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Chris Cavell 04-25-2005 08:36 PM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff
Sounds good Doc!

Roy Howell 04-26-2005 11:12 AM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff

I think that these are my best guitar sounds to date????

Enjoyed this one a lot!



- Doc

The guitar sounds fantastic...great job on this. Excellent clarity, and I like the way it's panned so wide...sounds great.


IntelDoc 04-26-2005 11:42 AM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff
Thanks! It is incredibly mellow, but I was happy to use that rain part. May tweek it some as it comes across as noise in parts. Going to fade one section better too. It is really a mellow tune though. I may work on taking out the finger slides too. Screech owl in there!

All and all it was fun to track though. He gets off in a few parts but it kinda throws it some. The guitars were tracks with 4 mics per take. I then panned them 50/100 to the Right and -50/-100 to the Left. Sat the vocals right in the middle and added some layered reverbs on the parts. Very limited eq'ing at all. The vocals were compressed going in with the 1176, but I added a RComp to smotth it some... Took the 8 guitar tracks and bussed them all to a stereo AUX track and added a slight compression and a Waves Req6 with a tough of sheen. Nothng else. The vocals have the Focusrite EQ on it with some highs added. That and the LA-2A and that was all for EQ and Compression for the entire piece.

Verbs were from TRueVerb, and my outboard Lexicon PCM-90. Love that unit. Also have a slight 2 tap delay on the vocals, but VERY low in the mix.

Thanks for listening to the mellow tune! It was a nice change from the stuff last week.

- Doc

Roy Howell 04-26-2005 03:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Any input on this tune?


Chris Tempest

This is very cool, including your vocals...interesting piece...I like most everything going on, though I think it deserves a better loop than the kick/hat/snare thing right now. It may be that it's just too present in this mix, but I think something slightly different might serve the song better.....that said though, very creative and refreshing song. Thanks for letting me hear it.


Voideco 04-26-2005 11:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

okay guys. This seems to be the place. everybody unload. Put the strippers over there, Sean. Terry, chill, man, the song is slammin. Ladies, don't throw stuff at the strippers...they're here for ambience.

okay guys.

Who's got the little memo recorder? Can everybody shut up for a second so we can get this tune done please? We can not go into the Sony offices next week lookin' like a monkey-[bleep]-fight, people, so settle down. Okay. Somebody hand me the slipNslide...Destiny, you and Ecstasy grab that case of 10w40 and meet me in the van. We got a song to show these folks real quick.

hit it.


Pimp Livin', Take 1...

All comments and criticisms and advice requested.


Good energy there! Puts me straight up in my chair here at 7.14 am. Want any advice? Get a good manager.


tempest18 04-27-2005 04:05 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Any input on this tune?


Chris Tempest

This is very cool, including your vocals...interesting piece...I like most everything going on, though I think it deserves a better loop than the kick/hat/snare thing right now. It may be that it's just too present in this mix, but I think something slightly different might serve the song better.....that said though, very creative and refreshing song. Thanks for letting me hear it.


Thanks Roy,

Not to blow my own trumpet but, I think I did well with this one. I never noticed the monotonous loop at first but now you point it out, its very apparent to me. The problem is, this tune doesnt sound right at any other tempo so what rythm would fit the song better? Do you think the same style playing, but perhaps a different pattern or more variation?

Is there a different rythm you think might suit this song better?

I was wondering if this would sound good recorded with a live kit. I'll get the drums programmed then try doing them live.

Thank you for taking the time to listen anyway, I must say I never look in this thread and am suprised anybody responded since I dont.

Chris Tempest

Roy Howell 04-28-2005 01:15 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks Roy,

........... I never noticed the monotonous loop at first but now you point it out, its very apparent to me. The problem is, this tune doesnt sound right at any other tempo so what rythm would fit the song better?
Chris Tempest

Hi Chris,
Here's what I'm hearing...
I think the loop you have is fine in places, but the song would feel better if the percussion 'straightens out' in the verses, for instance. Below are some simple examples of a straighter loop to try in the verses.....they're not perfect, but are similar in sound to what you're using. They're 140bpm(same as yours)...Choose one, and try it either alone or with your existing loop during the verses. Match them up as best you can to give it a fair listen.

Let me know how it goes...



Third Eye Studios 04-28-2005 10:45 AM

Heavy Stuff
Hey Everybody,

There are tons of great mixes to listen to in here, so I'm a little nervous about posting any stuff up, everybody's stuff sounds so good. But, I really want to hear some comments from all the good ears in here, so what the hey!! Oh yeah, I don't have any server space just yet (real close to having the website together though), but I noticed tempest18 had used "you send it" to post, so I'm going to try that out. Hopefully it works.

