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JonM 06-05-2004 01:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

IntelDoc's mix

(You can compare it to my mix by following the link in my signature.)

I've just got home from work and I'm listening to the mp3 having been unable to wait for the wav download to finish. 'Cleared up the mix' shows a such mastery of understatement that you could probaly apply to your local British Consulate for honorary British citizenship. (Not that you'd want it )

I am stunned. I'm trying to readjust to what I'm hearing, but I'm loving it.

More comments later when I have some more time, but a big thank you from here.

IntelDoc 06-05-2004 07:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Not a prob. It was fun, to do and cool to finally use my FTP ability to have people upload sessions. Now if my internet provider (COX - name fits their reputation) can get their upload access better, it would be a lot quicker.

I think that it is a tad too hot, and I may send you a link that has the L2 a bit lower. It is pretty squashed, but I had a lot of headroom to play with so I used it.

I think that the Focusrite EQ really warmed your voice up and made it more natural sounding. I am starting to really like that plugin.

I will get the session ready for you to download and take a look at. Pretty straight forward.

I meant to ask you, are you on an MBox? Your session came up with only 2 inputs.

Talk to you soon,

- Doc

Schmidt 06-05-2004 07:26 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
it is not voice,sampled african flute

this is the www now


JonM 06-05-2004 07:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi IntelDoc

I literally just emailed you before I came here to check out the board. That mix is pure brilliance on your part.

And not an MBox, no. A prehistoric AMIII. Still records at 24bit with a Mindprint DI-PORT in front of it.

I look forward to studying your use of plugins!

Bastiaan 06-05-2004 09:40 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Inteldoc...remember we did a remote help thing a long time ago? Now THAT was werid....me playing with a pc that is at the other end of the world.

BTW....how did my DIport end up in Japan?

JonM 06-05-2004 09:55 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Inteldoc...remember we did a remote help thing a long time ago? Now THAT was werid....me playing with a pc that is at the other end of the world.

BTW....how did my DIport end up in Japan?

Hey it's mine now, remember? And it does exactly what you said it would.

I agree entirely with your sentiment. Truly strange times...

Bastiaan 06-05-2004 11:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Inteldoc...remember we did a remote help thing a long time ago? Now THAT was werid....me playing with a pc that is at the other end of the world.

BTW....how did my DIport end up in Japan?

Hey it's mine now, remember? And it does exactly what you said it would.

I agree entirely with your sentiment. Truly strange times...

Oh yeah...i forgot... One very fundamental thing with selling stuff...isnt it? (change of ownership)...

Good to hear you like it.

Rabidium 06-05-2004 02:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Oh, Doc, that's so so so so so so so good. I think I'm going to cry. Do the others, will you? Please?!?!
What do the Japanese think of this music?
Oh, and it was 'Arab Strap' I couldn't think of. It's more beat-oriented than your stuff, but Check out 'The First Big Weekend' from them, you may like it. This mix reminds me much less of that stuff now that it's clearer. Still get Nick Drake.
Is it legal to make the P.S. 5 times longer than the post?

IntelDoc 06-05-2004 04:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Rab,
Thanks man! If he wants to upload the others, he knows what to do. I think that may be a bit hot on the L2, but it really cleared it up I think.
I need to create the session for him so he can see how I did it. There are a few tweeks that he wants me to do, but I may leave it for his experimentation.


- Doc

JonM 06-06-2004 09:19 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Oh, Doc, that's so so so so so so so good. I think I'm going to cry. Do the others, will you? Please?!?!
What do the Japanese think of this music?
Oh, and it was 'Arab Strap' I couldn't think of. It's more beat-oriented than your stuff, but Check out 'The First Big Weekend' from them, you may like it. This mix reminds me much less of that stuff now that it's clearer. Still get Nick Drake.
Is it legal to make the P.S. 5 times longer than the post?

It isn't half bad is it? Can't believe he's made it sound so good from THE EXACT SAME AUDIO FILES. I must have been doing something, or several, seriously wrong, and I can't wait to study the new mix, Think it will be an education.

As for what the Japanese think of this 'music', I can't really tell you much as precious few of them have heard it. My wife says 'ah, hum...dinner's ready'; the neighbours say ' uruseee! ii kagen ni damarantoka, kono kuso yarou' (trans: 'shut the feck up, you ####'); and one of my students who fronts a local punk band says 'oh, nice. It's so quiet...' and changes the subject.

I'm sure I've heard of arab strap, but don't have anything. I will look some out. Nick Drake I loved 15 years ago, loathed 10 years ago and now love again, so maybe he's in there somewhere.

To top it all I just got a fairly positive review of the song over on mp3unsigened.com from the site administrator, so with the new mix and all, all in all a pretty good weekend for me. Hope it was the same for you and everyone else and Doc and Bastiaan and the whole world. Peace.

IntelDoc 06-06-2004 10:20 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Are you going to put the new one up on MP3? or keep the original?

I am almost done with the session and will have it up for you soon,

- Doc

IntelDoc 06-06-2004 10:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just posted a rating for ya and a link to the new song if anyone reads the ratings...

Good job!

