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Roy Howell 01-08-2005 08:11 PM

Re: Happy New Year

here is the link:


This ones called 'Walk Away'

C Tempest

C Tempest,
Great songs, especially 'WalkAway' (to me anyway)...nice arrangements and overall productions. I really like your voice too. Good job. Post more when you can...

Finne 01-10-2005 04:03 AM

Re: Happy New Year
There is new one: Takaisin.

It tells about Russia; 800 years ago mongols conquered Russia ant teached how to rule: All the power in Moscow. They still use the same method.

Feel free to say anything.

(By the way Ticky Clav and Cheeze Machine are used.)

Stiff 01-10-2005 04:55 AM

Re: Happy New Year
I'm not much for politics in music but I wish I understood the lyrics in both Takaisin and planet bin laden. Two very good songs IMO. Keep up the good work and be sure to post more!

Finne 01-10-2005 07:51 AM

Re: Happy New Year
Thanks Stiff.

As I said earlier, I can not make lovesongs. And that last one, Takaisin, is not political, it is historical.

Jon Dickinson 01-10-2005 10:10 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hiya, I've just completed a couple of rough mixes on my new iMac G5 setup, having recently moved over from 'The Dark Side'. Anyone care to advance some comment on them? Stuff lives here:

Fingerwolf tracks

Black Goose and Siemensstadt are on the Mac, Rust and Fark are from the PC (spit!) days...

Roy Howell 01-10-2005 11:43 AM

Re: Happy New Year
Just listened to your new one...that Strat sounds really good...

John Hey,
'Desert Winds' is really nice...so this is all from your new Triton, eh?

John Hey 01-10-2005 12:06 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Thanks Roy. Yes this is from my Triton Extreme. This is going to be a year long project. This new one has so many sounds that I have not been able to get to all the sounds before I can even start tweaking them. The Extreme came with four manuals. Who reads them anyway! I just start pushing buttons -- twisintg knobs.

Aussie169 01-10-2005 03:04 PM

Re: Happy New Year

The Extreme came with four manuals. Who reads them anyway! I just start pushing buttons -- twisintg knobs.

hehe, a man after my own heart

fredsparky 01-10-2005 05:23 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Thanks Roy!

tempest18 01-12-2005 12:00 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Hey John,

I just listened to your new one. It sounds excellent. That Korg really is beasty. I've looked at them for a long time now, Theres often a blue one with a tube in it on the back of sound on sound mag. What with a touch screen and stuff. Only problem is, they're way outta my league.

Keep up the good tunes, I actually listened to a few more on your site, They all Tritoned up?

Unfortunately I dont have any other songs worth anybody hearing, just a bunch of idea drafts. I'll try and get some new songs sorted out soon.

Until then I'll keep writing.

Chris Tempest

tempest18 01-12-2005 12:06 PM

Re: Let me know what you think!!!


Hey Guys, Local songwriter demo,please comment on the production and mix.

Thanks Tracy

web page

Hey Guys, Thanks for the reply's, We have a small home studio down in South Florida, All the work is done by myself and Dylan Schavonne. I will post some others as well.....Thanks again.

Tracy Lowery

Just looking through this thread and this tune took my fancy. Good piece, well thought and and sounds great. You sure Johns Triton isnt in there?

I never think to check this thread out. I should check back more often.

Chris Tempest

Jack Rabbit 01-12-2005 03:16 PM

All nighter...
Thanks, Digidesign, for allowing me to go from idea to mp3 in a few short hours.

Crown & Anchor

Drums: Abelton Live/samples from a CD called DRUMatic
Bass: SampleTank: "Old Four Strings"
Guitar: Taylor 314/Shure Beta 87/T-Racks
Vocals: Shure Beta 87/Camel lights/no equalization
Synth: SampleTank: "Paddington" with attack dialed down

Ole Vangsgaard 01-12-2005 03:51 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
New song added to Tobias Stenkjaer.com

Stop What You're Doing

This is an unplugged version


Ole Vangsgaard 01-12-2005 03:55 PM

Re: Listen to this then...
New song added to Tobias Stenkjaer.com

Stop What You're Doing

This is an unplugged version


Roy Howell 01-12-2005 07:01 PM

Latest stuff...
For my father...