Anyway this band I actually finished a couple months ago, but they came in to re-work some things a couple of weeks ago (which also allowed me to change a couple of things that were bugging me), and here's the result. It's kind of heavy stuff so don't let it give you a heart attack!!! I'd love to hear any comments. Thanks!!!

Caustic Lye:Under My Breath

p.s. Doc's already heard this one, but it's a little different now. He gave me some good advice on this one.

IntelDoc 04-28-2005 10:56 AM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff

Sounds like the band I have been working with for the past few months. Is that kick replaced? Guitars sound great and has a nice balance throughout. I will put it through the monitors at home later.

You posted this before? No? Or just mailed it to me? Sounded familiar...

- Doc

bigbubbaj 04-28-2005 11:04 AM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff

Hey Everybody,

There are tons of great mixes to listen to in here, so I'm a little nervous about posting any stuff up, everybody's stuff sounds so good. But, I really want to hear some comments from all the good ears in here, so what the hey!! Oh yeah, I don't have any server space just yet (real close to having the website together though), but I noticed tempest18 had used "you send it" to post, so I'm going to try that out. Hopefully it works.

Anyway this band I actually finished a couple months ago, but they came in to re-work some things a couple of weeks ago (which also allowed me to change a couple of things that were bugging me), and here's the result. It's kind of heavy stuff so don't let it give you a heart attack!!! I'd love to hear any comments. Thanks!!!

Caustic Lye:Under My Breath

p.s. Doc's already heard this one, but it's a little different now. He gave me some good advice on this one.

Sounds awesome. really talented, well produced, and well mixed. really you did a great job. everything is audible...loud guitars drums bass and a screamer, BUT IT ALL WORKS!!!! Congratulations on a job well done. Im impressed.

Third Eye Studios 04-28-2005 11:06 AM

Heavy Stuff
Hey Doc,

Is that kick replaced?

No, there's no replacement on any of the drums. It was tempting, but I decided to just "ride it out". I'm trying to get myself away from replacement if possible, though sometimes it's unavoidable.

You posted this before? No? Or just mailed it to me?

I e-mailed it to you before, a couple of months ago I think. I've incorporated some of your suggestions. Thanks!!!

Third Eye Studios 04-28-2005 11:10 AM

Heavy Stuff

Sounds awesome. really talented, well produced, and well mixed. really you did a great job. everything is audible...loud guitars drums bass and a screamer, BUT IT ALL WORKS!!!! Congratulations on a job well done. Im impressed.

Wow, thanks Justin.

IntelDoc 04-28-2005 11:13 AM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff


Did not see that at the bottom!

- Doc

bigbubbaj 04-28-2005 11:21 AM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff
I only call 'em like I see 'em!

Third eye - do you guys have a web site?

What studio monitors did you mix this tune on?

Third Eye Studios 04-28-2005 11:36 AM

Heavy Stuff!!!!!!

Third eye - do you guys have a web site?

I'm currently looking for somebody to design it. I had somebody lined up to do it (the same person that did our logo design for the studio), but I think he's too busy to do it right now.

What studio monitors did you mix this tune on?

I have three sets of studio monitors, Alesis Monitor Ones, Behringer 2031's, and JBL 4410's. I listened on all three, but I relied on the 4410's for most of the critical levels. I used the 2031's mostly for the nearfield monitoring, and listening while tracking. For the occasional headphone listening I used 7506's and K270's. I like to do some panning stuff on the cans.

That's the next upgrade is definately new monitors. I think I'm going with the JBL LSR's 6328's, but I'm not completely decided or ready with the cash.

spinweb 04-28-2005 12:28 PM

\"The Rest of My Life\" - Please Critique
Hey folks. This is my first post here. Been lurking a bit. I'm a total newbie with all this engineering, production, etc.

I did everything here (except used drum loops). Wrote it, played all, sang, yadda^3. Fun stuff. A *LOT* of work, even to get it to *this* level.

My idea for this piece is sort of for a Bonnie Raitt, or Merideth Brooks-type artist. Still have other arranging ideas for it, but didn't have the musicians accessible at the moment.

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts. Go gently now. :-)


tempest18 04-28-2005 01:20 PM

Re: \"The Rest of My Life\" - Please Critique

Hey folks. This is my first post here. Been lurking a bit. I'm a total newbie with all this engineering, production, etc.

I did everything here (except used drum loops). Wrote it, played all, sang, yadda^3. Fun stuff. A *LOT* of work, even to get it to *this* level.

