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silence_of_stone 11-21-2003 08:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
well, I will try this again...here is a latest song of mine.


hope you enjoy...let me know if the link works.

SoFluid 11-22-2003 06:27 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
you can just change in the link :

just change the suffix .ram to .mp3 and it gonna download the tracks.

Let me know


SoFluid 11-22-2003 06:31 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
you can just change in the link :

just change the suffix .ram to .mp3 and it gonna download the tracks.

(the tracks are already on mp3 format) I just use the .ram to listen with Ra Player

Let me know


Roy Howell 11-22-2003 09:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

you can just change in the link :

just change the suffix .ram to .mp3 and it gonna download the tracks.

Let me know


I can't download these either way...it could be that Ra Player is required to get .ram, before you can even convert to MP3, but regardless of what I've tried, I get a 1kb '.ram document', which of course won't play.

SoFluid 11-23-2003 11:06 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
strange, just type for example:

www.tonyfinger.co.uk/media/gettogether.mp3 ...

it must down load the file. if i do it work.


Hangtown 11-23-2003 02:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is one of my first pro tools endeavors, First Love - Cursed Love. Feedback is appreciated. Also interested in collaborating with other players, particularly guitar. Thanks!
Hangtown Recording

Roy Howell 11-23-2003 03:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I finally got it and listened to 'Get Together'...thanks for putting it in MP3 format....good beat, very danceable...interesting melodies going on.

badperson 11-24-2003 06:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

This is one of my first pro tools endeavors, First Love - Cursed Love. Feedback is appreciated. Also interested in collaborating with other players, particularly guitar. Thanks!
Hangtown Recording

Hey, I liked your song. Is there a bass on this track? If so maybe you could bring it up a bit.

I'm a guitar player and will be happy to play if you want me to.

email me.


IntelDoc 11-24-2003 09:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
One more from the latest client I was working with. 17 years old... The whole 9 song CD will go to MASTER in a few weeks. His full band will be in next month to do a 6 song CD also. Should be pretty cool.


Tell me what ya think...


toddamo 11-24-2003 09:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I got something here I'd like you to check out.

Its a new track called SAILING THROUGH SEPTEMBER.

The MP3 lives here:

Stylistically...hmm...its kind of electronic-pop.
But then it opens nicely towards the end and gets
kind of spacey and atmospheric.

Equipment used:
Drum Loops from a 'Computer Music Magazine' CD, Roland XP-30 Keyboard,
Rhode NTK Mic, Lexicon Mpx-100 Reverb, Squire Jazz Bass, T-racks (mastering).

Would love to hear your thoughts and your new music too!

Wishing you all much inspiration...starting....right...NOW!

Thanks for listening!

-todd amodeo

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