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Puustinen 01-06-2005 03:53 AM

Re: What do you think about this?

all I see is some noise in the beginning and the end that could easily be zoomed in on and cut out

I've got to remeber to do that. Thanks!

Puustinen 01-06-2005 04:17 AM

Re: Listen to this then...

Why not give these songs a listen - what do guys think ?


I'm just floored about the tallent on this forum...

Stiff 01-06-2005 04:37 AM

Re: What do you think about this?
I recognize that situation with a bunch of ideas but nothing finished. From my side it's just pure lazyness

Anyway, be sure to post as soon as something's finished, I truly enjoyed "Tell him".

Stiff 01-06-2005 04:39 AM

Re: What do you think about this?

I'll be posting our songs so you people can push me in the right direction (I hope you have the time)

You'd be amazed to find out how much each day some people hang around here

tempest18 01-06-2005 06:55 AM

Re: What do you think about this?
Hey again,

John Hey was kind enough to offer me some space on his site, so my songs up there now.


It took me a while to get it posted so I hope its worth it.

I also just noticed theres a nasty little click at the very end of the mp3. I cant be bothered to fix that now, hope nobody gets a fright.

This needs mastered and hopefully shall be soon once I get everything together.

Happy listening

Chris Tempest

Super Seven 01-06-2005 07:34 AM

Re: What do you think about this?

Here is the start of a solo/instrumental project I am working on. Unfortunately, I am using drums samples and making the best of it. Let me know how the mix is sounding.

John Hey 01-06-2005 09:46 AM

Re: What do you think about this?
Sounds very nice Chris! Do you have any more to share? If you do go ahead and upload them in the same folder.

....and the click at the end is not bad.

John Hey 01-06-2005 09:57 AM

Re: Listen to this then...
That’s why I check this board out every few hours. I am very impressed with the amount of talent here and I think they are much better than the junk that gets played on the radio. I also find it helps me with ideas when writing my own songs. I will hear stuff that I like (licks or chord progressions) and try to experiment to recreate a certain sound (like Roy’s Gat) that I have heard. Keep the songs coming please!

Ole Vangsgaard 01-06-2005 12:10 PM

Re: Listen to this then...

These songs are exceptionally good, and so is the singer(Tobias Stenkjaer, right?). Each one of them is very well written and sung...love the guitars too. Are you engineering this?



Thanks for listening to the songs. Glad to hear that you like them.

Sorry (Roy), I can't take any credit for the quality of the songs/productions/recordings. Tobias is the main man behind it all - He wrote the songs, played the guitartracks, sang...

He left the final mixing of the songs to one of his connections in Stockholm, Sweden.

So what did I do then ? - I designed the website!

However, I do have an nice G5/002R setup ready to rock when I feel like it - But I haven't finished any of my own projects lately so you will have to wait a while to here my stuff.


The Stockholm Sessions

Super Seven 01-06-2005 02:12 PM

Re: What do you think about this?


Here is the start of a solo/instrumental project I am working on. Unfortunately, I am using drums samples and making the best of it. Let me know how the mix is sounding.

anyone get a chance to take a listen?

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