My idea for this piece is sort of for a Bonnie Raitt, or Merideth Brooks-type artist. Still have other arranging ideas for it, but didn't have the musicians accessible at the moment.

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts. Go gently now. :-)


Hey, this is great for a first tune!

You did good on the instruments and the vocals, I like the doubled sound you've used. I think the only thing that gets me is the drum loop repeating all the way through, no fills or anything. You could try programming some drums using reason rewired through PT. Put some ghost hits and stuff in there to get a real feel going.

Good listen

Chris Tempest

tempest18 04-28-2005 01:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Thanks Roy,

........... I never noticed the monotonous loop at first but now you point it out, its very apparent to me. The problem is, this tune doesnt sound right at any other tempo so what rythm would fit the song better?
Chris Tempest

Hi Chris,
Here's what I'm hearing...
I think the loop you have is fine in places, but the song would feel better if the percussion 'straightens out' in the verses, for instance. Below are some simple examples of a straighter loop to try in the verses.....they're not perfect, but are similar in sound to what you're using. They're 140bpm(same as yours)...Choose one, and try it either alone or with your existing loop during the verses. Match them up as best you can to give it a fair listen.

Let me know how it goes...



Hey Roy, I'll give those loops a try soon. Some good sounding beats but I'm thinking that they might be going too much into dance with that straight 4/4 style. I made it clear to myself at the start that I really didnt want to go full on dance with this song thats why I mixed the rythm up a little bit.

I'll post a little mix with one of those loops as the verse to get your input anyway.

Apart from that, not sure how the original beat can be changed to make it differ from the choruses. Unless the chorus beat develops a little. I'm just wondering what hi hat rolls and ghost snares can be put in there to make it sound better. I was thinking of maybe bashing a tambourine along to it to see how that works out.

Thanks again

Chris Tempest

Roy Howell 04-28-2005 03:04 PM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff


- Doc

Hey Inteldoc/Chris...if you'll edit/shorten that post above, this page will return to normal size. Right now it's about 3 ft. wide...hehe.


superpenguin79 04-28-2005 06:37 PM

Re: \"The Rest of My Life\" - Please Critique

Hey folks. This is my first post here. Been lurking a bit. I'm a total newbie with all this engineering, production, etc.

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts. Go gently now. :-)


Good job on your first track! I agree with Chris that you might want to try re-wiring some fills or something for the drums. Everything else is working for the vibe on this song great. I hear a couple of spots here and there where an acoustic guitar might work with a strumming thing maybe also? Goodluck with your tunes!

superpenguin79 04-28-2005 06:40 PM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff

Paint the Desert Wind


Roy, I am digging the new track man! Excellent work. Is that a banjo or a guitar that is doing the quick picking part on this? almost sounds like a harp at points. Keep up the good work man! peace

superpenguin79 04-28-2005 06:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Pimp Livin', Take 1...

All comments and criticisms and advice requested.


Smack: I was expecting a hip hop track also when I read your post, but I couldn't help but crack a smile when I heard it. Excellent production on this, it fits the vibe you are going for totally. I am digging the guitars in it also btw.

Joe Evans 04-28-2005 10:43 PM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff
Ditto on "Paint the Desert Wind". Another great one Roy!

xnorfin 04-28-2005 11:10 PM

Re: Another NEW one - Acoustic stuff

Here's an updated link, much better quality.

Sharritan 04-29-2005 08:13 AM

Another one to check out
Here is another. Love to hear your thoughts..... A few flat notes here and there which will be redone soon......

I Know (HalfBrother Sid)

superpenguin79 04-29-2005 01:07 PM

Re: Another one to check out

Here is another. Love to hear your thoughts..... A few flat notes here and there which will be redone soon......

I Know (HalfBrother Sid)

Sharritan: Excellent track! One suggestion, I noticed that the china crash cymbol really smacks with a high frequency in the mix. You might want to try just putting a tad of reverb and a little delay on that cymbol possibly to set it into the mix and it would be perfect. Great vibe though! keep up the good work

Sharritan 04-29-2005 01:48 PM

Re: Another one to check out


Here is another. Love to hear your thoughts..... A few flat notes here and there which will be redone soon......

I Know (HalfBrother Sid)

Sharritan: Excellent track! One suggestion, I noticed that the china crash cymbol really smacks with a high frequency in the mix. You might want to try just putting a tad of reverb and a little delay on that cymbol possibly to set it into the mix and it would be perfect. Great vibe though! keep up the good work

I'll give it a shot.

