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IntelDoc 07-08-2003 04:11 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Roy....
More to come later! thanks for all the tips everybody. This is my first paying customer, so it is going well so far!

Jackson that "Small Comfort" sounds very cool. Has a David Gray kinda vibe. Very cool!


BigRedButton 07-08-2003 04:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks man (wiping a tear from my eye).

Yes, Small Comfort is my fav as well. Scott, who's an ex-bandmate and dear friend, is a great writter, and he's not too shabby on them keys either. I'm playing drums on his stuff which is fun, cause it's really simple grooove stuff.

I say it's time for you, me and the Capn' to throw sumpin' down!!!

Michael Jessen 07-08-2003 05:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

The last song titled "Just don't break my heart"

Don't mind our singer, he's not very good but what I've got to settle with at the moment...

Captain_Pants 07-08-2003 05:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
"Don't mind our singer, he's not very good but what I've got to settle with at the moment..."

Haha! Just because you said that, im gunna download it.


cliepe12 07-08-2003 10:01 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here they are, some of you have already heard these, i just thought I would add mine to this wonderful topic:

FoundWanting Music Samples

GORILLA 07-09-2003 01:34 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey Art...that sounds real good man!!!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

Roy Howell 07-09-2003 04:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Michael Jessen,
This is a good song. I like the way the upright piano sounds, especially on the intro. I also think the singer's 'imperfections' are cool...reminds a little of Bob Geldolf on some Boomtown Rats' stuff. The only thing was that there's a slight distortion thing going on with the cymbals, maybe something a compressor would help. But, good song overall. Really nice... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Post more when you get a chance... thanks, Roy

Captain_Pants 07-09-2003 04:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
" say it's time for you, me and the Capn' to throw sumpin' down!!!"

That would be cool!

Chris Cavell 07-09-2003 05:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey guys,

I've been working on setting up a system to perform live webcasts of some of the concerts I record and I need a few guys to be guinea pigs to make sure it's working right beyond the network. It's streaming a copy of a concert I recorded 4 weeks ago right now. Tomorrow night is the real test run with a real show at 8:00 central. It's old school jazz with an amazing cast of performers. If anyone would like to check it out and let me know if it's actually working beyond the network drop me an e-mail and I'll send you the URL. There are some licensing issues right now, that's why I'm not advertising the url here on the DUC. Any help finding and troubleshooting any probs tonight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again guys, and be sure to drop me an e-mail if you'd like to catch the concert tomorrow night!


Chris Cavell 07-09-2003 07:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well everyone,

thanks to bastiaan's help all the way from the netherlands, it looks like all the bugs for the webcast tomorrow at 8:00 central have been worked out. If you'd like to catch my "latest stuff" as latest as it could possibly get drop me an e-mail and I'll send you the link. It's live tomorrow, but until then I'm broadcasting an old show (4 weeks old, so I guess it's pretty recent too). I'd really appreciate some listeners and some comments. Thanks in advance to all of you that tune in and comment!


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