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davec 02-03-2006 12:35 PM

Re: Latest Stuff
Thanks Wheel, and for sure Roy's project is both technically and musically great.

Roy Howell 02-05-2006 12:57 AM

Re: Latest Stuff

By the way Roy, your Cape group effort was the bomb. I know I always hate when people say, "sounds like..." but that tune definitely conjoured up good feelings of listening to a variety of bands from my youth.

Just a sick effort all the way around. Superb. The level of musicianship and production on this board just boggles my peabrain.

Thanks very much, Wheeltard...

Roy Howell 02-06-2006 11:42 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...

OK, seeing we're posting our CaPE song here Roy...

I was on Team Zodiak

Our track is a TOTALLY different animal to Team Galactic's

The players are:
Bigfurry - Song writer / bass / acoustic guitar
Jstuart - Lead vocal / drums
Mousdrvr - Backing vocals
Loubeck - Electric rhythm guitar and intro solo.
Watershed (Aussie169) - Lead guitar (apart from intro solo)
Scrubby - Organ / Mandolin
Charles Dye - Mixing
Bob Olhsson - Mastering

Enjoy She Disappears

Just listened again...sounds great.

Aussie169 02-06-2006 02:16 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Thanks Roy

davec 02-06-2006 02:48 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

OK, seeing we're posting our CaPE song here Roy...

I was on Team Zodiak

Our track is a TOTALLY different animal to Team Galactic's

The players are:
Bigfurry - Song writer / bass / acoustic guitar
Jstuart - Lead vocal / drums
Mousdrvr - Backing vocals
Loubeck - Electric rhythm guitar and intro solo.
Watershed (Aussie169) - Lead guitar (apart from intro solo)
Scrubby - Organ / Mandolin
Charles Dye - Mixing
Bob Olhsson - Mastering

Enjoy She Disappears

Really good song. Vocal style matched the music perfectly. Words hit home big time. Good job.

Flux 1.21 02-07-2006 11:02 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Check out my first 3 mixes on my website below. Let me know what you think. Input on what I can do better would be appreciated.

Thanks guys and enjoy

Darney 02-07-2006 11:18 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
For some samples of stuff I've done on a Digi002R and ProTools..



All tracks were done with real instruments... no samples.

Comments greatly appreciated.


Tgrokz 02-08-2006 01:07 AM

Re: Latest Stuff


Hello everybody!
Im working on a project that´ll be complete in a few moths. But until then, here´s a little riff I recorded with my new 7stringed badboy for those of you who are interessted in slow heavy music.

By the way, dont mind the solo, its a little rough its just a test so Im not gonna rerecord it, maybe later. This riff will NOT be on the record so if you like it, do whatever you want with it... enjoy!

Give me some feedback on the production, its not the best song in the world but what do you think of the mastering and so on?

Its the song "7string thingie" check out the other ones too if you want, they all are on:

All the happiness to you!

Your own Way is pretty good. Very Metallica'ish if that's what you were shooting for. Rather than explain, here's what I would have done with the song.. (with Harmonizer)

Your Own Way

I would lower the bass and raise the bass drum. Also I would have created a pan layout for the drums instead of centering everything.

Here's the original:

Your Own Way - Original

gotta dissagre with you on this one. the bass in this song is a real driving force. your mix makes me feel like all im hearing is a high hiss from the hats and cheap guitars (no offense there). the origional is very poerful and driving. it is bassy, but thats a good thing also, the drums are definitly panned. you can really notice when the quick splashes are hit.

davec 02-08-2006 09:42 AM

Re: Latest Stuff



Hello everybody!
Im working on a project that´ll be complete in a few moths. But until then, here´s a little riff I recorded with my new 7stringed badboy for those of you who are interessted in slow heavy music.

By the way, dont mind the solo, its a little rough its just a test so Im not gonna rerecord it, maybe later. This riff will NOT be on the record so if you like it, do whatever you want with it... enjoy!

Give me some feedback on the production, its not the best song in the world but what do you think of the mastering and so on?

Its the song "7string thingie" check out the other ones too if you want, they all are on:

All the happiness to you!

Your own Way is pretty good. Very Metallica'ish if that's what you were shooting for. Rather than explain, here's what I would have done with the song.. (with Harmonizer)

Your Own Way

I would lower the bass and raise the bass drum. Also I would have created a pan layout for the drums instead of centering everything.

Here's the original:

Your Own Way - Original

gotta dissagre with you on this one. the bass in this song is a real driving force. your mix makes me feel like all im hearing is a high hiss from the hats and cheap guitars (no offense there). the origional is very poerful and driving. it is bassy, but thats a good thing also, the drums are definitly panned. you can really notice when the quick splashes are hit.

Well we agree to dissagree.. remember I only had an mp3 to work with affecting over all tone. ABou the hiss, hmm could be the HHT is too loud or you're using an EQ (like WinAMP) that's over powering everything. The bass is ok I guess, I had to trim a bit... consequently reducing the BD. Which is why I would would lower one and raise the other for me snap on the kick. As for the guitar sound again, you'd have to go back to the oritgianl track and shape the tone although I don't quite label them as cheap sounding. Anyhow... good feed back Tgrokz

John Hey 02-08-2006 09:42 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Roy,

It’s been a long time. I have been very busy but I am finally taking time out to try to put some stuff together. Here is a quickie I did last night. It was mixed with headphones!!! Let me know what you think.

Song 22

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