Thanks for the feedback.

superpenguin79 04-29-2005 04:26 PM

Re: Another one to check out
You're welcome Sharritan, anytime. I cranked it up as soon as I got to a better sound system about a half hour ago and everything sounds really good to jam out to man. lol Sounds like a cross between some old Soundgarden and Candlebox in a way imo. Good stuff for sure though. Have a good weekend. peace

adrock337 04-29-2005 06:42 PM

Re: Another one to check out
I wanted to see if anybody wanted to listen to some of my work. I'd love to hear what people think. Sixbyten

adrock337 04-29-2005 06:45 PM

Re: Another one to check out

I wanted to see if anybody wanted to listen to some of my work. I'd love to hear what people think. Sixbyten

oh yeah and this my first try so take it easy on me. I've never recorded before about 2 months ago.

Roy Howell 04-29-2005 06:57 PM

Latest Stuff...
Joe Evans-

Ditto on "Paint the Desert Wind". Another great one Roy!

Thanks, Joe and Charlie...

Wicked-Mama 04-30-2005 08:47 AM

my music...
Hi, I've been busy these last few weeks building my website : www.i-snor.com

Everything was recorded with Pro Tools LE on a PC, and the sessions for the album have taken as long as 5 years of work !! I'm doing everything here... No pop-up, ok ? Please give me any feedback you want, and thanks in advance for visiting.


tempest18 04-30-2005 09:13 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Joe Evans-

Ditto on "Paint the Desert Wind". Another great one Roy!

Thanks, Joe and Charlie...

I didn't realise those where links to your music in your signiture!

Paint the desert wind is a great pop song! I love the intro and great strings. I love that beat as well. Very catchy song! Those vocals are great as well. Is that you singing Roy?

Chris Tempest

El-Kamfer 04-30-2005 03:00 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
A Song i`ve recorded with a lady a few months ago.
we started to record the song in february, and ended april.

All mixed on a G4 dp1,25mhz, Digi 002r - PT 6.4
Mixed on Alesis mkII monitors.

Shure mics on drums, Bass direct to a Behringer DI and into the box.
Vox amp for guitar. Røde condenser mic for vocals.

Mastered in wavelab, using a 3bandcompressor.

Please tellme what you think of the vocals..
first time i have recorded somebody with a good voice. ( been hardcore screaming voices before)
i know the S` are a bit sharp..
but i`m interesting if its bothers you the way she pronounces stuff in english.
She`s from norway and is just 16 years old...

Roy Howell 04-30-2005 03:32 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

I didn't realise those where links to your music in your signiture!

Paint the desert wind is a great pop song! I love the intro and great strings. I love that beat as well. Very catchy song! Those vocals are great as well. Is that you singing Roy?

Chris Tempest

Thank you, Chris...the singer is my friend and often writing partner, Paul Curtiz(from Belgium). I'm in Memphis...I wrote and arranged the music on 'Paint the Desert Wind', and Paul wrote lyrics and melody.

Thanks again... ~Roy

mykhal c 05-01-2005 03:15 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey all. couple of things i've played on. always open to feedback!! be gentle!! my website will be up this week with more to check out. i'll post when it's available.

really love the singer's vox on the first link!!!


another album i played on comin' from a whole different place...


thanks for listening...mykhal

Roy Howell 05-01-2005 11:18 AM

Re: my music...

Hi, I've been busy these last few weeks building my website : www.i-snor.com

Everything was recorded with Pro Tools LE on a PC, and the sessions for the album have taken as long as 5 years of work !! I'm doing everything here... No pop-up, ok ? Please give me any feedback you want, and thanks in advance for visiting.


That is one of the coolest website I've ever seen...the graphics kill. What's the music under?...can't seem to find it.


Roy Howell 05-01-2005 11:35 AM

Re: Heavy Stuff
Third Eye Studios-

Great job on the mix, Third Eye......good band, and good dynamics on this song...really like some of the guit sounds...


Roy Howell 05-01-2005 12:26 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
mykhal c-

hey all. couple of things i've played on. always open to feedback!! be gentle!! my website will be up this week with more to check out. i'll post when it's available.

really love the singer's vox on the first link!!!


another album i played on comin' from a whole different place...


thanks for listening...mykhal


mykhal c,
The Steve Inglis songs sound really nice....but can't get the songs on the first link to play...wanna hear the girl singer, so I'll try again later.


mykhal c 05-01-2005 12:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey roy. thanks for takin' a listen.

i had the same problem when i had my default mp3 player set to Itunes. when i set it to windows media player i had no problems listening to it. so try it with wmp.

let me know if works that way!! thanks...mykhal

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