I Cried for You

bigbubbaj 01-12-2005 07:21 PM

Re: Latest stuff...

Very expressive song. I like it a lot.


Gene Backlin 01-12-2005 08:45 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
Well Roy I gotta tell you, I had just spent about an hour or so practicing the violin part for the Aria from the Vivaldi Gloria( I still can memorize this stuff...I got it all down !!!!), to help my daughter prepare for the upcoming audition for the choir's performance in March. I am drenched, a little tired and ready for a good night's sleep and I istened to this. Just wonderful my friend, and a good cap to a musical evening !

Thank you for posting !

Take Care,

Jack Rabbit 01-12-2005 08:49 PM

Re: Latest stuff...

Beautiful. 1:30 to 2:00 is particularly stirring.

badperson 01-12-2005 08:57 PM

Re: Listen to this then...

New song added to Tobias Stenkjaer.com

Stop What You're Doing

This is an unplugged version


this sounds great.

I'd be curious to hear what kind of mics you're using for this. this has a kind of vibrance I just don't seem to get.

A lot of course, has to do with the simple, elegant performance, and terrific song.



John Hey 01-12-2005 09:48 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
Verry touching Roy...I could see the tears.

Culbert 01-12-2005 09:56 PM

Re: All nighter...

Thanks, Digidesign, for allowing me to go from idea to mp3 in a few short hours.

Crown & Anchor

Drums: Abelton Live/samples from a CD called DRUMatic
Bass: SampleTank: "Old Four Strings"
Guitar: Taylor 314/Shure Beta 87/T-Racks
Vocals: Shure Beta 87/Camel lights/no equalization
Synth: SampleTank: "Paddington" with attack dialed down

Friggin amazing. Excellent job!

Sunny 01-12-2005 10:15 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
Way cool Roy, I like it tons! It felt good to hear it thanks

Sunny 01-12-2005 10:25 PM

Re: Latest stuff...
Hi Gene, Nice song. Chestnuts It felt very soothing and calm
Got a question. how did you do the MP3 tag info and get it to stick to your file? I have been trying to get it on my songs and not abel to find much info on how to do it in protools. Is it really a protools feature or do I HAVE to buy toast annd jam?

rgorka09 01-12-2005 11:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is the first time I have posted in this thread!!

I was just messing around with this song with some friends of mine... an old song we did for fun!!


Used a Tascam 4-Track Tape machine to track three tracks of drums and one dry guitar track. I dumped this into PTLE, overdubed bass, vocals, added some guitar amp simulators (trippled the original dry track and compressed differently on each track).

Link to the MP3


Finne 01-13-2005 03:35 AM

Fast and furious

be sure to post more!

As you wish Stiff!

Luontoihminen is a new one.

It tells that there are not enough room for both, human kind and nature, on the earth.

I had Ramones sound in my mind, when I started to make this song, but I get lost somehow...

Feel free to say anythig!

IntelDoc 01-13-2005 05:36 AM

this song was recorded once before with the old rooms, and last night he came in and used the old tracks, but added the solo work and some other little strummy things. Vocals will be redone. I told him that I think he can do better, but the room sounds GREAT! I am pretty fired up about it, and the clients really enjoyed the atmosphere.

I tried a few different things last night with mic'n the guitar.


TLM-103 on the sound hole (just above and about 4 inches back.
Oktava 012 pointed at th 12th fret
Ran both into the Trident 80B 2 channel then into the Distressors to squeeze them a bit. Really smoothed them out.

Then, I had the APEX 435's.
1 Above the neck, pointing at the 12th fret and one at the sound hole
Adjusted for phase and ran into the DIGIDESIGN PRE

I am pretty happy with the results. He was using a Laviree Acoustic and a Seagull Custom. Very nice guitars and I want them both!

So, tonight we will do the REAL Drums, and another song that he wants to redo from his first CD he did with me. Wants it to be faster? Why go back??? Who knows? but he is paying for it and the studio is working and DOC is back!

Very little EQ and compression on this. Quick mastered with LinMB and L2. I think that I have 2 EQ's total on the tracks. Really diggin' the sound.





Gene Backlin 01-13-2005 05:36 AM

Re: Latest stuff...
Thank you Barb for your kind words.


