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vernon 03-31-2010 05:38 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Dimak415 (Post 1582860)
These were all made on Sonar 8 (instrumentals are Reason Rewired).

Composed, arranged, produced, sung and engineered by yours truly (Dmitry Karpovich).
O, and the girl on the choruses is Kimi Liope

Enjoy! (I hope :)


Who can guess where I snagged the percussion sample on "Californ I Am"?

kickin azz thats a great sound

Wayne Dawkins 04-02-2010 02:05 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's my stuff that i have made available. Done in Pro tools le

risey 04-03-2010 08:04 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Rsfreak 04-04-2010 02:29 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Everyone

I have been reading these forums for some time now and this would be the first time I am posting. I Would just like to thank everyone for their knowledge and help with all things protools.

I would like to share some of our music with the community.
The quality videos are not the greatest as they were recorded on an old digital camera. All songs were written and recorded in Protools LE.


Hope you enjoy them


nunuk 04-04-2010 03:26 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
this is a recording of a band i made, recorded live in a small room with 7 mics and just some locut on violin and overheads and reverb on drums
enjoy the spirit of the 70' :-)
Fjodor - rough mix

euphoria89 04-06-2010 04:16 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally Posted by Dimak415 (Post 1582866)
Lovin' the song! AWESOME

Maybe its the Youtube compression, but I hear something funny going on in the lower range, a clashing between the kick and the bass. I would tweak the kick a little so it doesn't sound so... hollow? If the 44/16 sounds OK, then please ignore my comments.
But I LOVE the song. Can I get it on Itunes?


Thanks so much for the comments. Yeah there's defiantly a strange sound at the lower end. I often have trouble mixing kick drum + bass, but this is quite something else. Its much harder to find the small range of frequencies to cut the kick that it is with a traditional kick drum. Most of the 'kick' you hear in the track falls above the depth of the kick drum, and therefore lays sort of 'on top' of it, not below. Only way of adding any kind of transient or definition seems to be the clickyness range of about 1.5k. Not to mention acoustically it is hard to hear any definition of the drum when played live, just because that's the way it is. Very boomy when played live unfortunately. I'll take another look at it at some point and see if i can get it any better.. :)

Unfortunatly not quite got any of it on iTunes yet, but plan of doing so this summer. Just finishing off a few extra tracks to hopefully get a half decent demo out there. In the mean time, take a look at our other video here:


Again, faults to be had by all accounts in terms of production, but hopefully you'll fundamentally enjoy the song in its entirety.

I'll update this as soon as any new material is ready. Got some pretty interesting stuff to follow!

RettRobinson 04-07-2010 11:22 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
These are a few of my latest sessions. I am running pro tools le 8 via 003, mac, shs audio S7 condenser, plus outboard eq/pre, and a few plug ins. The link is to site that has the entire mixtape i did for this artist. Thanks and i hope everyone enjoys.


DJ Hellfire 04-08-2010 06:10 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
What up fellas?! I know I've been poppin up a lot lately gettin comfy here. Here's my first album all done in 7.4-8 LE with my MC, Surg. These are some of my first recordings ever with Pro Tools, and pretty much a DAW period. So it may not sound as pro as some of you guy's stuff, but it sounds really good for having no training. But I've gotten much better since. All produced, recorded and mixed by myself.

Some of you may not dig it, but it's Hiphop. Real hiphop though, not the crap you here all over the place today. Please enjoy, leave feedback, tips if you like. Thanks!


basslik 04-08-2010 06:18 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Ormond (Post 1579867)
The US festival - Steve Wozniak's attempt for rock n Roll fame. Did not work but he had some great bands play!

Yes I remember now (LOL):rolleyes:
hey Ormand, I plan on doing a remake of take it off the top from the dregs, me on bass, buddy laying drums, you would do a good flavor on guitar? lets do it.

tazacacao 04-08-2010 08:15 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's a song i did on a mac w/ pro tools. New next level synth hip-hop from socal to the bay.


hope u likes!!!:D

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