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Roy Howell 06-30-2006 01:17 PM

Latest Stuff...
I scored a little indie movie recently and wrote this piece for a 'dark and circus-like' scene in it.....very short(about 1:30)...mainly dry cellos and brass. -Roy

Dark Circus

gravityspull 06-30-2006 04:10 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Hey Roy. that's some pretty spooky stuff! Seriously though, sounds like it will suit the scene very nicely indeed - the incessant dark 'marching' feel punctuated with the chromatic run downs....The 'middle eight' section is also cool for breaking it up, don't know if there was a middle section in the scene differing from the main bit?


ryanstack 06-30-2006 05:52 PM

Instrumental rock- please critique mix
Here is the first song that I have mixed from a recent recording of my band. There are still a couple of fader moves i'd like to make, but I've heard it so many time I need some fresh ears. When we recorded this we wanted it to sound like we do live. We had all of the instruments setup as if we were playing a show, in our basement. (all the amps behind the drums) It was very frustrating for all of us to try to play without any mistakes through out every song. There are definatley some minor mistakes (stick clicks,muffed notes, etc) We just wanted it to be a little raw sounding, we did not overdub or punch anything in. We setup a MS stereo pair in the room to get a very live sound.

I am fairly happy with the way it turned out given the sub par gear we used. Mackie VLZ plus two on the 001 for mic preamps, presonus Firestaion for extra ad/da. Beta 52 on the kick, 3 SM57's for the snare,guitar left and bass, AKG c1000 for guitar right, 2 CAD M179 for the toms. For the MS pair we used a CAD e100 for the middle and a studio projects B3 set to omni for the side.

Buisness Trip to Hell:

Please give me some honest feedback.


q0rban 06-30-2006 06:12 PM

Re: Instrumental rock- please critique mix
Wow.. I really like this.. reminds me of No Knife or Cancer Conspiracy. You've got the live sound going, but I think you can still tighten up the kit some without losing that sound.

I'm only listening on my iMac speakers, so it's hard to tell, but I think you need to work on the levels of your snare track (especially in the beginning).. I like that it's not slammed through a compressor, but what that means for you is some extra work on the faders.. IMO The kick could be brought up to sit above the bass.. but maybe that's just my speakers.. The toms could use some warmth, which may be hard to accomlish given that there is an overwhelming amount of the drums coming through your ambient mics.

Also the guitars seem drowned out (by the cymbals) a bit in some of the beginning parts..

the MS matrix lends a very realistic live sound... i like it..

Compositionally, the 7/8 part (after the break) gets a bit boring to me.. but hey.. You didn't ask about that..

here's to math rock.

badperson 07-03-2006 07:18 AM

Re: Instrumental rock- please critique mix

got a new song up.

would love any feedback on song/mix/arrangement, etc.


baloo7777 07-03-2006 08:06 PM

Re: Instrumental rock- please critique mix
Like it a LOT!!! I'm not an expert. If I was mixing, I'd bring the background vocals down a little so the lead singer was more out front in the chorus. I thought the intro was a bit busy with the guitar/keyboard both playing many notes, and would either use a few pauses or held chords to give the melody more time to develope into the final exciting mid to finish. Love the bass line. Maybe just a hint more bottom to let song feel fuller. For what its worth... I really do like the song!

baloo7777 07-03-2006 08:56 PM

Re: Stargazer
I totally love the song "Loose Ties"!!! Once again the internet lets talent shine through (albeit without any compensation for said talent)!!!

panicstrickin 07-04-2006 07:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here are a few of mine. The Alice in Chains was done on a fostex four track along time ago...and the Red Rooster one was in a garage just recorded with a couple of mic's. The rest are all Pro Tools. This is a really cool site too and free to join.

gravityspull 07-04-2006 12:55 PM

Re: Stargazer

Was that in reference to me? Or has someone else also got a track called 'Loose Ties'?????
Just confused because it's one of the 'extra' tracks on the site, tagged on at the bottom after the main demo.

Anyway, if it is this one - thanks very much for listening and glad you liked it


baloo7777 07-04-2006 07:45 PM

Re: Stargazer
I listened to your songs and "Loose Ties" was at the bottom, but it kinda hit me, and I listened a couple times...I really enjoyed it!

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