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K Roche 05-11-2016 08:25 AM

Re: My first mixed song any Advice

Originally Posted by JFreak (Post 2355984)
That is true, regarding the track balance; however, listening to a mix very quietly usually over-emphasizes high end, which might be the root cause for this problem.

I still recommend listening to this very loud :) But bear in mind that you can only listen to loud mix for very few minutes, so you need to know that you're listening to (low-high) spectral balance instead of track balance.

Definitely a good practice to listen at different levels before deciding the mix is ready for prime time.

JuanPC 05-11-2016 10:01 AM

Re: My first mixed song any Advice
the female voice sounds like a Dentist Drill...
specially at 2:30

the male voice sounds in the back ground.

"one is too close and annoying the other is too far an mellow."

the guitar riff, sounds ok, but shy...
try using a 12ax7 tube emulator to give more balls to some things.

what i´ve seen in RAP music, is that they try to hide an incredible engineering in dark tone.

DementedLegacy 05-11-2016 10:36 PM

Re: My first mixed song any Advice

Originally Posted by studiostuff (Post 2355979)
Before you go nuts with EQ and listening loud(...?), listen to your mix on many different speakers in many different locations. Get a feel for the sort of damage that may be happening to your mix by being played through your speakers. If your mix seems bright to other listeners, your speakers may not be accurately reproducing high frequencies.

If, after you do that, it still seems too bright to you, grab your EQ and go nuts. I like to BOOST a NARROW (Hi-Q) frequency region and dial the frequency selector around until you hurt yourself. THAT is your problem region. Switch to CUT, BROADEN (reduce the Q) the frequency region a little and gently cut a dB or two and see how you like your mix now.

Also, instead of listening loud, listen very quietly. That can help reveal if the balance between elements in your mix is the way you want it.

Ok thank you. I do that in different spots?

DementedLegacy 05-11-2016 10:37 PM

Re: My first mixed song any Advice

Originally Posted by JuanPC (Post 2356016)
the female voice sounds like a Dentist Drill...
specially at 2:30

the male voice sounds in the back ground.

"one is too close and annoying the other is too far an mellow."

the guitar riff, sounds ok, but shy...
try using a 12ax7 tube emulator to give more balls to some things.

what i´ve seen in RAP music, is that they try to hide an incredible engineering in dark tone.

All I have are the Protools stock plugins

TheEdster75 06-16-2016 01:24 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok, so I recorded this album 5 years ago and started off on Cakewalk Sonar 8 to 8.5 to X1 on a PC to finally upgrading everything to an iMac running Pro Tools 11 and basically turning my 2nd bedroom into a home recording studio.

It's a 10 song album with 3 loaded up on Soundcloud here:

It's an Alternative/Indie Rock album. Some of my friends have said it's got a bit of an Emo feel to it here and there.

I took many courses online from Joe Gilder at Home Recording Studio to Graham Cochrane at The Recording Revolution. Mixed everything with stock plugins, but because I had a few Steven Slate Plug-Ins and use his SSD4 for my drums, I ended up getting the Audio Legends Mixing Course with Chris Lord Alge and I ended up remixing everything with the Slate Digital Bundle monthly deal package and following the CLA Method of mixing on it and for the most part loved it.

I used Steven Slate Drums 4 with the CLA Expansion pack for the drums. Guitar I used Postive Grid's Bias FX and Amp, along with Choptones Amp Match patches. I used their Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier patches for the distorted rhythm guitars and used their Engl Powerball 2 patches for any lead or melody guitar work. Bass I just used the strait original recorded sound. Half the clean guitar work were sound loops and the other half were me.

I wrote the songs, played almost all the guitar, played all the bass, sang all the songs, arraigned all the drum midi to match what I was doing, did all the mixing and I mastered each song on the master fader using a series of Virtual Console Collection, Slate Digital Red Compressor, Virtual Tape Machine and the FG-X Limiter/Master plug-in..

Hope you like it! Please give me some feedback. What you like. What you don't like. What you think I could have done better. Currently getting ready to work on a follow up album, so any advice would sure be appreciated. Thanks!

Raoul23 06-22-2016 05:20 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
i havent posted in this part of the forum for a long time. Here are 2 samples of some work ive done recently. This one had a bigger budget by the band so a little more time was spent plus the musicianship is a little better, which always helps when recording/mixing i find.


This one had a very small budget so things were done quicker than normal plus these are young guys who have just started up.


I'd love for people to have a listen and give me some constructive points on what is good and what is bad. I'm always up for learning to improve my mixes/recordings. Thanks in advance :-)

YYR123 06-24-2016 12:59 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Sounds great, I'm on headphones so who knows how it sounds on monitors....

I like the first group, the time changes and it's got a groove

The 2nd sounds nice, but I personally like a little bit more buzz in my distorted rhythm guitars... Upper mid range....a la Joan Jett.

But it might just be my headphones!!! Cheers

amagras 08-13-2016 02:37 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
My band is about to release a 3-song EP and I would like to hear what you think of my mixes. Feel free to criticize without compassion, as i'm not a profesional mixing engineer it will only help me :) Thanks in advance!!!

albee1952 08-13-2016 05:09 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Muddy-T 10-16-2016 10:17 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Five new instrumental tracks on SoundCloud; Muddy-T - Sleeping With Aliens

Make Music, Not War.

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