- Doc

Ralph K 06-06-2004 11:15 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello, thats my 1st song posted on DUC, i am still a newbie in sound engineering, i would apprecitate ur reviews!
its a 4 piece (guitar, drums, keys, bass) guitar instrumental, that i composed, recorded, arranged mixed and mastered yesterday night.
i hope u enjoy it

here is the link >>> http://www.soundclick.com/bands/5/ralphkhourymusic.htm

JonM 06-06-2004 02:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I think I'm going to leave the original up, on a different page on the site so you can still link to it for the comparison. I'll then the replace the version that's currently there with the new one.

Thanks for the comment!

Speak soon

Roy Howell 06-07-2004 02:52 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
IntelDoc/Chris and Jon,
Just got back in town and heard the new mix...superb job Doc, IMO...better than I even expected. I'll email you when I get back settled in...
thanks, Roy

JonM 06-08-2004 07:20 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

IntelDoc/Chris and Jon,
Just got back in town and heard the new mix...superb job Doc, IMO...better than I even expected. I'll email you when I get back settled in...
thanks, Roy

Hi Roy.

He has done a great job on it hasn't he? Want to thank you again for setting it up.

Roy Howell 06-08-2004 04:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm glad it came out well, Jon...

Roy Howell 06-09-2004 12:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Gene...nice job on the choral piece...they're very talented. I enjoyed it...

Gene Backlin 06-09-2004 05:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Roy,

I am a big fan of these kids. They pour everything into it. I have talked with the director and she wants to record her kids next year in the music room, which is acoustically better than the theater, which is a nightmare of noise.

With all that is in the news and on tv entertainment showing kids as smart alecked revolting people, it is refreshing to see that this is not the case.

I am also enjoying the challenges of choral recording. When I started to invest time and money into this stuff again after so many years, I wanted to see where the ride would take me this time around. I'm not the worlds greatist performer but it allowed me to learn the digital world. With the choral stuff, I am definitely enjoying the challenges, and really learning a lot. And, best of all, the final product, I can share with the family, and they can enjoy it too.

Thanks for all you help in the past Roy !

Take Care,

buddalish 06-09-2004 08:36 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
man! there are alot of posts on this one. i just joined today so i didn't really get a chance to look through much of them. i did listen to "sleepy moon" by roy. shweeeet stuff man! i basically joined to see what other protools users are doin and maybe get and share some tricks. anyway, i figured i'd post an mp3 of my own. here it is...


i'm going to go through this forum and try to catch up if that's possible at all!


Guit4Brains 06-09-2004 09:10 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well, I've been a member of the DUC for awhile but I've never posted anything. I am using a digi 001 and some monitors and that's about it.
Here's a very rough demo of a song I performed everything on (except the percussion). It's a bit on the "dark" side lyrically...kind of about being indoctrinated with religion as a kid and the confusion it caused later in life. Anyways, a friend of mine in LA has been experiencing success as a producer and I sent it to him with the intent of him producing the song, so I didn't put much effort in mixing it. Regardless, I'd be curious to hear how I could improve the mix. Also, listen to the last part of the second verse--does anyone think I should fix the phrasing or does it work?
anyways, enough of my psycho-babble, the song is "deception":

btw-I've enjoyed listening to everyone's stuff...esp. roy howell

lastounce 06-09-2004 09:28 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Heyy have another recording, this one from a highschool concert band...have a listen



metaltim 06-09-2004 12:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
wow.. its been a while since ive been here, due to lack of internet..
but im back online so ill toss one up that i did earlier this year..
its called flapper baby
right click and download should work..

and roy, i've lost your email through the move (why i havnet got back to you in a while)
shoot me one and ill update you on 'comin home'

it should be about ready to post here..


Roy Howell 06-09-2004 06:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Guit4Brains- Guit4Brains,
Man, I'm so impressed with both tracks on your site(reposted above). 'RES' is as smooth as silk...very nice jazz piece (just what I needed to hear right now). And 'deception' is just an excellent song...I love the chords, the way it builds, and the mix too. I wasn't listening closely for lyric content yet(though what I got sounds great), so I can't suggest anything on the phrasing you mentioned for now. But suffice to say, overall, I love both pieces.
Great job, IMO...

Roy Howell 06-09-2004 06:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I emailed you at the 'tcw5457' address......looking forward to hearing 'Comin Home'.

Guit4Brains 06-09-2004 07:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks!! I know everyone on this forum says this but a compliment from you holds some weight. Just an FYI, the RES jazz thing was a cool session I fell into....music for this exhibit company. I have vacillated from jazz to rock in the last 15 years...kind of a "jack of all trades"...at the time I did that, I was a bit out of shape. I thought it'd be easy because it was based on a I-IV-V with some variation. It wasn't. It was a good thing he sent me the session and I could have multiple takes because I'm not sure in my present state if I could of pulled that off high pressure.
Just a point of interest: I changed the drums in the second verse without redoing the bass. I was able to pull it off by sidechaining a compressor on the bass track to the kick. Tightened it up a bit.

Take care and I'll be listening...

