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Third Eye Studios 04-28-2005 11:06 AM

Heavy Stuff
Hey Doc,

Is that kick replaced?

No, there's no replacement on any of the drums. It was tempting, but I decided to just "ride it out". I'm trying to get myself away from replacement if possible, though sometimes it's unavoidable.

You posted this before? No? Or just mailed it to me?

I e-mailed it to you before, a couple of months ago I think. I've incorporated some of your suggestions. Thanks!!!

Third Eye Studios 04-28-2005 11:10 AM

Heavy Stuff

Sounds awesome. really talented, well produced, and well mixed. really you did a great job. everything is audible...loud guitars drums bass and a screamer, BUT IT ALL WORKS!!!! Congratulations on a job well done. Im impressed.

Wow, thanks Justin.

IntelDoc 04-28-2005 11:13 AM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff


Did not see that at the bottom!

- Doc

bigbubbaj 04-28-2005 11:21 AM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff
I only call 'em like I see 'em!

Third eye - do you guys have a web site?

What studio monitors did you mix this tune on?

Third Eye Studios 04-28-2005 11:36 AM

Heavy Stuff!!!!!!

Third eye - do you guys have a web site?

I'm currently looking for somebody to design it. I had somebody lined up to do it (the same person that did our logo design for the studio), but I think he's too busy to do it right now.

What studio monitors did you mix this tune on?

I have three sets of studio monitors, Alesis Monitor Ones, Behringer 2031's, and JBL 4410's. I listened on all three, but I relied on the 4410's for most of the critical levels. I used the 2031's mostly for the nearfield monitoring, and listening while tracking. For the occasional headphone listening I used 7506's and K270's. I like to do some panning stuff on the cans.

That's the next upgrade is definately new monitors. I think I'm going with the JBL LSR's 6328's, but I'm not completely decided or ready with the cash.

spinweb 04-28-2005 12:28 PM

\"The Rest of My Life\" - Please Critique
Hey folks. This is my first post here. Been lurking a bit. I'm a total newbie with all this engineering, production, etc.

I did everything here (except used drum loops). Wrote it, played all, sang, yadda^3. Fun stuff. A *LOT* of work, even to get it to *this* level.

My idea for this piece is sort of for a Bonnie Raitt, or Merideth Brooks-type artist. Still have other arranging ideas for it, but didn't have the musicians accessible at the moment.

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts. Go gently now. :-)


tempest18 04-28-2005 01:20 PM

Re: \"The Rest of My Life\" - Please Critique

Hey folks. This is my first post here. Been lurking a bit. I'm a total newbie with all this engineering, production, etc.

I did everything here (except used drum loops). Wrote it, played all, sang, yadda^3. Fun stuff. A *LOT* of work, even to get it to *this* level.

My idea for this piece is sort of for a Bonnie Raitt, or Merideth Brooks-type artist. Still have other arranging ideas for it, but didn't have the musicians accessible at the moment.

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts. Go gently now. :-)


Hey, this is great for a first tune!

You did good on the instruments and the vocals, I like the doubled sound you've used. I think the only thing that gets me is the drum loop repeating all the way through, no fills or anything. You could try programming some drums using reason rewired through PT. Put some ghost hits and stuff in there to get a real feel going.

Good listen

Chris Tempest

tempest18 04-28-2005 01:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Thanks Roy,

........... I never noticed the monotonous loop at first but now you point it out, its very apparent to me. The problem is, this tune doesnt sound right at any other tempo so what rythm would fit the song better?
Chris Tempest

Hi Chris,
Here's what I'm hearing...
I think the loop you have is fine in places, but the song would feel better if the percussion 'straightens out' in the verses, for instance. Below are some simple examples of a straighter loop to try in the verses.....they're not perfect, but are similar in sound to what you're using. They're 140bpm(same as yours)...Choose one, and try it either alone or with your existing loop during the verses. Match them up as best you can to give it a fair listen.

Let me know how it goes...



Hey Roy, I'll give those loops a try soon. Some good sounding beats but I'm thinking that they might be going too much into dance with that straight 4/4 style. I made it clear to myself at the start that I really didnt want to go full on dance with this song thats why I mixed the rythm up a little bit.

I'll post a little mix with one of those loops as the verse to get your input anyway.

Apart from that, not sure how the original beat can be changed to make it differ from the choruses. Unless the chorus beat develops a little. I'm just wondering what hi hat rolls and ghost snares can be put in there to make it sound better. I was thinking of maybe bashing a tambourine along to it to see how that works out.

Thanks again

Chris Tempest

Roy Howell 04-28-2005 03:04 PM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff


- Doc

Hey Inteldoc/Chris...if you'll edit/shorten that post above, this page will return to normal size. Right now it's about 3 ft. wide...hehe.


superpenguin79 04-28-2005 06:37 PM

Re: \"The Rest of My Life\" - Please Critique

Hey folks. This is my first post here. Been lurking a bit. I'm a total newbie with all this engineering, production, etc.

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts. Go gently now. :-)


Good job on your first track! I agree with Chris that you might want to try re-wiring some fills or something for the drums. Everything else is working for the vibe on this song great. I hear a couple of spots here and there where an acoustic guitar might work with a strumming thing maybe also? Goodluck with your tunes!

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