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superpenguin79 04-26-2006 03:23 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
btw... here is one that some of you whom know the story may enjoy atleast... This tune is about a friend that posts on the DUC that goes by the name of HoodBro.. the lyrics speak for themselves, but I threw this down in a couple hours a few weeks ago in his tribute... enjoy..


Joz 04-26-2006 05:26 PM

Re: Overnight Lows


Here's our new mega song


Joz: how's it going man? nice work on the new ONL's track! you guys releasing a record with all these tunes at any point man or just shopping and gigging in the mean time? hope everything is cool man.

It's going good over here. Yeah we just released a CD. Unfortunately the last 3 songs we've done arent there, but we are working on pressing a free sampler with 3 songs attached to the full CD.


Joz 04-26-2006 05:31 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Oh, and we're also making a video for one of our songs. We are debating wich one. The director wants http://www.overnightlows.com/music/whatdoiwant.mp3 but we aren't so sure. we may want either http://www.overnightlows.com/music/thebreaks.mp3 or http://www.overnightlows.com/music/myohmy.mp3 because they sound more like first singles. The shooting starts in a couple weeks.

new song:


fmcarrio 04-27-2006 07:22 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here are a couple of songs that I did on my 002 (Untitled and Insomnis Reluctari). The first two were done on the 002 and the middle songs were done on a 4-track about 6 years ago. The last two were done on Reason. I was just goofing off trying to learn how to work it.

There are some great tunes on this thread! It's interesting to hear all of the different styles.



Wheeltard 04-27-2006 07:52 AM

Re: Congrats Roger, I just took the big Plunge too
Thanks for the feedback. I posted the lyrics up on Songramp and will be working on it some this weekend. This is one of those songs and arrangements that are deadly for me. Because my impulse is to add, add, add... and the feel of the song is just the opposite. And I don't do sparse very well. Okay, I don't do a lot musically very well. But where a deft touch is required, I really struggle. But thanks again for the listen.

P.S. -- You wouldn't by any chance be offering up some mandolins for this would you? I'd be happy to send over some files

superpenguin79 04-27-2006 01:36 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

It's going good over here. Yeah we just released a CD. Unfortunately the last 3 songs we've done arent there, but we are working on pressing a free sampler with 3 songs attached to the full CD.http://www.overnightlows.com/music/goodbyesong.mp3

Joz: awesome to hear man! congrats on the release! you guys going through indy distro or did you land a home for the record with a label?


Oh, and we're also making a video for one of our songs. We are debating wich one. The director wants http://www.overnightlows.com/music/whatdoiwant.mp3 but we aren't so sure. we may want either http://www.overnightlows.com/music/thebreaks.mp3 or http://www.overnightlows.com/music/myohmy.mp3 because they sound more like first singles. The shooting starts in a couple weeks.

new song:


For the vid, honestly I would vote for The Breaks tune for the first one man. I can see where the director would push for What Do I want first caus it is a little more up-tempo and has that power pop vibe in it, but The Breaks is better writing outta the two even though both would make a cool vid. man. For My Oh My, it has that Cranberries/No Doubt thing to it which in its own right isn't bad, but I'd save this one for a third single possibly man unless you're going for like a White Stripes type vid which might be interesting too... Goodluck with the shoot though man, and if you guys get out on the road let me know if you get up this way to MI. peace

Aedryan Methyus 04-28-2006 01:09 AM

Any Metalheads Here?
Can any of you guys point me in the direction of links to metal songs on this forum that were recorded with MBox 2?

- Aedryan

superpenguin79 04-28-2006 10:37 AM

Re: Any Metalheads Here?

Can any of you guys point me in the direction of links to metal songs on this forum that were recorded with MBox 2?

- Aedryan

Aedryan: honestly I cannot provide any direction to metal tunes on here that I recall in specific. We've been through several thousand pages of posts and maybe some metal writers may be able to help you on this one. However, were you looking to check out how the Mbox2 pre's? Regardless of how a metal tune in here sounds on the Mbox2, there is a little more to the sound than just the Mbox honestly like mic placement, room acoustics..etc.. but if you are looking for tunes to just jam to and check out, then this is certainly the place. I can honestly say that there is a wide range of talent in here. Goodluck in your search. peace

Roy Howell 04-29-2006 12:44 AM

Re: Congrats Roger, I just took the big Plunge too


Roy........... You wouldn't by any chance be offering up some mandolins for this would you? I'd be happy to send over some files

Hi Wheel...
I can try something on it...maybe some mando or a few guit licks to color it up...... email me an mp3 of it with a countoff(just anything) to paste to my track so you can sync me up when I'm done. It sounds freeform(?), as in not to a click, so I just need the countoff for syncing up later. Hopefully I can try something pretty soon. ~Roy

Roy Howell 04-29-2006 01:08 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Joz.....great job on the goodbye song, as always...good song...great arrangement and mix. Good luck with your video shoot as well.


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