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nightshadecrisis 06-03-2004 11:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I love the killer bass lines on Moon over Vegas...and hey...isn't this like the 5th or 6th song featuring the word "Moon" in the title?
excellent work, as usual...just great.

Rabidium 06-04-2004 01:54 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey, I like this set of songs. Good stuff y'all. Particular props to Berkley square, beautiful recording job. I didn't realize it was live until someone coughed in the middle. Good stuff. or, as they say in german, GOOD STUFF!

Seven Falls is also very nice, I like the drum sounds. Very good mood.

Minute maid.. I like this song's sounds. I agree that the bongos should go away from the beginning, though I'd just pull them out altogether. Actually, I'd keep them in when the drums come in, but drop them down and pan them in closer to the kit. I'd make the drum mix more traditional overall. The whole thing's a bit lopsided feeling now. Nice voice. and good lyrics too, from what I got.

The Foreboding. I think this sounds really good, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I'd pull the drums up, and maybe bring the lead-y guitar up a bit between the lines with some automation. But very good, what's the vocal mic? reminds me of Nick Drake or the voice from that british group that did "the clearing"- the name's not coming to me. Damn. I hate it when this happens. They had that other song that began "Friday night we went down to Archie's" and thenn you couldn't understand anything for a while, and then the chorus came at the end... "went for the weekend, stayed for hte summer" or something like that. I'll think of it. Any help? Point is, good song. I don't know if it's the MP3, but there's some kind of trilly-warbly distortion sound throughout. I don't hear it on the lead guitar. I can't quite place what it is. Have you checked the correlation? I'd like to hear a CD version of this. Very nice. I especially like the ending. I'm going to listen to the other songs on the page and see if I still hear that distortion thing. I say "Quit the day job!" (Yeah, I'm still hearing it on fly, (cool moog) sounds like the bassier stuff and vocals is distorting or warping or something.) (I've downloaded the songs, and I'm keeping them! HA!)

Mistery is very cool. I like the flutey sound that starts off the piece. Is that vocals? Oh, and I like the keyboardy horns too. cool track.

Oh, and Roy, I like the new Moon song (I smell a concept album) Ripping into the verse is ver nice. Just a rockin' track. The keys sing too! Wreet! Damn this is good stuff. Lightning licks! I love the breakdown here. Dum dum chacka chacka. Reeew! deedauloodeedauleedwweeett! God, I'm doing whatever the ascii version of air guitar is. Wicked. Good out too. My only complaint is...could you just fart into the tape machine and release that as a track once in a while? They're not all supposed to be great songs, man!

Oh, and Roy if you do the moon concept album, you should do a cover of "moon over parma". Just for [bleep]'s sake.

Well, I'm off to mix a few things before the inevitable 3 am bedtime. Nintey-nine's, y'all.
Moon over parma bring my love to me tonight
Guide her to cleveland underneath your silvery light
We're going bowlin', so don't lose her insole,
and Moon over Parma, tonight!

Rabidium 06-04-2004 02:21 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I almost forgot to mention this... I produced a new song that's up on my studio page, it's called Wendy, tell me what you think, check it out on my sounds page:

You can download the whole song by right-clicking the name, or listen to a sample in the auto load box.

I should be posting an early draft of an unfinished song there by a group called 'Feathergun' tomorrow, (oh, screw it, I'm doing it now. Sigh. Websuck.) that track's turning out pretty good, though they moved back to chicago, so this may be all there is. Sorry 'bout the drums.

And am I the only one who finds it wierd that a guy in a band called 'Feathergun' would pen a song called 'without a gun'?
I just discovered some really wierd static through my stereo, it only happens when I do something on screen like move the mouse or type or something. Very strange. I think I'll waste a few hours recording static! Yay! I say Feh! to rent!

Roy Howell 06-04-2004 10:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Rabidium/Olaf...the thought of you playing ascii air guitar got me...
Thanks for the comments on 'Moon Over Vegas'. I really like 'Wendy' too...very cool and different.
I will listen to more later...about to go head out of town for the weekend.

Thank you too for the comments...I do have quite a few 'moon' songs now, don't I? Last night, I pulled out 'Sleepy Moon', which is the first song I posted here (just laid back guitars). It reminds me of where I'm about to head right now for a few days, the Little Red River in Arkansas. You guys take it easy... -Roy

Sleepy Moon

bigbubbaj 06-04-2004 05:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


...At around 2 minutes the vox get a bit washed out(chorus?)...The high end feels a bit hot in a few spots.

