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Roy Howell 06-19-2005 10:27 PM

Re: Chinese story


Long time no see, hello again.

First time real drums (recorded by drummer with emagic a 6/2 m, collaboration over internet). Notice bass player, I love his style to play and very accuracy too.

Kiinalainen juttu (Chinese story)

Feel free to say what you think.

I know my drummer needs badly micing advice. Any good link?

Hi Finne...
The mix is well done, as usual...especially like the guitar sounds...what are you running the guitars through?

thanks, Roy

Joz 06-20-2005 03:44 AM

my latest
Well here's an artist I've been recording and co-producing. This is a pre-mix.


Doug Farrar 06-20-2005 09:13 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I kmow I'm new....but I'm hoping someone could give me a few tips on this.


File is "I Believe- DrumTest20050615.mp3"

Hi Guys,
I have been lurking in these forums for a few years. During that time I have progressed in my recording but have a ways to go before I reach the level of some of you.
I am a drummer and work with 2 other guys who also have PTLE setups. Between the 3 of us, we have some demo projects in the works.
My gear is (Used for drum recording):
Yamaha 01V with ADAT Card (used for mic pres recording drums)
SM57 Snare
D112 on Kick
Sennheisser E604 on Toms
Rode NT5s overheads

With that said, I humbly ask for critiques of my drum sound on this recording.
BTW, I have the overheads panned at 50L 50R rather than 100L 100R. This just seems to make the drums "fit" in the mix more. Is that typical, or maybe I am just covering up another problem.

Thanks in advance.

Roy Howell 06-20-2005 09:50 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Doug,
Sorry we missed your first post...

Very impressive piece...very well done overall......guitars, drums(fantastic snare), and vocals sound great to me, as does the song itelf...
You guys work well together...keep it up, and post more.


clausiii 06-20-2005 12:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi again! I´m afraid you missed my post or you found that song very very awful

P.S.: thanks @ Finne for your comment


Please listen to the song and give me some comments if you like.
The instruments are:

1st Bass (clean and dist)
2nd Bass (clean and dist)
Guitars (clean and dist)
and a bit of piano sound sometimes...

This music has to be played loud, so turn it up!

Thanks for listening
Have a nice day

SSRJazz 06-20-2005 02:44 PM

Re: my latest

Well here's an artist I've been recording and co-producing. This is a pre-mix.

Joz - Very nice song. Good production. Compressed/limited too much, but aside from that it sounds awesome.

SSRJazz 06-20-2005 02:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Nice song and great instrumentation on it. I think the kick is a little out of balance volumewise with everything else. The only other problem I hear at all is overcompression. I can hear those compressors pumping away in there.

Seems like a -lot- of people are overcompressing everything. Including the pro studios. I can understand the non-professionals making this sort of mistake but, I don't understand why the pros think this sounds good. I guess I'm just overly picky and like my music to 'breathe' instead of squishing the life out of it. =)

Mpeg audio artifacts in mp3's with bit rates < 256kbps drive me nuts too, but I seem to be the only one that hears those too.

But I digress.. lol

Overall, nicely done, Doug - just needs a few tweaks and it'll be even better.

IntelDoc 06-20-2005 03:01 PM

Re: my latest
Sounds good, agreed that it sounds a tad squashed though. Honestly NOT liking the snare tone for the song. Seems a bit too open and basketball hoopish. May be my crappy ***** computer speakers though? Not sure though. Will listen at home. Seems too squashed though,a nd I understand that it is PRE-mix. I would bring the guitars up a notch too.

Good tones though...

- Doc

er1c 06-20-2005 03:59 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hello guys,

Well i've just finished my first track using Protools LE mBox Factory on my iBook G4.

It is called "Keep Dancing" weight 5,4 Mb and is disponible at www.er1c.biz

This track is so particular that i've put my voice on it.

If you have time tell me what you think of it


Roy Howell 06-20-2005 11:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool song...good job on the vocal and most of the production is really good...one suggestion, is that the early overdrive guitar seems overly thin to me (like where the vocal screams on the verse endings). I feel a void in those spots...It would probably feel fine if some fuller guitar(s) were added there, as they are at about 2:19. Feels much better there.
Just a suggestion, and understood that it's a very good song and effort overall, IMO.


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