good as the next part of the process allows it to be. So it shouldnt matter what the platform is.

If the recording quality is [bleep] then you can only do so much to make it good. But some can mix better than others.


toddboxer 03-19-2008 12:32 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

The downside on the re-mix is the mastering plugin. Why Ozone give a light version with absolutely no customization is beyond me. Still I am very happy with it. I still find mixes will be as good as the next part of the process allows it to be. So it shouldnt matter what the platform is.

If the recording quality is [bleep] then you can only do so much to make it good. But some can mix better than others.


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