Got a question. how did you do the MP3 tag info and get it to stick to your file?

I have purchased the mp3 option from digi, so when I bounce to disk as an mp3, I can enter all the info at that time.

Take Care,

bigbubbaj 01-13-2005 07:19 AM


Room sounds good I can hear the difference just in your monitoring. Guitars are super silky!!! Can't wait to hear it with drums!!!!


IntelDoc 01-13-2005 07:43 AM

Drums should be nice, though the drummer is going to use his electronic kit. Kinda funny, they sound great live, so I am curious. It is a pretty expensive kit too. The really funny thing is that he is the drummer who sold me the kit I have. Figured he would want to play on it some. We shall see how it sounds. Worth a try and that is what they want to do.

The guitars are nice and smooth. Those distressors work wonders with that. And yes, the monitoring is a HUGE night and day difference. Much more space!

Thanks for the listen

- Doc

Gene Backlin 01-13-2005 08:17 AM

Hey Doc,

What no violin ?????????

Sounds just fantastic !

Take Care,

IntelDoc 01-13-2005 08:37 AM

hahaha no not on this one! However, I hear a piano in there somewhere. All of his stuff sounds too similar to me. Good guy, but structure is redundant. Still for a full time med student at Gerogetown and an aspiring musician it is good stuff. Tonight we will do some more stuff and mess with a new song.

Good deal and thanks!

- doc

Sunny 01-13-2005 09:10 AM

Doc, wow! The guitars sound awesome!
I have some work to do on mine.. thanks for the inspiration

IntelDoc 01-13-2005 09:33 AM

Hey thanks for the comments! Hopefully his vocal take will be better. that was a late night attempt about 2 months ago and with the new room I want him to redo that as well. Should be nice. We shall see...

I checked out your site. Looks like you are pretty busy as well. Quite the "Looker" you are

Looks like you are a busy gal.

Are you still in Chicago? I have a sister up there. LaGrange Park area?

Thanks for listening.

- Doc

Jack Rabbit 01-13-2005 09:40 AM

Re: All nighter...

Friggin amazing. Excellent job!

Thanks, Culbert!

IntelDoc 01-13-2005 10:16 AM

Re: All nighter...
Jack Rabbit,
Very cool tune. Your voice is great. Reminds me of an older R.E.M. tune that slammed into "The Samples" back when they were good. Nice smmoth vibe to the whole thing. Great job and keep it up. Like the vocal verb too, added a lot of ambience to the song. I may have tried to double the guitar track to give it some more thickness, but I like the overall guitar sound. You may try to play it again on 2 more tracks and throw the two diff. guitars to each side.

Great job...

- Doc

Jack Rabbit 01-13-2005 11:05 AM

Re: All nighter...

Reminds me of an older R.E.M. tune...

The biggest compliment you could ever pay me. Life's Rich Pageant was a life-changing experience for me.


I may have tried to double the guitar track to give it some more thickness, but I like the overall guitar sound. You may try to play it again on 2 more tracks and throw the two diff. guitars to each side.

I will try the above. I thought it might do with some gentle lead guitar, but that is not in my skill set.

IntelDoc 01-13-2005 11:16 AM

Re: All nighter...

Glad I could help your day...

Give the guitar thing a go. May like, may be too much. Just subtle things ya know.

- Doc

Finne 01-13-2005 12:33 PM


Guitar sound that I can only dream. Very good.

IntelDoc 01-13-2005 12:36 PM

Thanks! I think that I nailed that part pretty well. He has some nice guitars too... That always helps.

Thanks again,

billy101 01-13-2005 05:24 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Well, it's been awhile. I posted a couple of songs several months ago and got very positive feedback, so here are a couple more.

The first, "Chapter Six", has a spoken word over it. I was going for something like that "sunscreen song" that Baz Luhrmann did a few years back. I used PT and Reason for the instrumental part. By the way, this was mastered at Marcusson Mastering, by the wonderfully talented Louie Teran.

The other song, "Neopolitan", is almost finished --- I still consider it a work-in-progress, as it needs a few tweaks here and there. I think it's the first electronica piece I've recorded that I actually sat down and wrote on acoustic guitar BEFORE I started messing around with sounds and such.


Thanx for listening!

--- Billy

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