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Cavet Your Eruptor 06-05-2006 02:25 PM

Re: Finally got my MySpace Music page up....
Hey Wheels,

This isn't the most advanced - but it will help with the basics:


Good luck

Wheeltard 06-07-2006 08:14 PM

Re: Finally got my MySpace Music page up....
Mucho thanks CYE. I'll give 'er a whirl.

-jj- 06-08-2006 04:14 PM

Hi, this is raw demomix our heavymetal band called Stargazer. Song name is "How many miles" Some heavy/hard rock fans mite recognize singer
Stargazer - How many miles

gravityspull 06-10-2006 12:59 AM

Re: Stargazer
Hi Guys - my first music post on the DUC, so take it easy

This is stuff I've played and recorded on my own, but as you will see it's meant for a full band, which will happen soon. I'm interesed in knowing what you think of the 3 promo tracks (or any paticular one) on my site.

They're on the homepage under "quick listen" - www.ritchspence.co.uk

The first track (Cutthroat Cool) was done before I bought BFD, and you can really tell the difference. The drums on the second track are BFD. Interested in any feedback on the songs, the mix, the sounds & use of effects......I'm pretty much learning as I go so would appreciate any tips on making these better.




Rieces Pieces 06-11-2006 04:54 PM

Re: Finally got my MySpace Music page up....
This is my first post and really its jus to get an idea of my mix on Finally. Its definately off a little bit but my question is how do you guys feel about the snare/clap? Should I switch it out or keep it?

mykhal c 06-12-2006 03:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey roy and all. back again for more input!! workin' on trax with percussionist petro bass. the track is called 'no matter what'. it is track 3 in my player at www.mykhalcompton.com. the track was done on an mbox and 002; fretless bass and guitar direct into mackie 1604VLZ into 002 tracked here in SF using 6.4; percussion and mouth harp mic'd with akg 2000B into mbox tracked in FL using 6.9; waves L2 on master fader on this bounced mix. this is the direction of petro's new cd and i have to say i'm diggin' the mouth harp and the gord!!! whole different kinda flava!! we are doing pre-production with him sending me stereo mixes to SF and then i do my thing on this end, including mixing. who woulda fathomed this 20 yrs ago!!! you can also check out petro's site... www.petrobass.com for more info on him.

well, i'm takin' the plunge to PT7.1 tomorrow!!! i almost hate messin' with things but things seem to be solid with it from what i've read here on the DUC!! anyway, hope all is well in memphis!! always lookin' forward to your feedback. aloha for now...mykhal

Redhouse Records 06-12-2006 10:37 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is a song that me and some friends did awhile back. Any listens and comments would help in the finalization of the mix.
Jettison song

Cavet Your Eruptor 06-15-2006 09:58 PM

Re: Finally got my MySpace Music page up....
Hey Rieces Pieces,

I took the link to your myspace page and the songs available were:

What It Is
Tell Me How

Is there supposed to be one called 'Finally' on there? If not, which song were you asking about?

Cavet Your Eruptor 06-15-2006 10:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Derek,

Demon circus? Aren't the regular circuses scary enough!??!?

Interesting mix with the left/right panning of different parts. Kind of gives the 'multi-ring' feeling of a circus. The bass seemed a little buried to me. Overall I thought it was well done.

The only other things that occurred to me were: The 'ringmaster' voice sounds too clean. Maybe some lo-fi effect to make it sound like he's talking through a megaphone? As for sound effects - maybe some crowd sounds (cheering, gasping, etc.) in response to the ringmaster? And maybe too cliche, but maybe some of that calliope/organ sound in the transitions?

Also, FYI - the lyrics you have posted on that page don't match up exactly with the recorded version.

Roy Howell 06-15-2006 10:43 PM

Re: Stargazer

Hi Guys - my first music post on the DUC, so take it easy

This is stuff I've played and recorded on my own, but as you will see it's meant for a full band, which will happen soon. I'm interesed in knowing what you think of the 3 promo tracks (or any paticular one) on my site.

They're on the homepage under "quick listen" - www.ritchspence.co.uk




Ritch...listened to all three...good songs, all...I really like your vocals...very nice piano work too (what piano are you playing?).....The best song to me is 'Go Home'...great chorus on that, which I'de like to hear more of in the arrangement (everything should center around that, IMO). I also really like 'Cutthroat'.

Nice job on all three...tons of potential...thanks for the listen. -Roy

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