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superpenguin79 09-12-2005 11:44 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

I had time to listen to it on different systems and heres a way better mix. Plus we re-recorded alot of vocals, added some stuff to the verses and we have a vocal outro now. It just works much better now.


Joz: first and foremost I gotta say WHOA!! honestly man, I don't mean this as a rip, but the new drums and new melodies on her vox in the track just aren't working. Your old mix that you guys did maybe 6 months ago or when you posted it last filled out the song very much more than the new arrangement. I believe if you guys are going for a groove, that the first version is the way to go caus it would definately sell better IMHO.. I think I have also personally burned the first version into my brain 50 zillion times on my playlist anyhow honestly man.. The song its self is great man caus anything you guys have written is right on, but the arrangement needs work yet honestly if it is going to become up tempo like that.. goodluck man

Roy Howell 09-13-2005 12:21 AM

Re: Work in Progress

Hello all,

It's brand new song from Frozenbones project called "Plastic Roots"... this is the phase to critic and help us with fresh ears to make it better.

Follow the link below and scoll down to find the tune.


Thanks for listening.


Hi Bob...can't find the song...did you take it down, or am I just missing it?


Spirithunter 09-13-2005 05:08 AM

Re: Work in Progress
Hi Roy,


Hi Bob...can't find the song...did you take it down, or am I just missing it?


When you get a chance try it now. There was a graphic glich on the web page. It's fix now and should work.


IntelDoc 09-13-2005 07:51 AM

Fine - Tom Rothman - New Mix
So I watched th Charles Dye DVD last night... twice... picked out some ideas and applied it to this song. I really liked the result. Here is link... Much cleaner mix and a lot more depth....

Original mix:

FINE - Original Mix

New Dye Style Mix: tweeked with some other stuff.

NEW "FINE" Dye Mix style

We wanted that Live like acoustic feel..... I think it works and still has lots of dynamics.



IntelDoc 09-13-2005 11:15 AM

Re: Fine - Tom Rothman - New Mix
Here is another one from a different artist... mixed with the same ideas as above. Opens it alot, but damn if it kills my system to mix this way. NEED HD!!!!!


If You Could Only See - Original Mix

New DYE style with flavor...:

If You Could Only See - Dye ideas



superpenguin79 09-14-2005 12:21 PM

Re: Fine - Tom Rothman - New Mix
Doc: New mix of the Rothman tune sounds great man! It adds a lot of depth to it and fills it out very nicely. Keep up the good work man! peace

IntelDoc 09-14-2005 12:52 PM

Re: Fine - Tom Rothman - New Mix
Thanks man, The Jen song is pretty sweet too. Took out the Eventide effect. Really opened up.


superpenguin79 09-14-2005 01:03 PM

Re: Fine - Tom Rothman - New Mix
Hmm... I am downloading that one at the moment here. Took forever uploading some tracks for the current collab and wasn't about to attempt an upload and download at the same time... I will give it a listen though man. Did it open up her performance a little more with the new mix?

superpenguin79 09-14-2005 01:20 PM

Re: Fine - Tom Rothman - New Mix
Doc: listened to the Jen Michie tune again and the acoustic really opened up with this mix man. Great job on that one! As for her voice, it still does not do it for me honestly man.... There is just something about her tone that is lacking or off... Can't quite place my finger on it, but in my best description the way she is singing it makes it sound dark to some degree... I almost wonder if something like a different mic or combo of mics would open it up a little and add some air or more highs to her voice? just can't quite get into a deep voiced chick like that honestly I guess... lol

otherwise, got any other tunes in the mix at the moment? hope all is cool man. peace

Roy Howell 09-15-2005 10:54 AM

Re: Work in Progress

...brand new song from Frozenbones project called "Plastic Roots"... this is the phase to critic and help us with fresh ears to make it better.

Follow the link below and scoll down to find the tune.

Guitars sound good, Bob...I especially like the solo at around 3:30.


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