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davec 11-18-2005 09:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi yall! Spent the last few weeks on remastering projects and writing new material. Here's a sample of my contribution to the world (no ego intended ). The new stuff is first cut so hope you don't cringe too much on the sucky vocal tracks... enjoy!

My Sample Music Portfolio

Shan 11-19-2005 12:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi yall! Spent the last few weeks on remastering projects and writing new material. Here's a sample of my contribution to the world (no ego intended ). The new stuff is first cut so hope you don't cringe too much on the sucky vocal tracks... enjoy!

My Sample Music Portfolio

HOLY CRAP!!! The man returns again!!!! Time to update your Davec test bro. Buffer size has ALWAYS been the big question over the past 5 years by all the newbies. Just sent ya an email.


davec 11-19-2005 12:57 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool... I didn't get the email

Shan 11-19-2005 12:59 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Email me then to make sure I have the address correct and I will resend it.


Spirithunter 11-20-2005 06:57 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi all! I have here my lastest from Frozenbones called "Two Faced"

I recorded this with "79"Dean V Guitar,Vox Amp,Blue(Baby) mic into LA-610. Bass was direct to La-610 and Keyboards direct into Digi002R. The vocals were recorded with Shure58 and Rode NT-1 going into M-box.Vocals are done at a different location.

Thanks for the listen and input Chris on "Divided" I have been messing with it but have not come yet.Still working at it.

Thanks for the listen all!



doylemusic 11-21-2005 03:26 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi yall! Spent the last few weeks on remastering projects and writing new material. Here's a sample of my contribution to the world (no ego intended ). The new stuff is first cut so hope you don't cringe too much on the sucky vocal tracks... enjoy!

Welcome back man!

davec 11-21-2005 07:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks man. I;ve been away from the DUC since almost 5 years but only 2 of those years was I away from PT life

phatsack 11-21-2005 07:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

^^"Werewolf Girl" was my first attempt at using PT, check it out it's at the top of the list on the link above

underbiteman 11-21-2005 08:06 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by underbiteman

underbiteman 11-21-2005 08:26 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!! *DELETED*
Post deleted by underbiteman

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