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Roy Howell 11-04-2004 02:39 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool song...well done...I pulled up the lyrics while listening, and it makes it's point well. Good job.

Roy Howell 11-04-2004 02:48 PM

Re: heres another tune

Check out the future of pop music @ http://www.myspace.com/theeklipse

Also heard 'Feel good'...superb midi programming and excellent mix...what part do you play in this?...are you in The Eklipse or are you the engineer?
Thanks for the listen...

hornedrum 11-04-2004 06:54 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
3 new mixes from me available folks.
Feedback appreciated as always!



mindstAt 11-05-2004 06:18 PM

todays project
finally got a chance today to record a song. heres what i came up with. the bass is sampled and not mine, btw. piano is a 100yr old upright recorded with a $10 radio shack mic i bought 10 yrs ago, signal going through my motherboard. still waiting for digi funds to accumulate acid pro 2 to track this. 14 hours total to complete. i know its choppy in some places but i just decided to end it. hope you like it.


Roy Howell 11-06-2004 02:36 PM

Re: todays project
Interesting piece...piano sounds great (I miss my old upright)...interesting spread on the snare too.(kinda cool). The only thing was the piano chopping in and out.(just me, but I'de leave it in throughout and add more 'stuff' overall). But very nice piece, man.....I enjoyed it.

SimpleNatureSpirit 11-06-2004 04:14 PM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts
Just to show that I know how to chill from time to time:


Let me know what you think... Still needs the final mastering. Any tips?

...and if you have trouble with media player, let me know that too.
Windows Media Player 10 destroys PTLE bounced MP3's, long live WinAmp

Jack Rabbit 11-07-2004 02:03 AM

Re: todays project

finally got a chance today to record a song. heres what i came up with. the bass is sampled and not mine, btw. piano is a 100yr old upright recorded with a $10 radio shack mic i bought 10 yrs ago, signal going through my motherboard. still waiting for digi funds to accumulate acid pro 2 to track this. 14 hours total to complete. i know its choppy in some places but i just decided to end it. hope you like it.


Despite being choppy and minimal, something about your song held me. I am just discovering the music of The KLF, Boards of Canada, etc., and the use of the extended sample of King's speech reminds me of these. The bass riff is great. I find the piano incongruous, can't say why exactly. The snare seems too present as well.

Jack Rabbit 11-07-2004 02:20 AM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts

Just to show that I know how to chill from time to time...Let me know what you think...


Very peaceful. Reminds me of the way you can just get locked into a mode when using a single voice and a loooong reverb (like in a stairwell, which is where I do my writing).

Roy Howell 11-08-2004 01:52 PM

Re: todays project: Sharing the Gifts


Just to show that I know how to chill from time to time:


Well, this does make one chill, doesn't it?... ...nice piece...cool sound...very peaceful, and I'm glad you kept it simple as it is.

lwilliam 11-09-2004 06:58 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Now for something a little different....This is a Disney Tune, Colors Of The Wind, that I orchestrated and recorded for a gal who's sending it off to the Mouse along with a couple of other tunes. PTLE 5.3 on OS9.2.

Samples were taken from my Emu E5000 library as well as Roland and Korg synths. Dozens of tempo changes and heavily automated for dynamics...


Colors Of The Wind

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