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Roy Howell 07-27-2005 12:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy that is awesome man! i was getting major visions of alan holdsworth and jeff beck when i was hearing your guitar.....if you dont mind sharing im curious as hell what your running through to do that.....just great man loved it! chas

Thanks Chas...the dirtier solo stuff is my custom guit through a guit processor...combination of flange and wah...the clean guit is my Strat straight into my old Digi001.(now using an 002)...I'll be using my new THD Bi-Valve coming up.

thanks very much...I listened to 'Lambeau Swing' again recently...great job on that.


strawberry 07-27-2005 08:29 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Here's one of my first protools songs. It's called: "Only One Thing I Can Say" on the link below


The other song "No More" is a political rant and was a work in progress test version, so be forewarned if you decide to listen to that song (I had a newer version that I lost because my Session HD crashed).

These may be the last songs I record. I think it's time I grew up and found a new hobby. So I thought I'd air the first one I mentioned here before they permanently go to the storage shelf.

Sharritan 07-28-2005 06:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is another one of my band that I just did a little mixing on last night. I think the Toms are a little loud. I will adjust later but wanted to share.

Nothing Losin


Riad 07-28-2005 07:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

riad, nice job on the live stuff, the guitar has an especially nice sound.

Thanks man!

millicent frndly 07-28-2005 10:14 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's some new stuff for you guys... let me know what you think. Drums recorded at Last Beat Studios (Protools TDM) everything else recorded at my house on a Digi001... finally mixed and mastered by Derek Taylor in Nuendo.


Check out You first.. it's a rocker.



Jack Rabbit 07-28-2005 01:21 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Excellent, clean mix (in my amateur opinion). Two items:

1. The chorus on the harmony vocals gives a chromey sheen that does not seem in line with the sort of wrought iron authenticity of the lead vocals and the song in general. Like a little pop-spy in the house of rock. At least I think that's what's bothering me...I listened to it over and over. Maybe it's just the harmony itself, like on "I could not get loose or even try"...it's a fourth, right? Is there heavy chorus on it?

2. Is it my imagination or does the kick lose some body in the coda? (And I like the "ow" artefact...I think you should keep it.)

Once again, this is just an amateur opinion.

superpenguin79 07-28-2005 01:26 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here is another one of my band that I just did a little mixing on last night. I think the Toms are a little loud. I will adjust later but wanted to share.

Nothing Losin

Hey Scott, cool track man! I agree on the toms, IMHO the snare could have a touch more snap to it in the beginning. I think it is the way the drummer is hitting caus it seems to even out with more snap towards the end. I dig the guitars also man! peace

Sharritan 07-28-2005 01:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Excellent, clean mix (in my amateur opinion). Two items:

1. The chorus on the harmony vocals gives a chromey sheen that does not seem in line with the sort of wrought iron authenticity of the lead vocals and the song in general. Like a little pop-spy in the house of rock. At least I think that's what's bothering me...I listened to it over and over. Maybe it's just the harmony itself, like on "I could not get loose or even try"...it's a fourth, right? Is there heavy chorus on it?

2. Is it my imagination or does the kick lose some body in the coda? (And I like the "ow" artefact...I think you should keep it.)

Once again, this is just an amateur opinion.

Thanks for the listen. The harmony (really just an octave lower) during the chorus seems a little wierd to me too. I think I reverbed it to death. I may just remove that low part all together. Not sure but I agree that it is a little strange. I removed it once then put it back in and loved it through headphones????? Not sure.... The other harmony is a fourth and it too is only reverb. Maybe a little too much.

2. I don't get what you are saying here? I plan on keeping the "ow" part also. I love it when songs end with a natural flub.....

Again, thanks for the listen.

Sharritan 07-28-2005 01:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Here is another one of my band that I just did a little mixing on last night. I think the Toms are a little loud. I will adjust later but wanted to share.

Nothing Losin

Hey Scott, cool track man! I agree on the toms, IMHO the snare could have a touch more snap to it in the beginning. I think it is the way the drummer is hitting caus it seems to even out with more snap towards the end. I dig the guitars also man! peace

Thanks Charlie.

Jack Rabbit 07-28-2005 02:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


2. Is it my imagination or does the kick lose some body in the coda?

2. I don't get what you are saying here?

It just sounded like the kick drum lost some low end at the very end of the song. But I'm on headphones here at work.

I also forgot to mention how much I like the lead vocalist's voice.

Okay, at the risk of annoying you, I have one more thing. The hooky line "lost inside". The pitch is good on the first one, but the second and third might be worth a retake (or some kind of software fix). It's the syllable "in", which I think is really important to nail because it's followed by that grungey slur on "si-ide", which is cool. It may be at the top of his range, but well worth tackling. Okay, that's all.

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