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superpenguin79 11-11-2005 10:18 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

Good lord. That DUC track is a monster. lol.

The harmonica player, bassist and newbie are the stars.

yes, was a lot of fun to collab on. Kenny aka bassbuddy from the boards laid down the harmonica and bass, and I am not sure who you are talking about for the newbie man.. Credits are on the site link though. thanks for giving it a listen peace

tempest18 11-11-2005 01:02 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

hey all, I'd love to know what all you pros think of my production.


Not bad for an amateur :P

I liked it. Guitars do sound a little boxy at the start but I wouldnt touch this mix ever again, just change your techinque for future reference.

Love the sound of the drums too!

Chris Tempest

test tube AUDIO 11-13-2005 12:33 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...

skylines end - letter

mezza9 11-13-2005 08:01 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
A short mixtest with PTLE7.

Download HERE

Any comments appreciated. Cheers

Icon1 11-13-2005 05:57 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
So, I know these aren't the greatest mixes or anything like that. But I think they are good songs. Let me know what you think. http://www.myspace.com/christophercollinsmusic

superpenguin79 11-14-2005 10:30 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Test Tube: not bad on the track, the only thing that catches my ears as slightly off is the harmony vocal on the :30 second mark, and it would sound cool mastered a little hotter if you guys haven't already mastered it, but otherwise its a rockin' track man! keep up the cool work! peace

superpenguin79 11-14-2005 10:33 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
mezza9: not bad, and kind of a cool trippy vibe to the track. enjoy the new PT 7! peace

Joz 11-15-2005 03:47 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

Well done as usual. I think you could experiment with bass tone to really make this tune jump out. Make the bass "bigger than life" in the choruses. It's the right idea after the bridge...but I think the bass needs it in all the choruses and could come up a bit to function as the driving force behind those sections.


Weird, it does have that Bass sound on the choruses as well, and I hear it clearly in my monitors.


Joz 11-15-2005 03:51 AM

Protein, the weird bass thing in the guitar, sounds like one specific EQ band. just find it and cut it, and you'll also be able to hear the vocals better.


hornedrum 11-18-2005 06:27 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's my new tunes.
Updated form page 1 of this thread i think, long time ago now ;-)



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