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Stiff 09-09-2004 11:23 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Of course, he is no Jerry Lee... don't know if he beats Carl Perkins (why doesn't anybody remember him?!) either.

Hey - I remeber Carl Perkins. I liked his 1956 hit classic "Blue Suede Shoes." Good guy!

What does "IMO" mean? I see it used a lot here.

When you say "Blue suede shoes" today everyone says "Hey, that's Elvis!". He actually made a whole bunch of good songs... IMO...

It means "In my opinion", at least it does when I say it

GORILLA 09-09-2004 02:44 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey Gene! WOW!!! That guitar sounds bad a$s!!!!!! You used a C4 Studio Projects? WOW it sounds freaking BIG!!!! Like the mic was in it
Good recording my friend!!!!!!!!

Straatocastoer 09-09-2004 05:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well ... these couple are definately NOT some of my latest stuff, but I did recently find a box that had some old 4-track cassettes that my buddies and I did a little over 11 years ago. It was fun to find them, so I dumped a couple into PT to goof around with:

"Buttercup" (6MB 44.1/16/192 mp3): This one was an idea that never got polished up into a final song (seems that I have had many of these over the years [see Collaboration Perhaps? thread]), but the 'meat' was there. Beware: I did a little playing with phase on the drum/bass track in an attempt to give the track some depth. So if you play this in mono all you get is guitars. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised at the sound quality of the recording since it is on an 11 year old 4 track cassette -- and, if memory serves me, all I had to record with was a couple of 57's and an EV ND257. We did pretty good for having no equipment of which to brag. My guitar solo is embarassing after 11 years of growth, but hey, whatchagonnado, eh?

"It'll All Go To Your Head" (1.3MB 44.1/16/192 mp3): This one was an experiment with the pitch control on the 4-track during recording. I just love his lyrics ... too funny. We did this in about 20 minutes at 2:00 in the morning after rehearsal. I forgot about it, and then BAM here it is 11 years later. How fun! Well, fun for me at least

IntelDoc 09-09-2004 11:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Alright all,
This is a rough mix and defintely a rough track of a new song from an old client. This is one of the six songs that we tracked (Bastiaan was here too) and had a goodtime. Basically doing a pre-production thing right now. Really just threw 3 mics up and let him fly.


Main Vocals: RODE NTK into the Vintech 1272 into the 1176 then into Pro Tools.

Guitars were the 2 x APEX 435's into the Digidesign PRE into Pro Tools.

Next time, we will obviously do the guitar tracks to a click, then apply vocals. This was more of the G-Love approach and really just wanted to see what he had new from the last time we worked together. It has been almost a year, and seems that his stuff has gotta pretty good. This was a short song....


Enjoy, it was fun. Hoping to make it bigger when the new gear gets in! So far so good though. Very happy with the RODE into the 1176 on his vocals.

Should be cooler when is is just vocal night, but these were all one takes for the night.


- Doc

Roy Howell 09-09-2004 11:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sounds fantastic, Chris...congrats on your new stuff.

IntelDoc 09-09-2004 11:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cannot wait to see what the other 2 Pres will do.... The Apogee will be a nice feature, plus the Distressor... Cannot wait...

Thanks Roy!

- Doc

IntelDoc 09-09-2004 11:53 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Sounds great man! Really smooth sound!

Great work! May need you again too BTW. Starting a few new projects. May pay too. I will let ya know.

- Doc

Roy Howell 09-10-2004 12:31 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here



...if the vocal punch-ins that you're referring to are the "If this is goodbye" and each 'answer' in the Chorus...I'm planning to fatten up that part with few extra tracks of backing vox...Keep on keepin' on...


Yes, that's where I meant.....I listened again, and what might work well is to have background vox simply finish each of the chorus lines without your solo, continuing the same melody in unison(no harmony)...in other words, you sing each line up to 'held each other tight', 'in the morning light', 'as I drove away', which would be background vox....(a few tracks of you in unison on this would be fine).

This would free up your solo vocal to sound more natural, and still finish out each line in a cool way...

Worth considering.....again, I really like your voice on this...


Hypnotist 09-10-2004 02:42 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
This was mixed in headphones.

A little subby in the bass, but I like the version for a headphone mix.

Hip hop, with live guitars, I'm on the vocals too.


Feedback appreciated!


Gene Backlin 09-10-2004 07:37 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

That guitar sounds bad a$s!!!!!!

It is an amazing sounding guitar. I have made friends with some really dedicated fingerpicking guitarists, and the guitars they have, I have never even heard of, but each have their own really beautiful sound. I have been playing around with guitars since 1964 and am absolutely humbled by my lack of knowledge of what is around.

For example, a good friend of mine http://www.dougyoungguitar.com/guitars.htm
played this wonderful piece at a recent open mic I recorded, http://s94545301.onlinehome.us/music/RJ0405_28.mp3
The range of this thing is just amazing !


May need you again too BTW.

Any time my friend, just let me know when, and thank you for asking !

Thank you for listening !

Take Care,

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