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jinxtigr 02-01-2006 05:58 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

My sincerest apologies for having insulted anyone by presenting another version. My intent is not to insult anyone and for that again I apologise. I will refrain from doing this from now on as the intent is being misconstrued. My apologies to everyone on the DUC for wasting thread space. Oh and the link should work, don't know why it didn't. I tried it myself.

I'm not a bit offended (I am the mastering engineer who worked on 'Gaining On Me'), but I thought I should clear a few things up.

The link works fine if you copy the URL into something and fix the spelling from 'gainning' to 'gaining'

Roy has quietly replaced the original mp3 he posted with my mastering of the current version of the track. It was first posted, as a semi-mastered version in which Otek (Ola Sonmark) bumped the gain some from the raw mix. At that time, I had NOT worked on what you were hearing, though I'm being credited for it. Right now, that same link now points to the version I did, which is pretty representative of what I do and almost exactly identical in tone and density to the original track, "Gaining On Me" for CaPE, which had a 'skit' and voiceover material included in it.

So, NOW it's mastered by me. When Dave heard it, it actually wasn't.

I've listened to Dave's remastering of the original posted mp3, and I'm interested to know if Dave finds my mastering work to be overly loud or middy, as his take on the track was much softer and brighter. What did you do, Dave, and what's being used to accomplish that result?

For what it's worth (DUC posters should get a kick out of this) although my work sounds maybe pretty 'analog', it is in fact entirely ITB and has never left the digital domain for even a nanosecond. You CAN do very big, phat work all in-the-box.

davec 02-01-2006 06:44 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

I'm not a bit offended (I am the mastering engineer who worked on 'Gaining On Me'), but I thought I should clear a few things up.

The link works fine if you copy the URL into something and fix the spelling from 'gainning' to 'gaining'

Phew... I was worried for a second. Yeah the link problem was there for only a few minutes before I caught it.


So, NOW it's mastered by me. When Dave heard it, it actually wasn't.

I've listened to Dave's remastering of the original posted mp3, and I'm interested to know if Dave finds my mastering work to be overly loud or middy, as his take on the track was much softer and brighter. What did you do, Dave, and what's being used to accomplish that result?

Well I used my Harmonizer technique. You really need to listen to the song on headphones and compare the 2. It adds body among other things.


For what it's worth (DUC posters should get a kick out of this) although my work sounds maybe pretty 'analog', it is in fact entirely ITB and has never left the digital domain for even a nanosecond. You CAN do very big, phat work all in-the-box.

Yeah it does sound very analog. Good stuff. There's alot of plug-ins out there that can give that sort of feel to it. Good Job!

lemix 02-01-2006 07:07 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

I was on 'Team Galactic', members listed below, and here's what we did. Hope you find it interesting. -Roy
Gaining On Me

Roy dude..

Keep on Rockin'

Roy Howell 02-01-2006 07:23 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Thanks, lemix...

and thank you too, Dave..... -Roy

Gaining on Me/ Original Mix...

Gaining On Me

davec 02-01-2006 07:32 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Aussie169 02-02-2006 01:21 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
OK, seeing we're posting our CaPE song here Roy...

I was on Team Zodiak

Our track is a TOTALLY different animal to Team Galactic's

The players are:
Bigfurry - Song writer / bass / acoustic guitar
Jstuart - Lead vocal / drums
Mousdrvr - Backing vocals
Loubeck - Electric rhythm guitar and intro solo.
Watershed (Aussie169) - Lead guitar (apart from intro solo)
Scrubby - Organ / Mandolin
Charles Dye - Mixing
Bob Olhsson - Mastering

Enjoy She Disappears

Flux 1.21 02-02-2006 11:50 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Check out my first 3 mixes on my website below. Let me know what you think. Input on what I can do better would be appreciated.

Thanks guys and enjoy

Roy Howell 02-03-2006 11:52 AM

Re: Latest Stuff

...Toupey Luft on vocals and 6 string...
Here's the remix:


I really like 'Lilacs' and Toupey Luft's voice...very good song, and nice job on the production.


Wheeltard 02-03-2006 12:00 PM

Re: Latest Stuff
Ditto on what Roy said. Dave that's why I appreciate you listening and critiquing my drivel. 'Cuz your stuff is so pro. By the way Roy, your Cape group effort was the bomb. I know I always hate when people say, "sounds like..." but that tune definitely conjoured up good feelings of listening to a variety of bands from my youth.

Just a sick effort all the way around. Superb. The level of musicianship and production on this board just boggles my peabrain.

davec 02-03-2006 12:34 PM

Re: Latest Stuff
Thanks Roy, much appreciated

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