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rogerhavoc 09-03-2003 06:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Check out my new tune for the software Here . Click on the song Fast Pace.
Let me know what you all think...


rdolmat 09-03-2003 09:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Well, here's my first post to this thread ever! I hope I make a good first impression.


Mr_Seven 09-03-2003 09:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Well, here's my first post to this thread ever! I hope I make a good first impression.


Congrats! I'm diggin the ride. Too bad I had to wait 3min to get to the tasty sax solo but.... Very nice work on the production. the vocals and backing are well placed and warm. I'm partial to this kind of groove so you got fan fast. I'd like to know what you used for drums? Thanks for leaving the guitar sample at the end Again, very balanced and defined sound. Looking forward to more.


Download "Chance" now

rdolmat 09-03-2003 09:47 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
RE: drums

It was a big mish-mash of mics. I actually borrowed them from my neighbourhood church! They just installed a brand new $60,000 sound system!! So I used two AKG 'C900' as overheads and two on the snare, AKG C418 clip-on mics for the toms, and AKG D112 on the kick through a hole.

I used the same AKG C900 for the horns, recorded separately, and a Groove Tubes MD1 Tube mic for vox.

Thanx for your positive review!!

Roy Howell 09-03-2003 09:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy, thanks for the kind words. And to answer your question, no, those two songs are done by two different bands. One band is called "When Memories Die", hence the WMD, and the other band is called "No Hollywood Ending". The No Hollywood Ending song is actually off of a full length that I did with them that I'm kind of excited about, as it's going to have national distrobution. I'm hoping something good comes of that. Thanks again.

Well, good luck with the release, and post some more of it if you get a chance. Thanks for the listen...

Very nice separation on everything as usual. The drums sound really good, and everything is recorded very well.
Good engineering job indeed...
Thanks, Roy

Matt Whritenour 09-03-2003 10:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok Guys let me know what you think of this...
I recoreded and mixed everything today...
theres 4 songs there.. you can just right click them and go save target as.. because i cant
leave them up there for that long...
There's some mistakes because my friend that I recorded played everything and he isn't a drummer
he's not bad but not perfect... But we will be redoing this once he has some more songs ready and we will get his brother to play drums .. which he is a drummer...
I useed

Digi 001

MXL 603s's Overheads
SM57 Snare Top And Bottom
Audix F10 Tom
Audix F12 Floor Tom
Beta 52 Bass Drum
I dont have any extra pre's yet for the 6 1/4" inputs so I plug everything but the overheads directly into the 1/4" inputs using HI-Z Cables.

SM57 on Top Left Speaker of 4-12 cab with a Marshall AVT 50 Head

Into my Gallien Krueger 800RB bass head then out the direct output and into one of the pre's on the digi

MXL 2001

Roy Howell 09-03-2003 10:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very nice production, man...excellent development as it goes along IMO... And Darren/Mr.7's right, the sax part is really tasty. I salute whoever played it, and you for a good job overall. Thanks for posting and keep em coming...

Roy Howell 09-03-2003 10:37 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Another very cool groove...short and sweet this time. You're doing really good work, so keep it up. I look forward to you and I getting together as soon as possible.
thanks, Roy

rdolmat 09-03-2003 10:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanx guys/gals! I'm glad you liked my first post!!

Roy Howell 09-04-2003 12:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Luzer Kidd,
The first one is very interesting...I hear a really good song there. I like the sparse beginning.. I've got all four downloaded, but I'll have to finish listening tomorrow. Gotta sleep for now...
thanks, Roy

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