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Roy Howell 01-15-2005 07:44 PM

Re: All nighter...

Jack Rabbit,
'Crown and Anchor'...what a great song...I love the chord changes...very nice, and your voice, although your own, reminds me of both Stipe and Dave Matthews...so do some things in the melody.
Hey man...I love it. Post more when you can.

And thanks very much, yoko...

Finne 01-16-2005 03:39 AM

Re: Latest stuff...

I do wish I knew your language, to understand the lyrics...but still, I enjoyed the music itself. Good job.

You can start to learn here. But I warn: Finnish is damned difficult language.

And thanks. I love that somebody likes my music.

vic_cerabone 01-16-2005 06:28 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
Hello all,

This thread great! I'm amazed at the work you've all done. I purchased an MBox on 12/31/04, and here's my first song. It been about ten year since I recorded in a studio. I'm overwhelmed by all the new power I have. This is still a work in progress.


4-6 guitar tracks, and redrum. Yes, there's no bass. Not sure if I want to buy a cheap one, or find some other way. Comments are welcome. There's so much to learn, but this is a start. I'm interested in getting better at both playing and recording.


Roy Howell 01-17-2005 12:33 AM

Re: Latest stuff...
I really enjoyed this...cool vibe and interesting changes...very different. Good job.
Post some more when you can.

Finne 01-17-2005 02:16 AM

Re: Latest stuff...

I heard some arabic nuance. Cool and different.

If you made drums with Redrum, you have atleast Reason Adapted. Subtractor is excellent bass tool.

Tamar 01-17-2005 07:02 AM

Re: Latest stuff...

Hello all,

........Yes, there's no bass. Not sure if I want to buy a cheap one, or find some other way....../.Vic

Hi Vic
Good work sir.
I'm also new to pro tools. I'm also a bass player. If you fancy doing some collabarations, let me know.


Jesus H. 01-17-2005 09:58 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
to check out some of my mixes just check out www.teamflawless.com

team flawless is a group that im part of....we do hiphop and rock..we just started getting a website up and creating a little buzz.... so far we've been getting positive feedback i do a little producing but i mostly just record and edit...im tryin by best to learn all of the recording bussiness but its getting pretty tough for me...

email critiq for feedback

Roy Howell 01-17-2005 12:09 PM

Re: Latest stuff...


I do wish I knew your language, to understand the lyrics...but still, I enjoyed the music itself. Good job.

You can start to learn here. But I warn: Finnish is damned difficult language.

Thanks a lot, Finne...

edittrax 01-17-2005 05:06 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
hi Vic, nice song
all i would add is- the two sections with the heavy delay, did ya think about putting the delay in time with the tempo?

Roy Howell 01-18-2005 01:18 AM

Re: Latest stuff...
I appreciate your comments, and welcome...

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