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GORILLA 12-08-2003 09:11 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks P A M!!! I've heard those VTB's really warm stuff up!!! They're fairly cheap too! Thank for sharing the info!!!!

toddamo 12-08-2003 09:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy & BP...

Thanks for the kind words on the two tracks with my friend Rachel.
Regarding equipment used...Rhode NTK, Roland XP-30 keyboard,
Lexicon MPX-100, Squire Jazz Bass and the drum loops come from MultiLoops.

In terms of how they came together...this women has written hundreds
of songs which live in her head and also in fragments on a Minidisc.
She really has a very advanced musical mind for someone that doesn't
have any musical training. So she comes to me with songs and she sings
them section by section. I pull out the acoustic guitar and write
changes for each section. In some cases (like on Ani L'dodi )
her structures are fairly complex and precise. I've just learned
to trust her instincts. So I when I have the general structure down...I
record loops, guitar, piano and bass. From there its lead vocals and
overdubs...Lots of work involved but really pure joy.

One of my favorite aspects of working with ProTools is that I never
really know how a song is going to come out until the end. My methodology
in terms of arranging is like throwing a lot of paint at the wall.
I layer a lot of background melodies and vocal harmonies and strings
and counterpuntal stuff...etc. Then during the mix...I try to pair it all
back into a cohesive unit. I usually go through 4-5 mixes until I'm
almost happy.

Now...Hey Tito...as I been typing all this I've been grooving to this
'Bastard Dub' Track...REALLY nice. I'd very much like to hear about
what tools you used and what your process is like. Beautiful bass sounds
and patterns. Deep!

-todd amodeo


Tito Ricci Arballo 12-08-2003 12:18 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Toddamo wrote

Hey Tito...as I been typing all this I've been grooving to this
'Bastard Dub' Track...REALLY nice. I'd very much like to hear about
what tools you used and what your process is like. Beautiful bass sounds
and patterns. Deep!


Well I sarted in Reason 2.5. Are you familiar with it? I'll assume you are. So I took a rex loop I sampled and fed it through some delay devices, just foolin' around to show my friend how cool Reason is. His friend told him it sounded flat so I flipped on my 15' JBL eon monitor and began dispelling that myth. I added the little 4 bar guitar plucking sample and smiled. It was sounding pretty fresh. The delay was out of sight so I decided to try my hand at dub. I've made hip-hop ragga beats for my boy Ragga P(vocal snippits in Bastard Dub) but that's as close to Reggae producing I ever got.

So what's the next most important aspect of dub? The bass of course. I used a sine wave with the Subtractor synth(Reason) and ran it through the Malstrom synth(Reason) to bring it out. The Malstrom is a synth that can also be used as an effects device. I then sequenced the 2 bass parts and the foundation of my song was built.

I made the alternate drum parts in the Redrum(Reason) drum machine. It started with an interpolation of the old Al Green drum loop. Then I reggaeafied it with some shuffle and whatnot.

So at this point I decided it needed a little piannee. Not piano, pianee(as the Simpsons episode goes). I loaded a Reason NN-XT patch I made of the bright pianno sound I made from my Groovebox. I've been spending a lot of time lately extracting sounds from it. Thought I better use one to justify all the time. I layed the chords down, then the sketchy pianee solo. (Read:"Lament of the Beat Programmer" thread from the Mac side for an explination of my piano skills.

I added the vocal snippits, sprinkled in a few more elements(vibes,clavenet) and called it a song.

Then I automated the delay effects in Reason.

Next, yes there's more, I ReWired the tracks into Pro Tools, ajusted the levels and eq'd it with the Digirack eq's. Then I added some more delay with a Digirack plug, eo'd the master fader a bit, added a little limiter, dither, and bounced to disk.

I imported my bounced file into iTunes, converted it to mp3 there, then posted it.

Was that too much information? Those are the secrets of the Bastard Dub.



Tito Ricci Arballo 12-08-2003 12:27 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey Dimi,

Nice sound. Kinda reminds me of rush or something. Sorry if I'm way off, I listen to hip-hop y'know, but me likes.

I kinda wanted the guitar to come out a bit more(i think) on the mixing tip but good work overall.

Keep up the nice drumming.


Bastard Dub

-jj- 12-08-2003 01:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi you DUCcers
Here is some finnish alternative (metal? or something) band called Joint Depression:
Joint Depression and click "hear depression"
following page mite been in finnish, but there is 3 song to download (or listen): "??????" , "the night" and "get away"
All are made by PTLE and Digi001 in my "basement studio". I´d like to hear your professional comments about those songs.

Aussie169 12-08-2003 02:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for the kind words.
The drums are done in Reason, using some one-hit samples that Roy gave me a while back. They are nice samples, very realistic IMO.

Dimi 12-08-2003 06:58 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey guys,
thnx for listening
well pretty much, drums were recorded with 7 mics
3 toms
1 snare
2 over heads
Toms 3 mics Oktava MK-012-01 with -10DB pad
KICK: Beta 52 ( internaly mounted )
Snare: SM57
Overheads: SM81
then went into a Mackie 1442
oh yea, the drums are a DW Collectors series
then it went into Pro tools
EQ TOMS in the mixer
KICK and Snare were EQ in pro tools ( Channel Strip RTAS)
Guitars were Direct out of a Line 6 Duoverb head into pro tools directly
Bass went into pro tools directly and used Amplitube (RTAS) on it
oh yea and i have a G4 450 with 1.25gbs of ram

Thanks for listening, and yea i think the guitars should come up a bit!
any other feed bacl welcome!


Roy Howell 12-08-2003 07:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very cool..... I especially like the snare/tambourine echo parts toward the end...

Dimi 12-08-2003 07:32 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
hmm i thought i had post but it dosent seem to show?

if this shows ill post again..in a bit

Roy Howell 12-08-2003 08:03 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just listened to '?????'(interesting title... ), great guitars, and I like her voice very much. I'm about to listen to the other 2 songs as well. Good stuff.
thanks, Roy

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