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Gene Backlin 07-14-2005 06:20 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Nice job Doc ! Good stuff, really good stuff !

Take Care,

IntelDoc 07-14-2005 06:54 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Thanks Gene, it is coming along somewhat at least. Getting another new client in a few weeks. Trying to get this one done.

How ya been?

- Doc

Gene Backlin 07-14-2005 07:21 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...

How ya been?

- Doc

Doin' ok. going through last years concerts and experimenting, trying to improve my technique. I have a wide variety jazz, band, chamber and choral. Trying to get ready for next year when the school season starts.

Actually just finished re-working a choral concert from 2004 that I wanted to specifically come back to because of the amount of room noise that it had. I took about 2 weeks to really work on it, and I am personally pleased with the new version. A major Thanks to Chris Cavell for taking the time to just talk about technique to this old man


Take Care,

Roy Howell 07-15-2005 02:07 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

This is again another version of the song I have been working on for my latest (old) client. Had JSTUNNER add a bassline from afar. Gotta love the Internet. He played a good line for us and sent it up my way. Thanks bud.... I ended up taking it and shooting it back out to the X73i and reamped it in a way and EQ'd it to get a lower tone. Then had the 1176 on it too in order to fatten her up some. Worked well I think....

Took a lot of the vocal extras out and just ran a straight APEX 460 on him. Crushed the hell out of it with RVox and added some slight 2 tap delay (canot really hear it only on parts.) And added some layered verbs.

The guitars were all API with the 435's. 1176 on them, and then the plugin too in the mix to get them levelled some. (BigbubbaJ infiltrated the system and took a session out of bordom and gave me that idea. thanks dude!) Also gated the toms out so they were not so ringy.

The master chain I tried something slightly different than my norm. Ran the mix out to my Trident 80B to eq slightly, bt then sent it out to my 1176's and pumped the compression that way. Took time to tweek and sound not so pumpy, but I got it alright. Then L2'd it and added PowR dither and wha la... I think that it is pretty much done now....



- Doc

Nice job on engineering what you have to work with there in this song...definitely better now...jstunner's bass added a bunch...
The production itself is still missing some things in the instrumentation in places (I say this knowing you're only engineering this, and the client is 'producing' himself.).....Even when the elec. guitar comes in(which is nice), it could use something else, IMO... a B3 would add some great color to it. When the elec. guitar drops out again, the 'missing' elements are even more apparent.
To me, it's too busy overall...acoustic guit, vocals, drums, and the tempo even rushes in places.
Of course, if you and I were producing it, it would be a masterpiece, right?... ...great job on engineering, as usual.


jstunner 07-15-2005 02:50 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Nice job on engineering what you have to work with there in this song...definitely better now...jstunner's bass added a bunch...

To me, it's too busy overall...acoustic guit, vocals, drums, and the tempo even rushes in places.
Of course, if you and I were producing it, it would be a masterpiece, right?... ...great job on engineering, as usual.


Man, I will say it was a challenge to play on the track, for all the reasons you had mentioned Roy, but thanks for the compliment on the bass line. I actually like the song, it's kind of catchy.
Your right it is missing a certain element... MORE COWBELL!!!!

Chris, you did a great job of putting this together!

Chris Cavell 07-15-2005 02:56 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Nice concept there in July. I used to also have a 62 Rocket. She was a feedback beast, hell to keep in anything remotely resembling tuned, and a right biatch to try and play well. It had just such a cool mellow tone though...

I traded it to a buddy about 6 years ago (right after I refinished it all black) for his tele...haven't seen it since.

Given that I've got first hand experience with such an axe...I'd say you've done a marvelous job.


superpenguin79 07-15-2005 04:44 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Doc: took that track home and listened to it on proper monitors last night and it is sounding great man, but I agree with Roy that it needs a little something more. There are points where it is perfect, but others that sound busy as he described. I really dig the part where it comes in with the sped up rim shots on the percussion though and drops back into the main part. IMO I would suggest taking it down to half time after that and building back up into it from there which would sound kinda interesting. It is the clients track though, but just thought I'd add that man. good work on the engineering and what not though man! peace

Jstunner: btw.. excellent bass line to groove with the track man!

fredsparky 07-16-2005 10:44 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Thanks Chris. That was the first thing I tried with the Rocket. I'm going to put heavier strings on and see what I get. Yes, It's a pain to keep in tune, but really nice pick ups. Usually I play my 76 Strat or 69 Les Paul, or acustic. But the Rocket is fun to mess around with.

Thanks much for all your help.


Roy Howell 07-16-2005 07:33 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Here's a real rough mix on a short 2 minute song "July" I did last week. I did it using an old 1962 Harmony Rocket straight into PT. In 1962 this guitar sold for 100 bucks. Actually I need to put some heavy strings on it and try it through my Twin.


Hi Michael...how've you been?...

Sounds like you had fun doing 'July'...I enjoyed listening, and would love to see/play that '62 Rocket sometime. Thanks for the listen.


nightshadecrisis 07-17-2005 01:31 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Took this tune a listen, i think overall its pretty rockin'. The whole mix, in my opinion, is just a tiny tiny bit to compressed(and thats coming from me, Opto 10:1 on the vocals guy )
it may be just the drums, as the vocals sound really strong throughout the whole mix.

Good job on it! Sounds good


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