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silence_of_stone 11-18-2003 09:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

This is sort of a test - I finally decided to regain my long lost web presence. New web-site to follow shortly if this works.
The above link is sort of a test, so let me know if it works for you. Comcast is pretty weird about files and downloads and so forth. I got it to work for me, but just want to make sure it works for everyone before I start crowing to the virtual universe.
The song is called 40 Miles... it isnt really finished yet, but its coming along considering the amount of time I am able to put into working on it these past few months as I prepare my home for sale.
Things are just too busy and I cant wait to return to some relaxing recording..

xis 11-18-2003 10:13 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Hey lets HEAR your latest mix!!!!!!
For everyone running PTLE on a Mac!!!!!!!!

Ok. Everything here is done/tracked/mixed on PTLE.
The CD under the heading "The Russian Connection" just got a price over here for best sound/mix, nobody believed me when I said its done on a LE.

GORILLA 11-18-2003 11:10 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Xis...that was pretty cool. I checked out every sample. Really different stuff from what I'm used to hearing.

metaltim 11-18-2003 03:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I've a suggestion, though it should have probably been done a long time ago when this thread started...

it involves file naming.
i was going through my DUC folder on my hard drive (which btw has over 100 songs in it!!)
and i noticed something, it looks a damn mess...
half of the files in my folder are just a song name, no artist, some are the artist with just a track number some don't make any sense..

I think we should start naming our files in a similar fashion.

I would think the best suggestion would be to name it like this:
Artist - Song Name.mp3
for those ofy ou who post more than one mix of the same song:
Artist - Song Name - MMDDYY.mp3
or something to that effect..

now even with an artist name, it still may be tough to find the specific website again where we first downloaded the song, but you could easily post in here 'hey if you are "artist" post back with the web addy...'

now i know i like to have my ow naming method for my songs and mixes, with dates, and obviously I don't put the artist on my own song.. but when uploading, it takes 2 seconds to change it. You can either change it on the server, or do what i do, whenever I'm ready to upload a song, I COPY the file to my desktop, then change the name to this convention, then upload
once uploaded i can erase whats on my destop.

anyway.. just a suggestion that should benefit everyone here..


OH YEH ALSO if you use the mp3 bouncer on pro tools, fill in the info on the dialog box that pops up, that writes that info to the file and shows up in the folders if you have 'artist' 'year' etc etc showing..

Aussie169 11-18-2003 05:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
When I download a track from here, I add the DUC username to the front of the file name.
That at least keeps them sorted out.

da BaSsTaRd! 11-19-2003 06:17 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
i keep them in separate folders

Roy Howell 11-19-2003 09:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Good ideas...I myself do what both Aussie/Mark and DaBasstard/Brian do...I rename the song file w/artist first, and put each new song by the artist in his own folder. All these folders are in a folder called 'AardvarkFiles', so it's at the top of a storage drive, easy to find.
Your ideas will no doubt help somebody organize better.
thanks, Roy

IntelDoc 11-19-2003 11:39 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Another song from my latest client. 17 year old! Singing and playing. It is all acoustic, but I think that it sounds pretty cool. We did a 9 song CD in the past 2 weeks. Going to master it in a few more weeks.........


I would like to post all of them, but can't. Good stuff though I think....

Oktava 319's on guitar (Taylor C414)
Art DI/O Tube Direct box SP/DIF in
Nuemann TLM-103 - VOCALS....
LA-2A on VOCALS (Warmed it nicely)


silence_of_stone 11-19-2003 12:39 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
sounds good Doc... the young'uns got some talent!
I hope you like your MK319s as much as I like mine - they sure do make a guitar sound good.
I posted a song just a couple of posts up that I used the MK319 on my guitar too. Thats a good all around mic imo regardless of its detractors.
alas.. I think I have become invisible again on the good old DUC... it doesnt seem the same anymore...maybe its me or something I said..

IntelDoc 11-19-2003 12:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That is all I use on guitars! Recommendation by Chris Cavell I think. Can't remember, but they are great! Still go direct when I can too.


Now, I am trying to figure out who is hitting my site that works for OSD? (Defense) Kinda cool to see who is coming to the site with the tracker I run. Defense is my real world hell, so that is my curiousity. They go to my site alot too... I have it on file!

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