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figgy 10-04-2006 09:11 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, awesome music (only had time for crow, but had to listen twice). The only criticism is that your Web site loads slow (tee hee). It's not too often I get to hear stuff that innovative and fresh. Keep it up!!!

Roy Howell 10-04-2006 10:37 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks very much, figgy...

iTwang 10-08-2006 11:38 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Here's a couple of short ideas that came up on a late night
learning the MBox and PT LE (and of course some nice red wine).
I'd appreciate any thoughts on the short samples (unfortunately
you have to download them: amplitube2_mp3.zip).

It was done as a demo for IK Multimedia's plug-im Amplitube 2 for Swedish
music magazine Studio.


Thanks for listening, any feedback and/or input is very much appreciated....


Roy Howell 10-15-2006 01:10 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cavet Your Eruptor-


Hi All,

This is actually a song I posted here a while ago, but I have re-mixed it (many, many times) and am looking for new impressions.

Here is the link:


Any feedback is welcome - song, performance, mix, etc.


Hi CYE...I know it's been a while since you posted, but I just got a chance to listen and reply. I really like this song...and good job on the vocal...my main mix suggestion is that the rhythm section(bass and drums) feels exceptionally thin and 'lite' for this type of song. I would try a mix and concentrate on getting the core rhythm section hot on it's own first, then bring in the rest. All the other elements are there. I think it would do wonders for the overall production.

Just my objective opinion, but as I say, good song...good job so far.


daveparker 10-16-2006 05:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

We are called Groove UK, we write mellow funky tunes. Music you can sit and listen to and enjoy. but at the same time music you can get up and dance to. Everything is done in Protools LE and Reason 3.0 + Sonic Refill Gold Bundle, DFHS + Custom and Vintage, Martin and his Musicman Bongo bass guitar and Reb with her amazing voice.

Have a listen and let us know if you like it.


ryanstack 10-17-2006 06:56 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here are a couple of (hopefully) final mixes from a recent recording I did of my band. I've heard it so many times I need some fresh ears. When we recorded this we wanted it to sound like we do live. We had all of the instruments setup as if we were playing a show, in our basement. (all the amps behind the drums, one guitar to the left, one guitar to the right and bass directly behind the drummer) It was very frustrating for all of us to try to play without any mistakes through out every song. There are definatley some minor mistakes (stick clicks,muffed notes, etc) We just wanted it to be a little raw sounding, we did not overdub or punch anything in. We setup a MS stereo pair in the room to get a very live sound.

I am fairly happy with the way it turned out given the sub par gear we used. Mackie VLZ plus two on the 001 for mic pres, presonus Firestaion for extra ad/da. Beta 52 on the kick, 3 SM57's for the snare,guitar left and bass as well as a DI, AKG c1000 for guitar right, 2 CAD M179 for the toms. For the MS pair we used a CAD e100 for the middle and a studio projects B3 set to omni for the side.

Exchanging Dental Records with Dracula:

Boots of Hazard:

Please give me some honest feedback.


Shilla 10-18-2006 08:55 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

IntelDoc 10-18-2006 09:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Still working out the kinks in this one, but here is song 4 of the upcoming five song EP. Gotta get some things lined up still with tom hits, etc, but I like where it is heading. The middle section will have some more stuff going on too.

Ignite The Flame


Roy Howell 10-19-2006 12:54 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here



We are called Groove UK....
Have a listen and let us know if you like it.


I enjoyed these, Dave...'Never should've let you go' is the best of the 3, imo. Good luck with it.


Roy Howell 10-19-2006 01:01 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Here are a couple of (hopefully) final mixes from a recent recording I did of my band. I've heard it so many times I need some fresh ears. We just wanted it to be a little raw sounding, we did not overdub or punch anything in. We setup a MS stereo pair in the room to get a very live sound.

I am fairly happy with the way it turned out given the sub par gear we used. Mackie VLZ plus two on the 001 for mic pres, presonus Firestaion for extra ad/da. Beta 52 on the kick, 3 SM57's for the snare,guitar left and bass as well as a DI, AKG c1000 for guitar right, 2 CAD M179 for the toms. For the MS pair we used a CAD e100 for the middle and a studio projects B3 set to omni for the side.

Exchanging Dental Records with Dracula:

Boots of Hazard:

Please give me some honest feedback.


Hi Ryan......Given what you were after, which was a live sound, I think you've done a really good job on this. And from a musician standpoint, you guys can play...I also really got into the arrangements. I'de like to hear what a good mastering engineer could do with this.

Good job...post more when you can. -Roy

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