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Roy Howell 03-15-2006 10:55 PM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Hi Nippamuk...very good to hear from you... ...absolutely, email me the song and I'll be glad to post it.(anxious to hear it too.) So, the hamsters are still chugging along, huh?.......hehe


Naagzh 03-15-2006 11:39 PM

Re: New Client...

Hey folks... I've got a new client and I'm working on a new single for them... I mainly work alone and I'm really needing a second set of ears for this one... if you get a chance, give this tune a listen and give me your 2 cents.

This song is from a Power Pop, rock n roll band... I think they will be doing very well in a couple years... they are also young kids... teenagers...

Here is the link:

Agree with the other post. Just a bit more low end from the bass. Maybe boost the bass and drums just a touch during the transition from verse to chorus. Here's two more cents.

On the drums: 1) more thwack from the kick, EQ-wise. After, hit it with a limiter to even it out, and mix it in louder. 2) Snare sounds real good. 3) Floor tom's a touch too loud during the verses, and maybe needs more EQ (try scooping around 400Hz, and a gentle, narrow boost around 100Hz, as well as some light compression). Also, a roomier vibe on the drums during the verses would be appropriate. If you tracked any room mics, mix em in more during this part.

On the vocals: 1) Get rid of most of the reverb on the lead vocal during the verse. 2) It sounds like you may have de-essed the vocals too much. I can barely hear the consonants, but it might just be the singer's lack of anunciation. If the vocal's reverb doesn't have any pre-delay, try about 20 msec to bring back the clarity to the lead vocal. 4) Pan the backup vocals out to the sides a bit more. 5) If you haven't already, sneak in a heavily compressed vocal track underneath the original during the chorus, for added punch.

On the song: 1) Turn the rhythm guitars down a bit during the verse and bridge. 2) Maybe pan the center guitar off to one side during the bridge (it's fighting for space with the vocals), and maybe a flange or phaser or filter or something weird on it (or the vocals, or both), just to set the bridge apart from the rest of the song.

Keep it up!

er1c 03-16-2006 11:39 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hello all


All stuff is made by a Powermac Quad and Protools LE 7

er1c 03-16-2006 11:39 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hello all


All stuff is made by a Powermac Quad and Protools LE 7

doylemusic 03-16-2006 02:56 PM

Re: Re-vamped somewhat

Nice stuff, man teh guitars really fill out the entire spectrum I really like the width you are getting. Good work my friend. I'd say the vox need a touch more space/verb/delay but that's a preference thing. Thanks

Andy-O 03-16-2006 09:08 PM

Re: Tell me what you think
Really nice chords...sounds like an excellent bed for vocals, and I'de like to hear when it's done. "

Agreed. bouncy, yet it flowed and it's pretty uplifting. I definately see vocals sitting in there well.

Check out:

www.myspace.com/andystunes for my 2 new recordings.

Thanks for any input. Always trying to improve my mixes.

-jj- 03-17-2006 01:44 PM

National Napalm Syndicate
Hi, sorry about advertisement but I get my own copy of old finnish trashmetal-band National Napalm Syndicate new "Resurrection Of The Wicked" album. (It will be release 30. march world wide by Trinity Records) Recordings are made by digi001/PTLE 6.4 in Helgate sudio. I was a studio engineer ("Jesse"/"Jesus"/Hesus"/"Jeesus" ext.). Mixing was made in HD studio (Tonebox/Kakke Vähäkuopus) There is few sample of music. I´m very proud about results

Spirithunter 03-19-2006 06:46 AM

Re: National Napalm Syndicate
Hey -jj- Killer mix love it! Nice job.


-jj- 03-20-2006 07:59 AM

Re: National Napalm Syndicate
Thanx´s man. I listened Frozenbones tracks and Devil´s maze part I Kick ass!! Workinkg like a train toilet (expression in finland, = workin F**Kin well) Great atmosphere on the song and great sounds.

Spirithunter 03-20-2006 11:13 AM

Re: National Napalm Syndicate
Thanks for good words -jj-!

Man i just finish listening to your tracks again and i love the way those guitars sound! Sweet!


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