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superpenguin79 03-30-2005 10:48 AM

Re: ...
New tunes are up at: www.cdbaby.com/cd/naebeck if you guys would like to check them out.

rost 03-30-2005 10:59 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Here's one I just finished mixing called Hurting Kind. Don't be afraid to criticize! I can take it. Feel free to tear me a new one if you feel inclined. It's how I learn.

She's rocking out pretty hard on this one so I was trying not to make the mix too pretty. Vocal, organ, and guitar were taking up a lot of mid range so that is probably the biggest challenge.

All recording and mixing on Mbox.


Im very impressed with the recording and songs. You did this all on an MBOX? I really didnt think my MBOX was capable of this recording level. Time to get my butt in the basement and create!!!

Super Seven 03-30-2005 11:08 AM

Solo CD
Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Would love to hear some comments... also.... goto www.scottkroeker.com if you want to get the latest on the CD release


Ruben_B 03-30-2005 05:48 PM

Re: ...
Hi superpenguin79,
i had a listen to some of your tracks, well done , i really like the sound of remembering the moments. all thge best with it.
thanks for the listen

Ruben_B 03-30-2005 05:49 PM

Re: ...
Hi superpenguin79,
i had a listen to some of your tracks, well done , i really like the sound of remembering the moments, cool digeridoo intro. all the best with it.
thanks for the listen

Ruben_B 03-30-2005 06:02 PM

Re: Solo CD

Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Would love to hear some comments... also.... goto www.scottkroeker.com if you want to get the latest on the CD release


Hi Scott,
i had a listen to angelinice. sounds good, i like the sound of the guitars and the chorus effect youve got going there. Just one thing, maybe its just me but it sounds a bit sloppy or messy at about the 16 second mark when the additional guitar comes in, thats the only thing i picked up on.


Pop-cycle 03-30-2005 06:45 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I was wondering if some one could help me out. My mixes don't seem to have the punch I'm looking for
They have a limited dynamic range. And volume levels are not good.

If any one can give Me some feed back that would be great.
Check out " Eyes Like You "

Thanks John
G4 867
Pro -Tools 6.1

Super Seven 03-30-2005 07:59 PM

Re: Solo CD
Good ear ... that is the bass kicking in and I haven't gone back and re-recorded the bass line for that tune yet....hence..'in the works' That tune was slapped together in a few hours. It will get polished up yet.

superpenguin79 03-30-2005 08:24 PM

Re: ...

Hi superpenguin79,
i had a listen to some of your tracks, well done , i really like the sound of remembering the moments, cool digeridoo intro. all the best with it.
thanks for the listen

Thanks for checking them out Ruben! Yeah, the Digeridoo was very fun on RTM. Believe it or not, I had never messed with one before my current project.

Joz 03-31-2005 12:11 AM

overnight lows new one
So here's a rough mix of our new song. I'll probably finish the mix by the weekend. Comments are welcome as always


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