IntelDoc 06-09-2004 10:18 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Guitars sound GREAT! Very clear and bright. What mics were you using on that? Setup please for the new guys. Drums are on a good placement too. Are they mic'd or samples? I like the autotune effect, but I am not sure if it is intentional? are you using it for a slight vibrato effect or trying to tune the voice? Kinda cool, but stands out at times to be honest. Gets a male Cher sound on some of the verses. I am typing as I listen to it. I like the delay. Fills it out and a good trick to use for sure. I dig the voice... Cool clean vib to it... The autotune hits too hard for my tastes starting at 4:00 and some change. The snare souds good man. Nice big verb on that guy. I would even try to double the guitars with another strummed one and set it far back in the mix to panned har dwith a slight delay to fill it some more. Sounds great though. TAYLOR??? Going direct as well or just mic'd?

Good job man! Keep it up...

- Doc

BTW: Did I mention that I like the song, just not a huge fan of the Autotuned voice, but it kinda sounds cool. Maybe slightly overdone? Just opinion, not trying to over critique.....

Guit4Brains 06-10-2004 07:19 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Autotune...ha, yes...but only on a few pieces. Actually, I had never used it and I downloaded the demo because I liked the vocal take and the sound, just couldn't live with a few parts. That's probably why the "Cher" thing is present, my lack of experience. I think I might send up some more songs for you guys to check out, minus-autotune.
The acoustic is a Taylor and I am using a Shure Ksm-32 with a blue-berry mic cable (I hear a difference). The amp is my old 77 Marshall 100w head with re-issue greenbacks (mic ksm32 as well). I used a 67 tele with tom anderson pickups and used this for the ry and slide guitar. The bass is an acoustic bass which I ran through a mic, not direct. The drums are loops, a combination of one hits and time-compressed expanded full loops. My friend played percussion.
Thanks for listening....

Guit4Brains 06-10-2004 08:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
...actually, now that I think about it, I may have also ran the Taylor direct.

Also, on one of the drum loops, I used the block fish compressor (digital fish phones) via the fxpansion vst to rtas wrapper. In fact, I'm surprised I don't hear more about about d.f.p.s, they make great plugs and they're free.
"Mastered" in Wavelab using the L1 limiter and a multi-band compressor.

buddalish 06-10-2004 09:06 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

What's up everyone. This board rules!!!


Roy Howell 06-10-2004 11:00 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Do you recall what verb(and setting) you used on the piano on 'RES'? Very nice, and I promise not to tell a soul...

Guit4Brains 06-10-2004 11:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I think it was Waves Rverb (I'm at work). Also, I remember on a few instruments I used the "stereoette" setting on Mondo Mod which gives a nice ambience.

btw-if you can use vsts via the wrapper or some other vst compatible app, try ambience reverb, it's free and sounds great. The only problem is it's a cpu hog. I have been experimenting trying to use it with a vst host through rewire (i.e. Bidule, which is only available as a beta test). The setup was working great with minimal drain on my cpu until I downloaded the latest ver. of Bidule, which is turning out to be a bit buggy.

metaltim 06-10-2004 11:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by metaltim

Roy Howell 06-10-2004 12:16 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Tim,
Man, just keep it posted...it sounds just fine to me, and I enjoyed jamming on it.....We'll have to do it again sometime soon.

Guit4Brains.....I appreciate it. I do have the Wrapper and will try Ambience if I can find it.
thanks, Roy

Guit4Brains 06-10-2004 12:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
It used to be available for download at www.smartelectronix.com but there seems to be a problem, probably temporary. If I get any additional info. I'll shoot it to you.

JonM 06-10-2004 11:16 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Just listening to Wake Up Dead Man or whatever it's called, and this is seriously good. God knows I'm unqualified to comment on the mix/production etc, but the song is a stormer. Your voice reminds me of someone I can't place, and the overall feel is very And Then There Were Three/Genesis which my brother used to play to death in the early 80s. Great melody and chord progression. Love the way you sustain 'man' on the last line of the chorus. Like the electric on the last verse. Love those echoes on the vocals. Love it all. Great job.

When is it released? I'm going to buy it.

metaltim 06-11-2004 12:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
alright here's a song i wrote and recorded and got stuck on.. i needed a solo..

well who else to call but mr Roy Howell himself.. and sure enough I was priveledged to have him contribute his expertise on..
thanks again roy.. i think what you did for this song is amazing.. I'd love to actually be able to see you play it!!

i hope you all enjoy. it's a little ditty called
c0min h0me

tim w

wonderfall 06-11-2004 02:40 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi all!
I have a song I recorded and I would like to submit it to you, but I have no personal website or web storage solution.
So I wondered if someone could host my song for a while (only one mp3)...
Or please give me pointers to an EASY solution...

Thanks in advandce!


JonM 06-11-2004 03:31 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi all!
I have a song I recorded and I would like to submit it to you, but I have no personal website or web storage solution.
So I wondered if someone could host my song for a while (only one mp3)...
Or please give me pointers to an EASY solution...

Thanks in advandce!


Try www.mp3unsigned.com



You can upload your mp3s there. The former in particular is a great place.

Good luck

wonderfall 06-11-2004 05:15 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks JonM, I'll have a look!


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