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powerjoe 05-18-2005 09:32 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Wow, for Amplitube, these are some great guitar sounds, I think! You mentioned you have some great presets . . . care to share?? Could really use them!
ps: May be easier to PM me instead of posting if you'd prefer. Either way!

Hey TDub,

Thanks very much for thoughts on the guitar sounds. When I get back to the studio, I'll email over some of my favorites.


~ J

superpenguin79 05-18-2005 10:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

No amplitube! It has it's place, but I'm not a big fan of that. I'm old school when it comes to guitars. Les Pauls and Marshals, in my case a Metaltronix M-1000 head, which is esentially a Lee Jackson hot roded JCM 800 with a couple extra bells. But yes, the drums are all midi with the BFD plug. Thanks for listening though.

ahh, very cool man! I was going to be like... "you did that with amplitube seriously?!?!" lol Yeah, what ever you did to that M-1000 sounds awesome man!

superpenguin79 05-18-2005 11:22 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here's the newest project I'm working on; they are a folk group called Coup de Grass. They laid down the bed tracks for a 4 song demo tonight, and I really like them so far. Here is what they are doing with the classic tune "Summertime." No vocals yet, but what vocals they were rehearsing looks promising. Unfortunately they are not coming back into the studio for a couple of weeks, so this will have to do for now.

Coup de Grass - Summertime

Nice job on the acoustics man! For some reason when I listened to this track, it made me want to go get some italian Spaghetti and Meatballs... hehehe One suggestion, you might want to bring up the entire mix just a hair and I think it would sound perfect.

powerjoe 05-18-2005 02:15 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Great acoustic sound! Please share what you are using, chain, etc...

Did you by chance use the ol' cardboard under the chair thingy? Curious.

I loved the song and thought the levels were pretty good overall. Nice job.

~ J

Straatocastoer 05-18-2005 03:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Charlie and Joel! These are just preliminary tracks, so I wasn't overly worried about getting all the levels "just right" yet. These guys are folk jammers, so I am not planning on using much (if any) compression ... and there is a lot of room to put their three-part harmonies on top of the music.

The signal chain is pretty modest, actually. The project is supposed to be kept as uncomplicated as possible. They are doing this to make a demo -- not a releaseable pressentation -- so this is what I ran for this session:

Acoustic guitars: one SM81 about 18" off of the fretboard at the 14th fret and angled toward the soundhole, ran into a Great River MP-2NV.
Mandolin: one AKG C414-XLS about 12" away and 6" above the instrument, angled down and pointing at where the neck and body meet: ran into an API 3124+

That's it! I took some time finding a decent placement for the mics and let them have some fun playing. I'll post all of the other cuts if you guys are interested in hearing them, but they are just more of the same -- no vocals yet. They are booked to do the vox in early June.

superpenguin79 05-18-2005 04:02 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Stan, yeah if you have any more cuts I would dig giving them a listen. yeah, the placement on the acoustics turned out really well for this deal. Sometimes I have tried micing an acoustic where the guitarist puts their ear when they play like that also. Usually musicians move around til they hear their instruments sound the best I discovered. hehe

Straatocastoer 05-18-2005 04:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is truly not what I would typically do to track acoustics: I normally use two SDC -- one on the neck, tilted toward the soundhole, and the other over the guitarist's strumming shoulder somewhere that phase issues aren't apparent (usually just over his head). I will use a LDC on the soundhole to beef up a thin sounding guitar if necessary. These guys had nice instruments to begin with: some kind of a mahogany guitar (did he call it a Larrime?) and a rosewood Martin. That helps too.

Like I said, these guys (and lady) are really taking a no-nonsense approach toward the project to keep things as un-cluttered and un-produced as possible while still getting a good representation of what they do. It is fun, because they are worrying more about the vibe than the technical issues that are usually the foremost concerns of most other projects. It is almost like a concept or a credo of theirs for this demo.

I'll bounce down the other three tunes they did and post them within the next hour. As a warning: two of the songs have bass lines are planned for re-performance, but you'll get the idea of where they are going with the music.

SeanDempsey 05-18-2005 05:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is my first real stuff. I am the songwriter, musician, engineer, everything...

If anyone cares to listen and comment, I'd really appreciate it. Be gentle..


SeanDempsey 05-18-2005 05:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is my first real stuff. I am the songwriter, musician, engineer, everything...

If anyone cares to listen and comment, I'd really appreciate it. Be gentle..

Right click to save...


bigbubbaj 05-18-2005 07:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

This is my first real stuff. I am the songwriter, musician, engineer, everything...

If anyone cares to listen and comment, I'd really appreciate it. Be gentle..

Right click to save...


Sounds good! All midi?

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