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tempest18 06-21-2005 08:08 AM

Re: my latest

Well here's an artist I've been recording and co-producing. This is a pre-mix.


Hey there,

I think this sounds just fine. I agree that the snare doesnt quite suit. Well for my taste anyway. I think I'd like to hear a little more crisp and stringy sound.

The production is very nice on this one. I like the heavy layered vocals and all. Sounds real good. I'm not usually a fan of much but pop these days but thats a nice tune


Chris Tempest

tempest18 06-21-2005 08:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I kmow I'm new....but I'm hoping someone could give me a few tips on this.


File is "I Believe- DrumTest20050615.mp3"

Hi Guys,
I have been lurking in these forums for a few years. During that time I have progressed in my recording but have a ways to go before I reach the level of some of you.
I am a drummer and work with 2 other guys who also have PTLE setups. Between the 3 of us, we have some demo projects in the works.
My gear is (Used for drum recording):
Yamaha 01V with ADAT Card (used for mic pres recording drums)
SM57 Snare
D112 on Kick
Sennheisser E604 on Toms
Rode NT5s overheads

With that said, I humbly ask for critiques of my drum sound on this recording.
BTW, I have the overheads panned at 50L 50R rather than 100L 100R. This just seems to make the drums "fit" in the mix more. Is that typical, or maybe I am just covering up another problem.

Thanks in advance.

Hey Doug,

Good job on the drum sounds. Very nice and clear. What kind of drumset do you have?
Ive never recorded any drums with good mics or even a good kit before but I'm hoping to start sometime soon. The guitars sound very good as well!

I wouldnt say the kick is out of balance, but thats my opinion. As for the OH panning, I'd say go as narrow or wide as you want. Do what sounds good.


Chris Tempest

superpenguin79 06-21-2005 10:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here are 2 brand new ones from my full band Almost Famous. Can you believe that I tracked everything on my MBox on these?!?! just kidding.... used a slightly higher end facility for these, but still did all the engineering and what not...


jrm 06-21-2005 01:27 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone! This is my band's demo done entirely with protools and an 001. We're working on our full album right now, so I'll put up some links when that is finished. Feel free to let me know what you think!

only one

Doug Farrar 06-21-2005 05:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


I kmow I'm new....but I'm hoping someone could give me a few tips on this.


File is "I Believe- DrumTest20050615.mp3"

Thanks in advance.

Hey Doug,

Good job on the drum sounds. Very nice and clear. What kind of drumset do you have?
Ive never recorded any drums with good mics or even a good kit before but I'm hoping to start sometime soon. The guitars sound very good as well!

I wouldnt say the kick is out of balance, but thats my opinion. As for the OH panning, I'd say go as narrow or wide as you want. Do what sounds good.


Chris Tempest

Thanks Chris,
I have a Yamaha Stage custom with remo pinstrip heads on the toms. A coated ambassador on the snare.
The guitars are a custom strat, direct to PT with Amplitube for effects and distortion.
What do you mean the kick is "out of balance?" Too Loud?


superpenguin79 06-21-2005 06:42 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doug: Track sounds cool man, I dig the vibe you have going on in it. As for the kick, when I was listening it was almost not there all together. I will have to crank it up when I get home in the studio, but I would suggest maybe bring it up just a tad. Good work on the arrangement though!

Joz: Nice track man! which artist is it from? I agree with the guys on the compression on this one, but other than that it sounds great!

pk_hat 06-21-2005 08:41 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
It's noisy, it's dark, and certainly the strangest track I've produced thus far, but it was fun to make a nice departure from the norm.
Free-form electronic mayhem, with a rather familiar melody to finish it off..
Hope you like, thanks for listening...

"Pink and Gold" now playing at: www.myspace.com/krou

pk_hat 06-21-2005 08:45 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This new track won't please everyone (perhaps not even you, Roy!), but if you're feeling adventurous, by all means, dig in!

It's noisy, it's dark, and certainly the strangest track I've produced thus far, but it was fun to make a nice departure from the norm.
Free-form electronic mayhem, with a rather familiar melody to finish it off..
Hope you like, thanks for listening...

"Pink and Gold" now playing at: www.myspace.com/krou :

Joz 06-22-2005 03:22 AM

Here's my bands latest! we took the verse from an old song we had, but this is the final version. Took us a while to finish it, but here it is!

tempest18 06-22-2005 03:40 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Chris Tempest

Thanks Chris,
I have a Yamaha Stage custom with remo pinstrip heads on the toms. A coated ambassador on the snare.
The guitars are a custom strat, direct to PT with Amplitube for effects and distortion.
What do you mean the kick is "out of balance?" Too Loud?



I dont think the kick is out of balance. I think when they said out of balance they meant not loud enough. I think for my tastes I'd actually crank it up a little also like Super suggested. I've always liked to hear the kick drum. I was looking at those drumsets a little while ago. Your recorded sound is really good. Could you give me a little more info on the room they were recorded in and mic placement?

I have a buddy who got one of those kits. Last time I saw him he said it sounds great! I wanted to record it sometime but I dont have the mics. I'll have to get into the drum thing soon. Also what verb are you running on the drums?


Chris Tempest

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