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Jack Rabbit 01-18-2005 11:30 AM

Re: Latest stuff...

Yes, there's no bass. Not sure if I want to buy a cheap one, or find some other way. Comments are welcome.


I'm new to PTLE also, but for what it's worth, here is a list of bundled bass sounds I've played around with:

Reason/Subtractor/Sub Bass 1 & 2 - these are very satisfying deep, deep basses. They do sound synthy, but they are great for lower-than-low end, like on club/techno, etc.
Reason/NN-19/DBL BASS - for your bowed bass needs. A little synthy.
SampleTank/Fretless Acoustic - great bass for acoustic music, lots of cool "incidental" sounds, like strings hitting the fretboard and "pluck" noises.
SampleTank/Old Four Strings - just a classic electric bass (at least that's what I think it is). Good for Rock & Roll.
SampleTank/Solo Cello - watch out for some disparate acoustics between octaves, but within an octave this is great for ambience.

Subtractor is definitely the way to go for any funky/crunchy/electronicky/scary bass sounds you may want. SampleTank for realism. Of course, this is only what I've found so far and only on the bundled software. And of course, I think the best thing would be to buy a real bass.

Jack Rabbit 01-18-2005 12:25 PM

As clean as I can, for now...
This is as "clean" as I can get a recording right now. I used all the advice I've culled from the DUC, and retracked the acoustic guitar using a new microphone. Here it is:

This Means War

Drums: Redrum, with some midi fills
Bass: NN-19/DBL BASS
- Taylor 314/SM87/T-Racks
- Taylor 314 direct in/DigiRack Chorus/Amplitube
Flute: SampleTank/Indian Flute
- Subtractor/Joshua Pad (this is a very cool organ sound)
- SampleTank/Paddington
- I found the loon cry on the internet, then used DigiRack pitch shift to make it diatonic
- Cheap mic/T-Racks
- Cheap mic/very light DigiRack chorus/T-Racks (for the harmonies)

GORILLA 01-18-2005 05:04 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey people. I aint thru nothing on here in a looooooooong time. So, Here's an InstRuMETAL of one of my projects!

Not for the fainthearted

GORILLA 01-18-2005 05:08 PM

some speed for your ears!
Hey ya'll here's a Lil' diddy using DFHS & a Pod XT Pro.

Gene Backlin 01-18-2005 05:21 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey GORILLA, isn't this a cover from one of the songs cut from The Sound of Music ?

I love your drums !!!

Take Care,

edittrax 01-18-2005 05:23 PM

Re: some speed for your ears!
awesome Gorilla
made on a Mac too- awesome

you can now be a PC PTLE honorary member

keep up the good work

BTW, I especially like the ending- i like the way it is in one second then out

GORILLA 01-18-2005 07:09 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Hey GORILLA, isn't this a cover from one of the songs cut from The Sound of Music ?

I love your drums !!!

Take Care,

He..he..he... Thanks Gene my friend!!

IntelDoc 01-18-2005 07:42 PM

New TBR test of the new rooms.
Here is another test of the new rooms. the guitars are the same setup:

TLM-103, Distressor - Pro Tools
Oktava 012, Distressor - Pro Tools
Apex 435, DIGIPRE - Pro Tools
APEX 435, DIGIPRE - Pro Tools

TLM-103, Vintech 1272, 1176 - Pro Tools

reverb - Lexicon PCM-90 custom room setup.


Very rough takes to hear the room some.
Guitars tracked first, then vocals were tracked in one take on the TLM-103.

The final will have bass, drums and I need to talk to Gene about some violin in parts. That is what they asked for.

Enjoy! i am really liking the room sounds so far. A tad bit too much on the lexicon, but overall I thnk that it is nice.
- Doc

Jack Rabbit 01-18-2005 08:51 PM

Re: New TBR test of the new rooms.

I feel like it's not very useful for me to comment on professional setups, but anyway: it sounds so great. The sound you are achieving is my goal (maybe unattainable in my guest room...with the window to the street...and the water-heater pump beneath the floor, which I'm thinking of sampling and marketing as percussion loops). Probably helps to have that Neumann. Everything is so crisp and alive, and behind it all: cemetery silence. No buzz, no hiss, nothing that is not there, and the nothing that is. Sounds like you also have the good fortune to work with some talented acts.

By the way, I could definitely use some experienced advice on getting the volume up on my final mix wav's.

bigbubbaj 01-18-2005 10:22 PM

Re: New TBR test of the new rooms.

Enjoy! i am really liking the room sounds so far. A tad bit too much on the lexicon, but overall I thnk that it is nice.
- Doc

Yeah ! Room sounds great. The NTK would sound good on his vocals.

Is there a little distortion on the VOX?

Awesome acoustics!

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