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superpenguin79 09-15-2005 12:22 PM

Re: Work in Progress
Roy: how is the new rig going man? haven't chatted in a while. peace

Roy Howell 09-15-2005 12:42 PM

Re: Work in Progress

Roy: how is the new rig going man? haven't chatted in a while. peace

Hi Charlie...here are some pics of my new desk and setup. I had the desktop custom cut. The desk is 13' long, 3' deep, with a 5' extension...ample room now for both audio and video work(one pc for each). BigBubbaJ(Justin) built the pc(blue lights) for me...and the accent lights above are really nice...great place to work now.







Keyboard in...


Keyboard out....







superpenguin79 09-15-2005 01:32 PM

Re: Work in Progress
Roy: very nice setup man! I dig everything and the blue lights, had a couple of those on my machine, but they died on me... lol I will pray that you never have to move with that desk though man.. looks like she'd be something else to move. hehe btw... in your guitars there, I did not notice any Gibson Songwriter deluxe or J-200's man.. I always imagined that you would be the guy to have a great collection of those type of guitars to work with your strats. hehe Thanks for sharing the pics though man. You reminded me also that I gotta take some pics of my new room setup at the new place yet. Have to wait til I tear everything down from the setup I got going in there at the moment though on a collab. any new sound clips from the new room man? peace

IntelDoc 09-15-2005 02:03 PM

Re: Work in Progress
Hey Roy! I dig the BLUE TAPE around the window! :-)

Sweet room man, glad you are and running.


Roy Howell 09-15-2005 02:17 PM

Re: Work in Progress

Hey Roy! I dig the BLUE TAPE around the window! :-)

Sweet room man, glad you are and running.


Hehe...that's blue masking tape... ...had intended to paint it, but I went for a whole new window which will be here Monday...also bought some killer dark wood 2" blinds for it. Should be pretty cool.

rockrev 09-17-2005 07:11 PM

Hey guys - been a while since I've talked to some of you folks. Anyway, I've got some new tunes if you guys have time to check them out. You can find them here:


"Drive" has been posted here before (though I welcome any new comments, as this is a new mix/master), while "Breakdown" and "Need" are both 100% new. All three of these songs were tracked using a 001 - some tracks through an Octopre/001 combination. Everything as far as the mix is concerned is all ITB Pro Tools LE 6.4 (third-party plugs of course), and the mastering was done in Sony Soundforge 6 and CD Architect 5 (via Waves Mastering bundle). On most of the synth parts I used a Korg MS2000, though there are plenty of Reason tracks throughout. The guitars are half stomp/POD/Amplitube and the other half stomp/amp (Vox Pathfinder, e609 mic). Anyway, I could go on. Let me know what you guys think, and if you have any questions/comments I'll be more than happy to entertain!

Oh, be sure to check me out/add me on MySpace too (see signature)!

MerkRecords 09-18-2005 09:03 PM

Re: Fine - Tom Rothman - New Mix

now i am a hiphop, r&b/soul junkie but this track is just beautiful i let it play a few times. keep up the good work!

Sharritan 09-19-2005 06:55 PM

New Project
Here is a rough mix of a session this past weekend. These guys were a blast. All really young too. Not your typical stuff for this age. Great musicians also. I had a blast. We did 4 total so I will post the others soon. Comments welcome as usual.

All The Time_rough1

rockrev 09-19-2005 10:43 PM

Re: New Project

Very nice performances. I like how there's some dynamics there too. The only things I noticed:

1.) The vocals seemed burried at times.
2.) The drums seemed too hot most of the time.

That's just my opinion, though. It's tracked well, and that's what really matters. You can always adjust the mix if needed.

Nice work,


Spirithunter 09-20-2005 05:03 AM

Re: New Project
Thanks Roy for the listen...

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