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jvox 02-06-2005 07:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
i *think* this sounds pretty good. could be wrong though.
has some intentional distortion.
and a Morrissey sample.


Roy Howell 02-07-2005 01:05 PM

Re: Latest stuff

Roy, what are you using as a di on your latest?


Sorry for the delay, bp...just saw this. As far as guitars, I'm running direct to Digi ins on 'Rattlesnake'...using plugins....no external di at all. When no vocals or acoustic guitars are involved(no mikes), I prefer going direct. Right now I use minimal equipment(001/6.4 and plugins), but I'm about to do a major upgrade overall, probably in the spring...will probably be seeking you guys' advice on this and that.

'Heavenly'....very cool song. I love the big lazy snare(for one thing)...nice vocals and overall production. Good job, sir.


badperson 02-07-2005 02:55 PM

Re: Latest stuff

I'm running direct to Digi ins on 'Rattlesnake'...using plugins....no external di at all.

Cool, it sounds great. I've only experimented a little with going direct, I've been using some of my stompboxes for that.

I usually record dry, because I find it really difficult to play without the low latency monitoring on. I'll play around a bit more and post something at some point. Again, great work.

I really liked that clean sound about halfway through the piece. Great stuff. ]

Oh, and definitely keep us posted on your upgrade, I'll be curious to hear what you decide on.


Roy Howell 02-07-2005 03:37 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Thanks bp...

superpenguin79 02-08-2005 05:55 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Morning everyone,

have a new track online that I did for a contemplation cd which is an instrumental cover of Jessica Harp's "Rose Colored Glasses". I have an mp3 up for download at: www.charlienaebeck.com. Just click on the message boards link and go under my section and click on the topic called "Charlie's CD" and you can download a copy if you like. Well, its back to work for now here. peace


stewie 02-08-2005 10:35 AM

Re: Latest stuff
hello everyone. i have never posted in this section but i will start now and would like some feedback if anybody has the time to check out the latest band i've recorded. you can find the music at www.purevolume.com/newatlantic . they are streams so keep that in mind. it is the first 4 songs on there you can view them all until the 21st then i think they will take a few down. thanks.


Guit4Brains 02-08-2005 10:59 AM

Re: Latest stuff

As far as guitars, I'm running direct to Digi ins on 'Rattlesnake'...using plugins....no external di at all.

Hey Roy-I have been trying to get decent direct sounds. The only tracks I like are through a sansamp....have tried Guitar Rig and Amplitube, Line 6...never happy. What kind of levels are you hitting? -18dbfs or higher? Thanks =0)

Finne 02-08-2005 11:38 AM

New song
New stuff from Rotten mill.

Me rasistit (We are racists)

Song tells that rasism is all over the world, it is not just a western problem.

Chorus: I am a rasist, you are a rasist, we hate.

Feel free to say anything including negatives.

Roy Howell 02-08-2005 11:57 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Hi Guit,
I'll have to check the exact levels I get later...in a sesh right now. But for the 'solo licks' guitar on Rattlesnake, I used GuitarRig. I definitely prefer it over SansAmp, and have saved my own settings in it. (personal taste...the SansAmp overdrive is too 'grainy' for me). One thing that's obvious to me is that the response I get from GuitRig or Amplitube is very different depending on the guitar I use. My strat has standard single coil pickups, and certain settings sound weak, or noisy. But my 'custom' guitar has EMG's, including a Humbuckin...very strong, but dead silent. I use it for most of my solos, and it works well whether miked through an amp, or GuitRig, or Amplitube.

I'll try to post back on those levels...

How've you been, by the way?...


Guit4Brains 02-08-2005 12:15 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Thanks so much, I will keep playing around. As far as pickups, I am using Tom Anderson stacked pickups in my Tele, and vintage in my Les Paul. I have EMG 81s in an old BC Rich Warlock (from the metal days =0). I might try those, they are great pickups for sure and def. high output. Maybe the EMGs are the missing link in my direct tones.

Thanks for asking, I have been getting ready to take my PTs sessions into a bigger studio...going to see how far I can take what I've tracked in LE. Also, I have been working on getting some of my stuff into t.v./film, I have a firm offer on one tune. I still drop by real quick when I have time. BTW,your stuff sounds amazing as usual.

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