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IntelDoc 09-28-2005 06:55 AM

Summertime new \"T.R.\" tune
Have not been around much, but here is another one that I finished up for the Rothman project. This is more of a G. Love "free vibe" kinda tune. Had some fun with it.


I have posted this awhile ago, but it was just guitar. We redid it, and mixed a lot of extras in it. Jstunner played the bass parts for us and emailed me the file. Love the Internet.



superpenguin79 09-28-2005 10:24 AM

Re: Summertime new \"T.R.\" tune
Doc: new version of the Rothman tune is great man! you guys have a great groove going on this one and hats off to jstunner on the groove for the bassline also dude. For some reason I hear some form of trumpet towards the end where the break down hits also and then to ride out the last choruses.. might just be the fact that Lemix has drilled trumpets into my brain on the DUCthang track that we've been working on though... hehe Great work on this one though man! btw.. does Rothman have a website? I was meaning to ask you that. Good go have you back on the boards also dude. peace

IntelDoc 09-28-2005 12:12 PM

Re: Summertime new \"T.R.\" tune
Thanks man! It works better.

Toms site is:



superpenguin79 09-28-2005 01:18 PM

Re: Summertime new \"T.R.\" tune
dude, per his site he is just a young kid! lol I thought from his tunes that he would be a dude about mid 30's or something writing like that. heheh He should go drop a copy of his record when you guys finish it up to a label somewhere man. thanks for the link. peace

IntelDoc 09-28-2005 06:06 PM

Re: Summertime new \"T.R.\" tune
He is 19 or possibly 20 now, but 19 still I think. Been working with him since 17. Good kid and been through a lot.

He is promoting it pretty big when it is all said and done.

Thanks man,

FormerlyKnownAsMrT 09-29-2005 04:27 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hi guys.
It's been a long time I haven't been on that board. Since I came here for a useless post on the TDM side, I re-discovered this thread and thought I could point to my website (see signature) where you can view and listen to the cheapest video clip ever made.
Everything was done at home, the song was recorded using that good old Digi001 (still there!) and I did all the performing, (silly) "acting", shooting, video editing, video FX, coffee, , sandwiches and so on...
Please don't get offended by the title of the song (as some prude guy did on another board), no agressive/hatred lyrics inside...
Hope, you'll like it as much as I enjoyed doing it!
MrT (who can't login anymore).

Joz 09-29-2005 04:37 AM

Overnight Lows
This is my best mix yet! We are really proud of this song, it was all magic in the studio.


IntelDoc 09-29-2005 06:19 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Cool tune and great mix. I would suggest bringing the vocals up a db or two but that is it. They sit a tad back to me in the mix. Seems that the guitars are up front just a smidge to her voice. Drums are nice for the song and of course great capture of the sounds.

On the oooh's I would pan them some with maybe a slight delay but that is just me. The distortion on her voice seems to blend into the guitar that sits dead center so that is why I suggest her boost ever so slightly and maybe pan that guitar -5 or so ya know.

Where did you track this and what did you mix it on... the big studio again?

Great job man.


Joz 09-29-2005 06:47 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Drums at the studio, everything else at my house, and mixed it at my house as well, with PT LE and the 002
I think everything went through my brent Averills and rosetta. except drums, those were the 002 inputs and the modified API board at the studio. And the clock sourse was the rosetta, I don't know how much of a difference it makes using the 002 pre's with the rosetta as a clock source because I've never recorded using the internal clock.

Weird, the guitars are panned <30 and 30> in the bridge and the oohs are panned 80> and a huge delay to the left. I was gonna do something about it. It's the tone that its just kinda muddy, but then I heard it on my car and decided to leave it. Sometimes my favorite mixes are the ones that have something weird that I would change, hard to explain, maybe I'm just weird
after all this time, this my first mix that doesnt have that digital sound, specially in the high range and and low mids. I decided to tackle that problem! It actually took me not mixing the song in an hour like most of the time

Is that link to your studio? wow I wish I had something like that, maybe then I'd get work


Sharritan 09-29-2005 06:52 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
What amp are you playing. I have loved the guitar tone on all the songs you post.

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