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jstunner 05-20-2005 08:30 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I sent you an e-mail powerjoe. I will certainly buy that album if it gets re-released. Again, great work. It will be awesome to hear the album mixed with todays technology. However, when you have a performance like that, I don't think it matters whether it's mixed in PTLE or with a bunch of K-Mart boom boxes recorded from tape to tape. A good song is a good song no matter what media it's in.

wonderfall 05-20-2005 09:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Come on, is it that bad that I deserve no feedback?


Hi all.

We you be so gentle and tell me what you think of these two songs on
regarding the mix, and regarding the music itself?

Done at home alone with my computer.


IntelDoc 05-20-2005 10:03 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Good stuff as usual... again, this was not all done on the 002. You still using that SSL board?

- Doc

jstunner 05-20-2005 11:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Seeing as you've done this all alone at home, I can really apreciate that as I'm a one man act myself. Very nice dynamics on the song Do you remember. I like the way you brought it in with the quiet guitar in the begging. It's very remenicent of George Harrison (yes of the Beatles). The ending where it picks up is nice too, I like how it gets nice and full at the end. I'd add just a touch of a high frequncey boost to add some "air" to your vocals as I think it will bring out the natural rasp in your voice. This is by no means my normal type of music I listen too, but I found it very enjoyable.

superpenguin79 05-20-2005 11:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Just a song for the wife.... Kinda funny really. My B-day is in 10 days, and I just bought her a new DELL laptop. strange! No man, she loves dance stuff, (oakenfold, sasha, etc) so I have been trying to get a long self mix done for her. This is only the beginning.

Thanks for the listen. Vocals? maybe, but surely not me!

- Doc

haha, well Happy Birthday in advance man!! Tell her you need some new gear for the studio for your b-day man. Tell her that you got the laptop for her and it is your b-day. Thats cool that it is only the beginning man. I have some old techno tunes laying around that I programmed in Acid back in the day long before I got hold of PT that I should post up here maybe. lol Look forward to hearing some more. peace

superpenguin79 05-20-2005 11:35 AM

Re: new Overnight Lows

Here's a pre-mix of a song that we rerecorded!


Joz, great job on the tunes always man! I have not heard anything from you guys that I didn't dig yet honestly. I e-mailed you from your bands site a while back to see what you guys are doing lately, but had never received a reply. I figured you were busy, but if you guys ever need any bands to work with on shows, I could reccomend a couple out that way that your style would go very well with and maybe help boost your fan base a bit. take it easy

superpenguin79 05-20-2005 11:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Come on, is it that bad that I deserve no feedback?

Wonderfall: Haven't been on here since 9pm last night yet to catch the new tunes man. lol Otherwise, I dig the tracks. I think the writing on "Do you remember" is the great out of the two honestly. I really like it how the full band comes in at the 3:20 mark in the track to finish out the song. The one thing I would suggest is to bring up the mix a little bit and make it a little more punchier for the first half of the song with the acoustic and vox. I was sitting here playing with my stereo volume to bring it up and down kinda.

As for the other track, it sort of reminds me a little of the british pop kinda stuff like Cold Play/Oasis... somewhere in there. Sounds good, but I have never been much into the style honestly myself. Keep up the good work though man!

Straatocastoer 05-20-2005 12:39 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Finally back up and fully networked. Here's the other 3 songs that we ran that session. Again, these are merely preliminary takes for a demo. One of the guitars changes to bass in songs 3 and 4, and he is definately re-performing his parts. We'll improve his tone and get rid of the hiss on the retakes. But here they are in their raw glory:

Song 2
Song 3
Song 4

and the first one that I posted (and the only one that I know the title for) is Summertime

tempest18 05-20-2005 12:43 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows
Hey Joz,

Quite a catchy tune, I like the verses more than chorus. You really have that polished professional sound down. What you mics you using to get those great drum sounds? Everything sounds so punchy and clear.

Good job

Chris Tempest

bigbubbaj 05-20-2005 12:53 PM

Re: new Overnight Lows

Sounds great. Although I think you guys as a band are really the "secret" behind your engineering... easy to get great sounding stuff when the performances are great!

Good job!

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