Aside from that, you guys rock!

Thank you Justin! This was just the kind of feed back I was hopeing for. I should be able to fix the problem with the high end. Until now I only been working on the stereo mix but like you said I might have to go back and try to correct the mix on that vocal part.

The only problem I've run into is that the studio had all these Waves plugins and I've got to replace them with what I've got if I'm going to mix these song all over again.

Thank you for helping me!

Always fun to listen to other peoples stuff!

Gene Backlin 06-04-2004 07:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is another track from my daughter's high school choir. They ended the night with a Medley from Les Miserables...here is an excerpt. The Medley itself was 15 minutes long ! These kids just amaze me, for their age, they really can sing.


I am really enjoying the challenges of recording choirs. This is such an education.

I hope you enjoy !

Thank you for listening.

Take Care,

Gene Backlin 06-04-2004 07:37 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey GORILLA, I hope all is well with you !

Here is another track from my daughter's high school choir. They ended the night with a Medley from Les Miserables...here is an excerpt. The Medley itself was 15 minutes long ! These kids just amaze me, for their age, they really can sing.


I am really enjoying the challenges of recording choirs. This is such an education.

I hope you enjoy !

Thank you for listening.

Take Care,

JonM 06-04-2004 11:39 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks again for that, Roy.

I've been in contact with ChrisIntelDoc and the session is now in his hands. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he can do to clean up the song. Then I will study what he's done and see if I can learn some to do it myself. Thanks so much for setting that up. Major gratitude for that at this end.

Guit4Brains. Thanks for the encouragement. I guess there's so much stuff that's so good here that I kind of feel awkward posting stuff that is mixed, through my ignorance, in such a haphazard fashion, and played just barely competently. I go through phases of thinking that my music is kind of OK to phases of getting hypercritical over everything and hating it all. When I posted I was very much in the latter.

I have never thought about the songs I do in terms of an album, I just find a few chords, write a lyric, start recording, realise it's all wrong and start again, arrange it, mix it then go on to the next song. I just get a real kick out of the whole creative process thing. And I'd really like to get better at it. Thanks for taking the time to listen and reply.

Rabidium (cool handle)

Thanks also for that breathless paragraph. The vocal mic is an NTK. I love it very much. I don't know the clearing or whatever so I can't help you, but I hate it when that happens. Hope you've remembered what it is or you won't be able to sleep I'm afraid I don't know what correlation is to check, but the 'distortion' is most likely a combination of a noisy PC and the traffic from the main road we live 5 yards back from. You're welcome to the songs, btw, although it's all just clutter on your harddrive. Oh, and the day job stays for the forseeable future, and beyond. Thanks very much.

Thanks again to everyone who listened. I'll go and crawl back under my rock now.

JonM 06-04-2004 11:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Awesome guitar sounds when everything kicks in. When I get home from work I'm going to download the whole song and hype up my children with it so they don't sleep for a week. Great stuff.

Oh, and a feathergun is no kind of gun anyway, if you ask me, hence the song. But what do I know??


IntelDoc 06-05-2004 12:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I remixed it in about 1.5 to 2 hours tonight. It is a HOT mix, but I really think that you are going to like it.... If you want me to post the link, let me know. I have the WAAV file in the FTP access area for you. I will get the session up there in a day. I still need to write the Eventide and Lexicon stuff to a track for ya. Let me know and I will make a link here for the tune. it is pretty HOT and I am not sure if I like it that hot, just seemed to fit tonight when I was throwing things around.... EQ wise!

Had fun with it and it definitely cleared it up! Got rid of the road and air noise the best I could. There were a few pops in the bass that I tried to fix, but for the most part left them..

Eventide for its ANALOG Delay - subtle
Lexicon PCM-90 with a verb I built
BBE for Bass guitar enhancement versus MAXXBass

TrueVerb for vocal tails
WAVES 2 Tap delay - very lightly
LA2A for VOX track
RComp for Guitars and Bass
D3 Focusrite EQ on VOX

Snare I just cut it up.... No need for the added noise
Doubled the Electric Guitar part
Tad of verb on the Piano - brought it all out better

Post the LINK!!!!

- Doc

FTP around the world is pretty cool!

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